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WWE Raw in Roanoke, VA

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Just got back a few hours ago. Very tired but I threw this together for those that were interested. I took about 3 1/2 rolls of film which I should have developed and online in a week. 4th row floor seats.


WWE Raw @ Roanoke Civic Center – April 12, 2003


The WWE made its long-awaited return to Roanoke last night after an absence of approximately 2 years. This first Raw brand house show following WrestleMania XIX featured not only the return of Shawn Michaels to the house show circuit after more than 5 years but also the first match back for Kevin Nash.


In an attempt to meet or at least see some of the wrestlers prior to the show, my friend Chuck and I arrived at the arena around 3pm (for the 7:30 bell time event). Shortly after camping out in front of the crew parking lot, we were able to catch glimpses of Goldust, Triple H, Kane, Maven (in a limo) and Steven Richards as they arrived. Goldust was the first to pull in, chewing tobacco as he made his way into the arena. Triple H soon followed, failing to acknowledge any cheers from the small crowd of fans. Later arrivals by Christian, Lance Storm (who came in together), Trish Stratus, Booker T, Victoria, Molly Holly, the Dudley Boyz (who drove in together), Spike Dudley, Arn Anderson (who drove in with Charles Robinson), and Test showed varying degrees of appreciation for the fans that cheered them on their way in. The most we got out of Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash was a wave as they drove into the gadded parking area. At one point, the crewman who was in charge of opening and closing the gate for the staff and wrestlers (and was a carbon copy of Tough Enough’s Big – ball cap and all) was on the other side of the parking lot when Chief Morley drove up. My friend then took it upon himself to grow a huge set of balls and open the gate himself – receiving a big thumbs up from Morley in return. However, the true highlight of the pre-game show was the arrival of Rico. After rolling down his window prior to driving into the parking lot and saying hi to the fans, he went a big step further as he took the time to sign autographs, shake hands, and have pictures taken with anyone that wanted one – especially the little kids (he autographed my Kodak film box so I’m not complaining). I thought that was incredibly classy and, as a result, Rico had a small but very loyal and vocal fan base for the event (I think I was the most vocal).


So after dealing with the event security staff regarding the size of my camera lens, I found myself in a 4th row floor seat – mere feet from the ring. As the minutes counted down to the beginning of the show, the PA system blared tracks from the WWE Anthology set – most notably themes from the Honkytonk Man, DX, Mankind, and Lex Luger’s “I’ll Be Your Hero” – before finishing with Creed’s “My Sacrifice”.


“Welcome to the Jungle” brought Howard Finkel to the ring and, after a very well done rendition of the National Anthem, the event began.


Goldust pinned Steven Richards (w/ Victoria) with the powerslam

- Goldust was a big fan favorite and his case of shock-induced Turrets made for a very entertaining, if not technical, bout. Late in the bout, Goldust made his comeback after no-selling blows from Richards (much like the Ultimate Warrior or Tatanka would – only in this case, he yelped and had full body spasms instead of shaking the ropes). Victoria attempted to make the save after Richards was set up for the Shattered Dreams – however, she inadvertently gave Richards a headbutt to the groin and moments later Goldust sealed the match with his intense powerslam finisher.


Christopher Nowinski pinned Spike Dudley by reversing an attempt at the Dudley Dogg into a back suplex and putting his feet on the ropes for the win

- Nowinski was booed out of the building right from the get-go. Sporting the face protector, he told the crowd that he would have liked to have quoted something from a book we would all be familiar with – unfortunately he left his copy of Green Eggs ‘n’ Ham at home. Oh, and apparently he is the first Harvard graduate to ever come to Roanoke (I got the impression he was looking to leave ASAP). The crowd seemed to be much more anti-Nowinski than they were pro-Spike. Decent bout.


3 Minute Warning (w/ Rico) defeated Maven & the Hurricane when Maven was pinned with a sidewalk slam following interference from Rico

- Both faces were huge over, however the only guys in this match I was interested in were the Hurricane and Rico. Back and forth bout, nothing too spectacular. This being near Maven’s hometown of Charlottesville (where Raw will be Sunday Night), he was given the opportunity to play the hero for the match as he cleaned house after a hot tag from the Hurricane. Pulling out several impressive and rare moves from his repertoire, Maven had things going his way until Rico rolled into the ring and changed the momentum of the bout long enough for 3MW to pick up the victory. Post-match, Maven and the Hurricane hugged to the delight of the crowd.


Test pinned Christian with the full nelson slam

- I was one of the very few vocal pro-Christian fans in attendance. Solid match. Lots of stalling in the opening moments but Christian pulled off a good performance and made Test look like $100. There were successful attempts at the tilt-a-whirl slam, the Unprettier, and the boot to the face – however none of these resulted in the finish of the bout. The end came following a near fall by Christian, which resulted in him arguing with the slowness of the referee’s count. Christian pushes the ref and the ref pushes Christian right into a full nelson slam by Test for the pin. No Stacy. Very sad.


WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Rob Van Dam & Kane defeated the Dudley Boyz and Lance Storm & Chief Morley in an elimination match

- Kane seemed to be the most over in this bout with fans often calling out to RVD “Tag Kane, you dummy!” – even when Van Dam was in full control of the bout. There were a few less than stellar dropkicks from RVD, which didn’t help his standing amongst the crowd. Early in the bout, Morley made it clear that the Dudleyz’ sole purpose in this match was to ensure that he and Storm would regain the tag titles. However, things didn’t quite pan out that way as RVD lands a frog splash on Storm to eliminate the former champions following a miscommunication with the Dudley Boyz. Bubba Ray & D-Von then squared off against the champs in a lengthy bout (which bored the hell out of me, even though the rest of the crowd seemed very into it). Eventually, Kane scored the pin on D-Von with a chokeslam to retain the titles. Post-match, Bubba Ray presented RVD and Kane with the title belts in a showing of respect and all four men celebrated in the ring. After the champions returned backstage, the Dudleyz were attacked by Storm and Morley – with Spike eventually coming out to make the save.


- Intermission


WWE Women’s Champion Trish Stratus defeated Victoria and Molly Holly by pinning Victoria following a double Stratusfaction

- The shortest bout of the night and surprisingly so. Trish and Victoria were very much over with the crowd, which at this point began to annoy the hell out of me with their chants of “Spread your legs” and “I came here to see tities!” It was pretty sad, especially since the match itself was well done for how short it was.


Rico pinned Tommy Dreamer (sub. for Jeff Hardy) in a No DQ match following the spin kick

- After his meet and greet with the fans earlier in the evening, Chuck and I were quick to give Rico 100% of our support against Dreamer and were very vocal of that during the bout. No explanation was given for Jeff Hardy’s absence. Dreamer beat Rico from pillar to post, inside and outside of the ring with his trusty Singapore cane. However, in the end, it was Rico that picked up the victory to the dismay of the very anti-Rico crowd.


Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, & Booker T defeated WWE Raw World Champion Triple H, Chris Jericho, & Ric Flair when Nash pinned Triple H with the powerbomb

- Well done match from top to bottom and the longest of the night. Everyone received a huge reaction from the crowd upon their entrance – which, oddly enough, included the faces coming out first. All three heels got on the mic at one time or another to ridicule the crowd – calling them fat, saying they have no teeth, and (always a favorite) promising to take their mothers home and make women out of them. Michaels got on his knees during Flair’s intro and mockingly bowed to the Nature Boy; Flair was not amused. Booker played the babyface in distress first as he was repeatedly triple-teamed by the opposition. Book eventually made the hot tag to Michaels, who cleaned house for several minutes. The match appeared to be over following the superkick on Flair, however HBK was hit with the Pedigree from an illegal Triple H – which killed the babyfaces’ momentum and caused Michaels to become the victim of a brutal triple team. Nash, who was used only sparingly during the bout, received the hot tag at the climax of the match and laid to waste each member of the opposition. Chris Jericho prevented a Jackknife powerbomb by nailing Nash in the head with the world title belt – however, moments later a second attempt proved to be the charm as it was enough to put Triple H down for the 3-count. Following the bout, Michaels and Nash egged Booker T to hit the Spinaroonie – which he did as the crowd went crazy.


Overall, a very entertaining show. I can’t say much for the more vocal Roanoke wrestling fans as they seemed to hurl obscenities at the wrestlers at every opportunity – which in itself isn’t a big deal but when their 8-year old son or daughter is sitting right next to them I find it questionable. From talking to various fans as the wrestlers arrived earlier in the evening, I got the impression that the vast majority were very backward in their understanding of the WWE. Most asked if the Undertaker, Rock, Lita, Vince McMahon, Hogan, Goldberg, or Austin would be on the card … some spread the “news” that Austin was going to make a surprise appearance during the event … others said Bret Hart will be at Summer Slam … others still talked of an imminent return of Degeneration-X. I didn’t have the desire to debate so I simply rolled my eyes and didn’t say a word as this “accurate” info from the Internet was passed around.

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Guest mickberna
“Welcome to the Jungle” brought Howard Finkel to the ring and, after a very well done rendition of the National Anthem, the event began.

Are you saying that the Fink sang the national anthem? If so, awesome! He and I are kindred spirits.

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“Welcome to the Jungle” brought Howard Finkel to the ring and, after a very well done rendition of the National Anthem, the event began.

Are you saying that the Fink sang the national anthem? If so, awesome! He and I are kindred spirits.

That would have been more entertaining. It was some chick from Richmond.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Let me get this straight, Kevin Nash got through an entire match without getting injured? Nice to see HHH giving the rub to that young, up and coming talent that is Kevin Nash as well.

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Guest That 1996 Guy

Awesome little review cawthon, thanks.


I was watching a tape of last years Survivor Series and it's surprising how good HHH was at selling. Get this, he was selling FATU'S offence like he was being shot by a pistol.


Oh, how times change.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
Overall, a very entertaining show. I can’t say much for the more vocal Roanoke wrestling fans as they seemed to hurl obscenities at the wrestlers at every opportunity – which in itself isn’t a big deal but when their 8-year old son or daughter is sitting right next to them I find it questionable. From talking to various fans as the wrestlers arrived earlier in the evening, I got the impression that the vast majority were very backward in their understanding of the WWE. Most asked if the Undertaker, Rock, Lita, Vince McMahon, Hogan, Goldberg, or Austin would be on the card … some spread the “news” that Austin was going to make a surprise appearance during the event … others said Bret Hart will be at Summer Slam … others still talked of an imminent return of Degeneration-X. I didn’t have the desire to debate so I simply rolled my eyes and didn’t say a word as this “accurate” info from the Internet was passed around.


I think the WWE has lost touch with the West Virgina backwoods hillbilly fanbase.

Shame on Vince! He should have had Jamie Noble make a special appearance or something..

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Guest Lightning Flik
Awesome little review cawthon, thanks.


I was watching a tape of last years Survivor Series and it's surprising how good HHH was at selling. Get this, he was selling FATU'S offence like he was being shot by a pistol.


Oh, how times change.

Triple H, how far your true talent has fallen. For one year you were good and then you fade away.


You know, that sounds like a decent show.


[sarcasm]I wonder though, why Jeff Hardy was off the card?[/sarcasm]

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Guest MaxPower27

When they were down here, Rico was one of the few people to take time to sign a few autographs/take pictures. He seems like someone who generally cares about the fans. He's a tremendously nice guy in person.

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Guest Youth N Asia

When I went to a July house show Rico and Jamie Noble were the only ones to sign for fans.

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Guest Mole

Just think fellas, this is what Badd Blood is going to look like. These people, wrestling on a PPV.


(Note to self: DON'T order Badd Blood)

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Guest bob_barron

Badd Blood is gonna be Triple H v. Goldberg. Goldberg didn't work the house show.


And it's a bad thing that people like Y2J and RVD are gonna be on PPV?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Sounded like a good show. I'm glad Jericho is finally back in the ME's.



Oh, and when will Nowinski get the push to match his heat? He's over like a crazy mofo.



molestomp and I will not be ordering Badd Blood because we already know no one will die at the end.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Just to clarify, but Roanoke is in VIRGINIA. West Virginia and Virginia are two separate states. I'm from WV, and it's not all hillbillies and uneducated people. True, there are going to be rednecks and idiots from any state, but I've seen a lot worse than WV.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I was lucky enough to score free front row seats to a WWE House Show in Atlantic City from the venue's PR woman (the day of the show, there was STILL two front row seats left), and we had the displeasure of sitting next to a couple of annoying kids who kept screaming out the wrestler's names in order to get their attention.


Well, this one kid kept doing it to Rico and he turned around. "Rico!" "Yes!" "Hello!" "Hello" (waves) and he went back to managing the fat guy in 3MW.


Later on I had my friend yell "I saw you on American Gladiators" (he didn't do anything embarresing in OVW or anything from my knowledge, so I was smarkless). He responded, "You watch too much TV."


Charles Robinson was out talking to some fans at intermission, and I got the opportunity to ask him if Bradshaw had hogtied him or the other refs recently. He laughed, but I didn't get a definete answer of out him.

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Guest Trivia247

Nash with the Kliq Knife Powerbomb Beats HHH on some Dinky Houseshow that won't amount to any win on TV or PPV.


yeaaaaa the Kliq is alive and well....in the House shows.

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Guest AndrewTS
Later on I had my friend yell "I saw you on American Gladiators" (he didn't do anything embarresing in OVW or anything from my knowledge, so I was smarkless). He responded, "You watch too much TV."


Rico rules!

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Guest MaxPower27

Rico wasn't just 'on' American Gladiators, he dominated American Gladiators. He was fucking awesome on that show. I wish I had taped it when it was on a few months ago.

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah, I remember watching over the summer....Rico just destroyed everyone.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
“Welcome to the Jungle” brought Howard Finkel to the ring and, after a very well done rendition of the National Anthem, the event began.

Are you saying that the Fink sang the national anthem? If so, awesome! He and I are kindred spirits.

That would have been more entertaining. It was some chick from Richmond.

yeah she sang at the house show i went to in richmond not long ago i think

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Yeah, I remember watching over the summer....Rico just destroyed everyone.

he should get pushed as a 'real athlete' like angle :-p

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Later on I had my friend yell "I saw you on American Gladiators" (he didn't do anything embarresing in OVW or anything from my knowledge, so I was smarkless). He responded, "You watch too much TV."


Rico rules!


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Guest That 1996 Guy
The 1996 gimmick is still alive?....damn ;)

My 1996-ish fury cannot be extinguished.


Soon i shall encompass all!

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and Steven Richards as they arrived.

Lucky bastard, you.


  Victoria attempted to make the save after Richards was set up for the Shattered Dreams – however, she inadvertently gave Richards a headbutt to the groin and moments later Goldust sealed the match with his intense powerslam finisher.

I hope for Victoria's sake, they are NOT trying to split them up.

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- Kane seemed to be the most over in this bout with fans often calling out to RVD “Tag Kane, you dummy!” – even when Van Dam was in full control of the bout. There were a few less than stellar dropkicks from RVD, which didn’t help his standing amongst the crowd. Early in the bout, Morley made it clear that the Dudleyz’ sole purpose in this match was to ensure that he and Storm would regain the tag titles. However, things didn’t quite pan out that way as RVD lands a frog splash on Storm to eliminate the former champions following a miscommunication with the Dudley Boyz. Bubba Ray & D-Von then squared off against the champs in a lengthy bout (which bored the hell out of me, even though the rest of the crowd seemed very into it). Eventually, Kane scored the pin on D-Von with a chokeslam to retain the titles. Post-match, Bubba Ray presented RVD and Kane with the title belts in a showing of respect and all four men celebrated in the ring. After the champions returned backstage, the Dudleyz were attacked by Storm and Morley – with Spike eventually coming out to make the save.

I think it's kind of odd that in other websites they report that RVD was more over than anybody else in the ring,in other sites they report that the Duds were the only ones over, or that the team of RVD and Kane are way over but this is the first time i hear that Kane was more over than anybody else in the ring, i guess is very hard to distinguish who is really over when you are there live, personally when i watch RAW on tv it sounds to me that Rob is more over than Kane or the Duds but i'm only basing this on the loud RVD chants.

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I think it's kind of odd that in other websites they report that RVD was more over than anybody else in the ring,in other sites they report that the Duds were the only ones over, or that the team of RVD and Kane are way over but this is the first time i hear that Kane was more over than anybody else in the ring, i guess is very hard to distinguish who is really over when you are there live, personally when i watch RAW on tv it sounds to me that Rob is more over than Kane or the Duds but i'm only basing this on the loud RVD chants.

It probably depends on where you are as to who you think is most over with the crowd. In my case, I was right up next to the ring and had an 8-year old hillbilly and his dad sitting to my right - both of which thought that RVD never would have won the tag titles had it not been for Kane.


Also, it had to do with how RVD and Kane were used in the match. RVD was the one put in the 5-minute headlock which killed the crowd ... Kane was the one that cleaned house to wake the crowd back up.

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