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Guest EternallyLazy

Damn those Samoan terrorists!

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Guest EternallyLazy

I say the World Wildlife Fund is just another link in the terrorist chain... secretly funding groups like Al-Quaida and the evil group of Samoan terrorists, 3-Minute Warning that is currently wreaking havoc on the freedom loving Scott Steiner


But seriously... last week's incredibly stupid play on current events didn't bother me, other than the pure stupidity of the whole thing... but this week's struck a nerve. Where are they going with this?

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Guest teke184

Could they PLEASE just bring in Tiger Ali Bin Laden instead? It'll be less painful because he'll be sent back to Puerto Rico within a month.

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Guest Choken One

So Does That Mean


Rikishi=Bin Laden



and Jamal and Rosey are Uday and Qday?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

You guys forgot the POINT that Steiner was trying to make:



Iraq flew planes into buildings.










........ <_< -_- :rolleyes:

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Guest The Amazing Rando

i thought the POINT that Steiner was trying to make was:






that's the point he is always trying to make...

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Guest j.o.b. squad

i guess that woude mean superfly jimmy snuka is the orginizational power behind rock and rikish.


is it really that hard to draw a conection between jumping off a cage and suicide bombing so i guess jeff hardy is a brainwashed member of his cult that must be where emageyenation comes from the superfly nation

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Guest jester
i thought the POINT that Steiner was trying to make was:






that's the point he is always trying to make...

...which reminded Stephanie of the hideous treatment her father bravely endured at the hands of the justice system. I'm sure glad I learned international politics from WWE.


Personally, I can't wait for the yet another simplistic evil foreigner tag team gimmick. If it ain't American, it's evil. Eating English muffins is unpatriotic.


And if they give Gail Kim an evil Japanese gimmick I will strangle myself.

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Guest razazteca

I thought the point was that Scott Steiner was a big fan of Public Enemy's song 911.


Rap is not Crap

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Guest AndrewTS
And if they give Gail Kim an evil Japanese gimmick I will strangle myself.


Geez, she's Korean-Canadian. Wouldn't even be close.


Besides, Japanese people love American--s' dollars. Make money, not war! Damnit, we teach them capitalism and before you know it their electronics industry is kicking ours in the ass. That's gratitude for you. Damn their lack of appreciation for individual happiness and 6 day work weeks.


However, everyone* knows that Samoans are vague minorities that can perfectly replicate any other minority. So they are the natural choice for this.


Now the Regime/Corporation/Beaucracy/Institution/Administration/whatthefuckever has a the Dudleys, Morely, Storm, 3MW, Rico and...Nowinski?


Fat redneck, black redneck, sexual deviant, extremely boring man, 2 Samoans/any other race of your choice, a gay man, and a liberal college-grad Polish kid vs. the incoherent loudmouth bigot, the burned sexual deviant, and the burnt-out pothead.


Maybe Gerwitz (a failed sitcom writer, remember?) really hoped to have an All in the Family-style sitcom of his own, but like the hack that he is, he overbooked. Plus the Dudleys should really be on the opposite side.


*[meaning every person with McMahon blood in their veins]

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Guest treble charged

You guys think they're going to pair Les Nouvelles with Nowinski?

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Guest AndrewTS
You guys think they're going to pair Les Nouvelles with Nowinski?

That is NOT their team name, geez.


Actually, at this rate, I think the entire population of France willing to learn English to get a job may join. That's a good...two dozen more people!


UPDATE!: Word is the Samoans are also supported by Kentucky Fried Chicken. We may have to take Frankfort now...

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Who's funding them? The Million Dollar Man!


Seriously a Ted DiBiase led group of Harvard grads, Samoans, Gays, and French would rule! Damnit book it now WWE!

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Guest EternallyLazy
You guys think they're going to pair Les Nouvelles with Nowinski?

That is NOT their team name, geez.


Actually, at this rate, I think the entire population of France willing to learn English to get a job may join. That's a good...two dozen more people!


UPDATE!: Word is the Samoans are also supported by Kentucky Fried Chicken. We may have to take Frankfort now...

Oh Jesus, God No!*



It's worse than I thought! We're quite possibly dealing with a terrorist network consisting of Samoans, Harvard grads, Frenchmen, Gay stylists, Canadians, residents of Dudleyville and offsprings of Big Daddy Dudley... all funded by KFC/Taco Bell AND the big giant stinky Panda corporation! This must be stopped!


Anyone care to make an anti-Samoan terrorists banner? We must get the word out before it's too late!







*Quote Dustin Hoffman as Ben Braddock, The Graduate 1967

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Guest Army Eye
Honestly, when they started comparing that absurd tripe to important debates in history, I almost wanted to put a brick through my TV.

funniest part of the show last night I thought.

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Guest nikowwf

im all for this angle...i get home late mondays, and this gives me a good 10 to 15 minute stretch to get my laundry started, or eat some food, play with the dog, etc. without having to miss anything meaningful on raw.


although i think its funny the french dudes are using a catchphrase DONT BE AFRAID. somewhat ironic...



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Guest Polish_Rifle

I think everyone's missing the point here. The Patriot Scott Steiner will now enlist the services of the APA who will make their triumphant return at Backlash and team up to face the Samoan-Harvard coalition led by their gay stylist.


Can you smell the ratings?

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Guest Trivia247

Find it interesting that anti War protestors become the Heel, and Chrissy had to go into full Extreme mode to bring it to fact, while Mr. USA Big CRIPPLE Gimp defends the Americana from the EVVVVVILLLL of a Heel Intelligent lil nothing like Christopher Nowinski.


and as for the Samoans...... They will be performing Suicide Headbutting attacks In the Memory of their Fallen Shah....HAKU!

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Guest razazteca

I don't know about you but I want to see 3MW start waving their hands and chant "We Like To Party........naaaaw naaaaw na na na"

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Guest bob_barron
i thought simmons retired to be a backstage guy

Simmons unretired. The APA have been working in OVW

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Guest Anglesault

Don't forget, this evil Educated Gay French-Canadian-Samoan Rednecks sponsored by the KFC/Taco Bell/Pizza Hut-WWF coalition isnt above forming alles with big nosed egomaniacs and Crazy old men!

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Guest AndrewTS
Don't forget, this evil Educated Gay French-Canadian-Samoan Rednecks sponsored by the KFC/Taco Bell/Pizza Hut-WWF coalition isnt above forming alles with big nosed egomaniacs and Crazy old men!

Remember who pulls the strings also--Eric Bischoff. He also has his hands in Girls Gone Wild. So drunk coed sluts and lesbians inadvertantly fund their activities also.

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Guest EternallyLazy

So what name shall we use to refer to this axis of evil, terrorist organization?


Any ideas?

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Guest Trivia247
So what name shall we use to refer to this axis of evil, terrorist organization?


Any ideas?

the Samoan Liberation Front

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