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Guest tpww7

One and Only NWA:TNA Week 40 Thread

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

When Mitchell brought up being drunk, I was excited because I thought they were going to replicate the IWA Mid South match where every two minutes or something the wrestlers would take shots of vodka.


Man, imagine meeting Mitchell on the streets and not being aware of who he is. : : runs and hides : :

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Guest RedJed

This is so fucking weird, I just watched his shoot they did a few months ago and he was talking he wished he could be in TNA..........lol

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I've been wanting TNA to get him since his WWE release. He's one of the people that I think fit in with TNA.

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Guest RedJed
I've been wanting TNA to get him since his WWE release. He's one of the people that I think fit in with TNA.

Damn right, I like him with Mitchell too.


Awesome prefers to stay in the states if he can get decent $$$, so this might be a full time thing, hopefully.

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Guest RedJed

Yeah Awesome has a gut on him now (probably off the juice) but he can still go. Just saw some stuff of his from current All Japan and he's still solid.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Awesome's got quite the little gut on him now, but he just set up a table so it should be easily forgiven in a minute or two.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I like how they're using Saturn. He's just being played as a tough guy that no one likes and people come in to take him out.

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Guest Army Eye

First TNA I've watched in a while.. Mainly ordered it for the XXX match. It's a pretty good show so far.


Minister still delivers flawless promos I see.


Was great to see Mike Awesome but he is FAT!! He looks bad bad bad.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Awesome needs to do some cardio. He's at a slow rate of speed tonight, though he's taking the usual nice bumps.

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Guest RedJed

I wonder if they will have a new commish show up tonight.......if so, its gotta be either Foley or Magnum TA

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He's doing all his usual big spots he's just doing them slower and with a belly. That's something that can improve...but at least he hasn't gotten lazy.

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Guest tpww7

Last time I saw Awesome was in a dark match at a SD taping here in Aug. He was slow and sluggish then too. But I contribute that to his knee at the time.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Sandman runs in for the pointless run-in. Short three-on-three, and the table doesn't get used!?!?!?!?


Jeff is throwing weapons all over the back.

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Guest RedJed

Makes sense why Awesome isn't with the ECW guys and even feuding with them when you think about it.


Bet they'll make the match later a six man.


The fuck is Jarrett doin???

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Guest RedJed

I really hope they are just teasing this breakup.......I cant see why anyone would think they should be broken up.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Mike Awesome coming in could be good, hopefully he gets in better shape though.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



I like this idea for Siaki to guide David Young's career.

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