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Guest tpww7

New Backlash card

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Guest tpww7

The Backlash show has been revamped, and I'm not sure for the better. There was no hype at all last night for a Hogan vs. Piper match, so I'm assuming that is now scrapped. The announced card at this point is:

*Rock vs. Bill Goldberg

*Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena or Chris Benoit (taped last night, check spoilers if you're interested in outcome)

*Booker T & Kevin Nash & Shawn Michaels vs. HHH & Ric Flair & Chris Jericho

*Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros for tag titles

*Trish Stratus vs. Jazz for womens title

*Sean O'Haire vs. Rikishi

*Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show

I'm presuming a three-way with Dudleys vs. Storm & Morley vs. Van Dam & Kane for Raw tag titles,



Rey vs Big Show? Ugh Jesus christ.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Did they just throw darts at the wall?


Mysterio v Show

Rikishi v O'Haire

More crap to come...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Let's see...


Rock vs. Bill Goldberg


I have no interest in this match...but I understand why people would. Not the worst thing they've booked lately.


*Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena or Chris Benoit (taped last night, check spoilers if you're interested in outcome)


Should be good.


*Booker T & Kevin Nash & Shawn Michaels vs. HHH & Ric Flair & Chris Jericho


6 mans have a way of masking how bad some people are...but I don't think Jericho can carry everyone. Nash sucks.


*Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros for tag titles




*Trish Stratus vs. Jazz for womens title




*Sean O'Haire vs. Rikishi




*Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show


WTF??? Boy...I hope Rey wins.


I'm presuming a three-way with Dudleys vs. Storm & Morley vs. Van Dam & Kane for Raw tag titles


RVD doesn't work ppvs!!!! Sure they can go on RAW and have 15 minute matches every week...but ppv? NEVER!!

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Guest tpww7

They were building to a Rey/Tajiri vs Team Angle match at Backlash, with Rey/Tajiri winning that non title match. I wonder what will happen with that. Also, what happened to the Matt-Rey feud? I heard it was going to be replaced by Matt/Kendrick but that does not seem to be listed.

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Guest eiker_ir

when was the last time Rikishi wrestled a match at a PPV not counting the Royal Rumble?

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Guest AndrewTS
That card blows.

That about sums up my feelings, too.


The Chick Title Match and the SD Tag Title Match should be good. The rest will most likely suck.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

*Rock vs. Bill Goldberg

Rock has his work cut out for him hear.


*Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena or Chris Benoit

(taped last night, check spoilers if you're interested in outcome)

The only match that has me interested.


*Booker T & Kevin Nash & Shawn Michaels vs. HHH & Ric Flair & Chris Jericho

Should be alright, but I don't care.


*Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros for tag titles

Should be good, but I've seen it. I will enjoy it, but its not something that would convince me to order the card.


*Trish Stratus vs. Jazz for womens title



*Sean O'Haire vs. Rikishi

There is no reason this should be on a joint PPV.


*Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show

What the hell is this even doing there? Normally, I would want to keep Show & Rey Rey as far apart as possible. Major style clash.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Who needs a Cruiserweight Title match when we can have Rikiski and the Big Show on Pay Per View, this is one of the worse cards they've put out in quite a while.

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Well Backlash has always sucked since it follows WrestleMania so with that in mind I think this particular show is just as watchable as all the others.


*Rock vs. Bill Goldberg

Goldberg goes over. If Rock can carry Goldberg like DDP did, we'll be okay.


*Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena or Chris Benoit (taped last night, check spoilers if you're interested in outcome)

Lots of potential either way.


*Booker T & Kevin Nash & Shawn Michaels vs. HHH & Ric Flair & Chris Jericho

Seeing this match live was pretty cool. I think that had to do with the guys in the ring more than it had to do with the match itself. I think just about everyone is predicting Nash to score the pin here, probably over Triple H. However, if Booker scored the pin ... I could dig that.


*Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros for tag titles

I loved their series from earlier this year and thought they could have held off on Team Angle winning the belts until WrestleMania - with the right buildup that match could have drawn huge heat. These guys always work well together. Team Angle retains.


*Trish Stratus vs. Jazz for womens title

Trish has picked up her game SO much over the past year. Jazz probably walks away with the belt. Note to WWE - get more face women with in-ring talent.


*Sean O'Haire vs. Rikishi

I could get into this if it's a replay of Jannetty / Borga from Summer Slam (with O'Haire being Borga, of course). Give it 3-5 minutes and have O'Haire kill Rikishi.


*Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show

Yeah, okay, so Show sucks when it comes to workrate. I can look over that. This is a nice little comedy match that is going to put massive face heat on Rey, not that he needs it. The result here won't really do much for either man's career - it's not like if Show pulls out a close victory that Rey won't go anywhere. Although I'd like to see Rey go over (but if he does, there will be a ton of interference).


I'm presuming a three-way with Dudleys vs. Storm & Morley vs. Van Dam & Kane for Raw tag titles

Okay, this match more than any other will blow. I couldn't get into it in Roanoke and I won't get into it on PPV.


The only match I would rather not watch is the Raw tag title bout. Everything else is passable. Maybe not 5 star - but passable.

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Guest RepoMan

*Rock vs. Bill Goldberg

-Most logical booking. Match will be decent. No complaints here.


*Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena or Chris Benoit (taped last night, check spoilers if you're interested in outcome)

-Will be good or decent depending on the match-up. Get build up either way.


*Booker T & Kevin Nash & Shawn Michaels vs. HHH & Ric Flair & Chris Jericho

-Seems like it should be a main event of Raw instead of a PPV, could be decent or could really suck. Not a horrible idea



*Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros for tag titles

Should be good. I am pleased.


*Trish Stratus vs. Jazz for womens title

Should be decent to good.


*Sean O'Haire vs. Rikishi

Not as bad as most pepole seem to think. I'm somewhat of an O'Hair mark. Rikishi is annoying, but by no means a horrible worker. Good match to curtain jerk.


*Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show



I don't find that anything horrible, but there's nothing that makes me want to shell out $35. Luckily I get to see it for free. Not that I'm remotly excited about it though.

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Guest Anglesault

I understand not liking Rikishi, but O'Haire, at worst, sucks total ass, at best, is medicore in the ring. I never got the O'Haire love. Oh yeah. That Character. That HE CAN'T PULL OFF!

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Guest AndrewTS

Maybe they'll revive the "Giant Killer" gimmick for Rey and have him beat Show and Albert successively.

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I understand not liking Rikishi, but O'Haire, at worst, sucks total ass, at best, is medicore in the ring. I never got the O'Haire love. Oh yeah. That Character. That HE CAN'T PULL OFF!

There is only one way to salvation and that way is through Sean O'Haire!!!

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Guest Anglesault

Yeah whatever. My favorite is how fucking BAD he is at working that catchphrase in. He makes it absolutely never make sense. I'm waiting for him to say "Please pass the ketchup. But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know." He needs acting lessons (Much like 95 percent of the roster)

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Guest AndrewTS

Does anyone notice a trend here?


Steiner--booked on PPV main event before even having a match or getting over much.


Austin--booked to come back on PPV without even having a match in half a year.


Goldberg--booked to be in PPV main event before having a match, and hasn't exactly gotten over enough to warrant that yet.


Piper--ALMOST booked into a PPV match.


SOH--no match yet, gimmick isn't going too well, BOOKED TO BE IN A PPV MATCH without having a single match?!


Yeah, some of these guys wrestled on house shows, but still...ugh.


Yet, RVD has no match, as bps said. No World Title match I can understand. No huge match planned I can understand...


But no match at all?!


I guess because the Kane/RVD vs. Storm/Morely match has been done to death and Bubba isn't healthy enough to wrestle. Blah.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

*Rock vs. Bill Goldberg

The match they are relying on to sell the show. It's obvious Goldberg is going over so I have no interest in it.


*Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena or Chris Benoit (taped last night, check spoilers if you're interested in outcome)

This match could be good, but again the result isn't in doubt.


*Booker T & Kevin Nash & Shawn Michaels vs. HHH & Ric Flair & Chris Jericho

Glorified Raw main event, designed so the kliq don't have to return their Wrestlemania jobs, so fuck this match.


*Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros for tag titles

This match could be awesome and is the only match that I give a shit about.


*Trish Stratus vs. Jazz for women’s title

Match might not suck, but its women’s wrestling so who gives a fuck?


*Sean O'Haire vs. Rikishi

Nice to see them keeping the "every new guy must feud with Rikishi law" in tact. Why this match is on a PPV is beyond me.


*Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show

See previous statement.


I'm presuming a three-way with Dudleys vs. Storm & Morley vs. Van Dam & Kane for Raw tag titles,

Haven't we already doe this? Time to do some thing useful with RVD. It's not going to happen though.

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Guest Coffey

I like the card. Who cares if I know who's going to win the main event? This isn't boxing, the matches are predetermined. If we know what's going to happen, that's usually a good sign to me. I like Sean O'Haire and I'm glad he's on the PPV. I don't get Smackdown, so the last time I saw him was live when he was a member of the RAW roster. Brock & Cena should be good. I know I'll like the main. The 6 man is great for marks. I don't dislike the Big Show/Mysterio match either.


Bah, I'm pleased with it.

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That card blows.

It blows more than a HHH, Nash, HBK 3-way and I ain't talkin about no wrestling match. *rim shot*

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Guest Anglesault
. I like Sean O'Haire and I'm glad he's on the PPV. I don't get Smackdown, so the last time I saw him was live when he was a member of the RAW roster.

You haven't missed anything

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Guest Coffey
You haven't missed anything

Yeah I have. I have missed seeing his entire new gimmick. That matters a lot when you're trying to follow a wrestler.

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Guest Anglesault

He can't pull it off. He really kind of sucks w/o the benefit of a heavily produced vignette. And he still is only mediocre in the ring.

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Guest Coffey

Any combination. I just cling to certain wrestlers for random reasons. I can't really explain it. If I think a wrestler has a certain look, I just like em. It has nothing to do with what they do on screen...it's more of a first impression sort of thing.

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Guest snuffbox
That card blows.

It blows more than a HHH, Nash, HBK 3-way and I ain't talkin about no wrestling match. *rim shot*

wow..you even managed to include the 'rim' referance here... fagtastic

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That card blows.

It blows more than a HHH, Nash, HBK 3-way and I ain't talkin about no wrestling match. *rim shot*

wow..you even managed to include the 'rim' referance here... fagtastic

Thank you very much! *takes a bow* Damnit "fagtastic" sig worthy!

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Guest AndrewTS
Any combination. I just cling to certain wrestlers for random reasons. I can't really explain it. If I think a wrestler has a certain look, I just like em. It has nothing to do with what they do on screen...it's more of a first impression sort of thing.

I don't understand it whatsoever, but at least you're honest about it and simply state it for what it is, rather than venomously defending X wrestler and attacking everyone else for hating X wrestler.


That being said, after watching the tape of Raw briefly--wow, Jeff would have been perfect if he were out there hanging with Shawn. He seemed like he'd be right at home during that Clique segment.

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That being said, after watching the tape of Raw briefly--wow, Jeff would have been perfect if he were out there hanging with Shawn. He seemed like he'd be right at home during that Clique segment.

Maybe that's why Jeff left for personal reasons? Jealousy?

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Guest Coffey
Any combination. I just cling to certain wrestlers for random reasons. I can't really explain it. If I think a wrestler has a certain look, I just like em. It has nothing to do with what they do on screen...it's more of a first impression sort of thing.

I don't understand it whatsoever, but at least you're honest about it and simply state it for what it is, rather than venomously defending X wrestler and attacking everyone else for hating X wrestler.

Why would I give a shit what other people thought? I'm my own person with my own opinions. :) I like a lot of people that get shit on these boards. Like Hogan & Goldberg.

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