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Guest Beezel

Promo: Retrospect

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Guest Beezel

"Suddenly, I don't think returning to the SWF was a bright move."


Beezel sits and contemplates what he is viewing on the television screen in front of him.


"Neither of them set up the table, but between then and now it WAS, and I don't think Johnny's gonna be moving for a while!" Stevens calls, leaning to catch a view of the table and the destroyed secret agent.


"I don't think Mike will be either! Look behind him, Stevens!" Riley chortles, as stepping over the ropes, on the opposite side of the ring, is Janus, blood staining his forehead. The giant has a grim smile on his face, as he stands on the opposite side of the ring. The crowd starts chanting "Behind You!" at the ring, and catching the hint, Siclen turns around...just in time to catch a thunderous Gore to the ribcage that slams him between the ropes and sends him tumbling to the floor! Standing tall in the ring, Janus looks down at the carnage, then looks around at the implements in the ring.


The man they call El Scorcho winces at the sight of Mike Van Siclen receiving a gore from Janus. His hands subconciously go to his own ribs in sympathy. Quick math runs through his head, working out the physics of someone lighter than Siclen taking a move from someone that big.




Beezel turns off the VCR, allowing the sound of static to comfort him in his thoughts.


"Alright. He's big, he can handle pain, and the weapons will as plentiful under the ring as fans will be in the seats. So."


A long pause fills the room.


An even longer pause follows it.


A smallish pause comes, but realizes it came to the wrong room and allows an exceptionally long pause to take it's place.


"So. What advantages do I have? Let's see. I'm small and fast so I can dodge most of his blows. My own tolerance for pain is exceptionally high, I shouldn't be worried about weapons. I can do this! I'll prove that people like me belong in this federation! I can..."


A flash crosses Beezel's eyes containing a nearly dead Mike Van Siclen lying on canvas.


"... survive. I have to."


Beezel turns off the television, then heads off to bed with most of his enthusasm mysteriously gone.


"For the best anyway... television is bad for you."

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

HOSS~! > small and feisty. Still, good luck to ya, Beezel.

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Guest Ace309

Oooh. The devil's in the details, folks, and I love how Beezel's handling them.

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