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Guest AndrewTS

Okay, Torrie has got to be worse than Gayda now.

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Guest AndrewTS

If Jackie Gayda actually is coming back to SD as Kanyon's valet, and will only wrestle some mixed tags--that's fine, just ship off Torrie to Raw where she can roll in the mud with Stacy or something. After a year or so more of training, Gayda can't be any worse than Torrie is now.


Watching Torrie-Nidia was just...ouch. Torrie blew every spot, basically. Cross body? Overshot, and Nidia had to cover for it. Nidia actually carried Torrie through basically every offensive move of note, and even then it couldn't be helped how sloppy it all looked.


Plus, there was the back body drop where Nidia landed on her shoulder but almost was thrown onto her head. Nice job, Torrie.


When the fucking TE winner has to carry your ass, please get out of the ring. Your best match ever was at No Mercy 2001, and that's only because you were in lingerie.


Torrie vs. Sable is going to make HHH-Steiner I and II look good.

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Guest Trivia247

well at least Sable at the height of what can pathetically be called a wrestling career was decent for a women's match. She could Powerbomb and TKO


Torrie I think since the beginning convinced herself her only responsiblity in the wrestling world is to be eye candy. I doubt she really wanted to wrestle.

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Yeah... Didn't Torrie and Stacy both complain about having to wrestle when they came into WWF? At least Stacy's learned.... um, one move, but it looks really good. Torrie is completely worthless.

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Guest AndrewTS
Have I mentioned that Torrie Wilson really really sucks yet? Because if not, she does. At least Jackie Gayda knows some moves.

Actually, I think you're the one who inspired the thread. I mean, Gayda's an easy target, because she was stupidly put out there after about 6 weeks of training on natioal live TV in front of a large (for Raw) crowd, and she fucks up immensely. That's to be expected. At least if she's semi-competent now she'd be salvagable.


Torrie just is worthless in the ring and should never wrestle unless it's in her undies or in a pool of gravy or something.

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Guest AndrewTS
well at least Sable at the height of what can pathetically be called a wrestling career was decent for a women's match. She could Powerbomb and TKO


Torrie I think since the beginning convinced herself her only responsiblity in the wrestling world is to be eye candy. I doubt she really wanted to wrestle.

The powerbomb required no effort on her part and the TKOs were always sloppy.


And I think you're correct, but WWE insists on even the fluffers to have some wrestling training. Which sucks because no one wants to see the result unless it's going to be a pure T n' A match.


Yeah... Didn't Torrie and Stacy both complain about having to wrestle when they came into WWF? At least Stacy's learned.... um, one move, but it looks really good. Torrie is completely worthless.
]Yes, WWE makes the girls all take wrestling training even if they aren't regular wrestlers. And is that one move the Test boot choke? :P Well, at No Mercy 2K1 they did a bunch of roll-ups and spanked each other's asses. Oh, Torrie did a really fucked up Tajiri backspring elbow. However, I guess since she isn't fucking him anymore in storylines she forget how to do it.

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Guest Trivia247

kinda sad when the only decent matches on Raw these days is with the women matches among the RVD matches and such heh.


and Smackdown women matches is just Catfight crap.

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Guest AndrewTS
Well, on Smackdown it's usually a T & A match or mixed tag so guys like Brian Kendrick and Jamie Noble can make the match... well, not suck.

Until Torrie gets into the ring. The mixed tag 1 weeks ago was JUST FINE until Torrie got in.


And if I had my druthers the girls who know how to wrestle would be on SD and the fluffers all on Raw, since it actually fits the shows' philosophies better.


Besides, didn't Bisch say "no one cares about women's wrestling" before booking the Stacy/Trish mud match where Stacy threw Trish off the stage? He should have traded for all of the SD fluffers and it would have actually made sense.


Oh, "made sense." WWE. Right. Of course they didn't do it.

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Guest AndrewTS
kinda sad when the only decent matches on Raw these days is with the women matches among the RVD matches and such heh.


and Smackdown women matches is just Catfight crap.

The Raw workrate would be even worse without the women's division--but so what? I don't watch that show much anyway.


Although the possibilities of Ivory joining the FBI so Torrie has an excuse to tag up with Nathan Jones and produce a match worse than Gayda's debut would be hilarious.

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Guest Trivia247

welp last Raw had Ivory on it, so that ends that theory :)


they will have to find another gal to play Italian...


Though gotta admit Ivory was probably the most succcessful Character in the Whole RTC, not counting Buccannon & Goodfather's World tag title run. LOL

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Guest AndrewTS

I meant in my ideal WWE where the women that can wrestle go to SD and just before the fluffers go to Raw. There's no female on the roster besides Ivory that looks Italian, so probably it will stay all male.


And the RTC was awesome during the Chyna fued. Venis impersonating JR and Ivory as Chyna made me laugh my ass off.

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I meant in my ideal WWE where the women that can wrestle go to SD and just before the fluffers go to Raw. There's no female on the roster besides Ivory that looks Italian, so probably it will stay all male.


And the RTC was awesome during the Chyna fued. Venis impersonating JR and Ivory as Chyna made me laugh my ass off.

Yeah. It was funny to watch Morley go back into the JR impersonation when helping The Bisch prepare for his 'match' against JR.

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Guest AndrewTS
I meant in my ideal WWE where the women that can wrestle go to SD and just before the fluffers go to Raw.  There's no female on the roster besides Ivory that looks Italian, so probably it will stay all male.


And the RTC was awesome during the Chyna fued.  Venis impersonating JR and Ivory as Chyna made me laugh my ass off.

Yeah. It was funny to watch Morley go back into the JR impersonation when helping The Bisch prepare for his 'match' against JR.

Speaking of which, I think hiring Oklahoma back would still be better than sticking Coach in the booth.

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Guest geniusMoment

Nidia had as much to do with fucking up that back drop as Torrie. When taking a back drop all the performer giving the bump is supposed to do is provide a springboard for the bumpee. It is then that persons job to provide elevation and roll their body through in the air creating the impression they were flipped by the opponent. No one is strong enough to flip someone in the air just using your back muscles, which is how you guys are saying it is performed.

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Guest RenegadeX28

I didn't see the match that well, since I am never interested in women's wrestling unless it is on RAW. It was that bad?

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Guest AndrewTS

GM: Okay, thanks for pointing that out. So in that case they both fucked up on that spot.


Renegade: It wasn't long enough to be extremely bad, but it did suck pretty hard.

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Guest nikowwf

Torrie messed up with Nidia. Gayda messed up with Trish. Trish is much better than Nidia. Gayda was practically fighting Trish in that match when Trish tried to do something.


Plus Torrie is 100 times hotter than Gayda and is over from her WCW days.


Gayda is famous for letting some dork nail her on TV while she was drunk.


Ill take torrie, thank you.



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Guest Lightning Flik

Woman's wrestling is just crap right now. Cause none of them are really good. Jazz, Ivory, Trish, Molly and Gail (the debate's out on her, but I'll take her as she can for now) are about the only ones I'm willing to watch.


Frankly, Torrie is the worst. I'm willing to place odds that Gayda doesn't suck as bad as she first did if she's given a chance again.


Torrie on the other hand has botched every single move she does almost and every single opponent had to cover for her. I mean, her Tornado DDT looks so God damn awful it's not funny.


I'm quite sure the upcoming Sable vs Torrie match will suck too.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest AndrewTS
The lingerie match was at InVasion, not No Mercy.

No it wasn't. Please check your facts, because I have it on DVD.

It was at No Mercy.


I'm quite sure the upcoming Sable vs Torrie match will suck too.


I guarantee it.

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Guest TheGame2705

I like the real women's wrestlers on RAW. I usually watch it and mark for Trish. WWE can't book women though. Ivory can get over very well as a heel and where is she? Jazz looks like a monster compared to all the other girls and what has she done that makes her all that scary? Victoria is supposed to be a psycho but how scary is she when she's always getting chick kicked in her face?


On a second note, ALL girls have to train whether they wrestle or not. Atleast I'm assuming that's the way it is because in WCW, Stacy, Torrie, and Paisley were made to train and I don't believe they ever wrestled.

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Guest AndrewTS

"On a second note, ALL girls have to train whether they wrestle or not. Atleast I'm assuming that's the way it is because in WCW, Stacy, Torrie, and Paisley were made to train and I don't believe they ever wrestled."


They weren't trained in WCW. When WWE bought their contracts they made them train to wrestle.


However, it's stupid and pointless because any matches they are going to be in suck. Unless they keep it strictly T n' A matches and rarely even do those.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

All the women trained at the Powerplant. They learned shit, albeit, but they were forced to go train.

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Guest TheGame2705

Yeah, they even had a TV special about WCW women training so get your facts straight.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
I'm willing to place odds that Gayda doesn't suck as bad as she first did if she's given a chance again.

Well, first I heard that she wasn't improving at all in OVW, but then all of a sudden she was, but still nervous on camera.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Torrie Wilson vs Jackie Gayda: The match to finally decide who is more deserving of having the "Awful performance in a women's wrestling match" scale named after her.

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Guest AndrewTS
Yeah, they even had a TV special about WCW women training so get your facts straight.

All the women trained at the Powerplant. They learned shit, albeit, but they were forced to go train.


Still, the fact is that Stacy and Torrie were trained again for the WWF, so apparently they did indeed learn jack.


Probably that WCW "training" amounted to how to keep in shape while on the road, probably nothing about wrestling.


Torrie Wilson vs Jackie Gayda: The match to finally decide who is more deserving of having the "Awful performance in a women's wrestling match" scale named after her.


I'd watch that, for the comedy aspect at least.


Whatever happened to Linda?


OVW or Puerto Rico or SOMETHING...they shipped her off with Gayda I think so could be OVW. She wasn't as bad, I don't think, but still pretty much sucked.


Well, first I heard that she [Gayda] wasn't improving at all in OVW, but then all of a sudden she was, but still nervous on camera.


She had a LITTLE bit of mic time at the SD tapings I went to, so maybe she's improving in that aspect.

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