TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Okay, this isn't really a WWE promo, i hope.. my girlfriend left me today, and this thread REALLY cheered me up thanks guys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Austin: Kurt, do you realize how stupid you look with that hat on? Kurt: What? You got me it! Austin: I know I did Kurt, it was a JOKE *rips hat off and throws it across the room* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WhenDanSaysJump Report post Posted April 21, 2003 JR's hysteria gets the better of him at Wrestlemania X7 : "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? WHAT-THE-HELL-IS-THIS?!?!?!" *Rocky is pinned* "GOG-GA-MAMEY! uhhh GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!" JR again : "Paul Heyman is a skidmark on the face of life!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Edge:"Hey! Hey! I just talked to Mom - she's TOTALLY happy that I advanced in the King of the Ring." Christian:"Yeah? She didn't call me after MY match on Monday." Edge:"I know, she told me. [pause] Anyways, that's not what matters. Tonight, if we beat the Dudley Boyz for Shane, we are TOTALLY in the good graces of the Faction." Christian:"Yeah, and maybe we can get a tag team title shot...but I thought they were called the Regime." Edge:"No, the Faction." Christian: "No, the Regime." Edge:"Faction." Christian: "Regime." Edge:"Well, let's compromise. Let's call 'em - the Fac-gime." Christian: "Yeah! We are SO working for the Fac-gime!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Foley after winning the title for the second time ''yo Adrian i did it again!'' Steiner debuting at Survivor Series '' gimme the fucking mic!'' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 21, 2003 "Now I guess they call it the Windy City because, let's face it, this town blows!" -Edge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Here's another one: "Greetings to all of our fans in Memphis! Now as we all know, there were two types of Elvisses. There was Fat Elvis...and REALLY Fat Elvis. But you know the sad thing is, none of us will ever get the chance to find out how fat Elvis really would have been, because he ended up just like this town - DEAD." -Christian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Okay, I know this is the third in a row, but what the hell? Foley (after telling E & C that they would be taking on 'Taker and Kane in single matches):"You guys are SO gonna get the crap beat outta ya!" Christian: "that's MY line..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Jericho: "You think you're impressing people because you spell your name R-O-A-D D-O-double G? You want to impress me? Spell lugubrious!" Paul E. Dangerously: "Whoever said 'Patience is a virtue' had way too much time on his hands." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 21, 2003 "And lastly, I wanna apologise to Triple H for putting him through a table last week on SmackDown! Actually, To be honest, I really, really enjoyed it, and I hope you've picked the splinters out of your ass, jerky, 'cause I can't wait to do it agayne!" -Jericho (as if it weren't obvious) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 21, 2003 It's like a flood of stuff is coming to me! Here's a funny one from Edge: Edge: "Unfortunately, due to the disprofessionality of the Rock, I have *totally* suffered a back a result of a devastating spinebuster and a Rock Bottom. I am in bad shape - I mean, I'm in Golden State Warriors bad shape!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Saturday Night's Main Event (October 1986). Mean Gene Okerlund is interviewing Roddy Piper, who is supposed to miss his scheduled match with The Iron Sheik due to injuries suffered at the hands of Adrian Adonis, Bob Orton, and Don Muraco. Piper: "So what you're saying to me is I can't wrestle The Iron Sheik tonight because some goofball in a dress...and some fat hog...600 pounds on the whole...what they did is hurt my knee, so I can't wrestle? Is that what you're telling me?" Okerlund: "No, the doctor is telling you that." Piper: "Oh, the doctor is telling me that. You know what you can do, little Dr. Torre? You can go out and deliver somebody's baby! I ain't no baby! NOBODY IN MY ENTIRE DARM LIFE HAS EVER TOLD ME WHAT TO DO! IF I WANNA WRESTLE, I'M GONNA WRESTLE! I'm not going to sit back and go 'oh my poor little knee' and let them have the courtesy of saying they didn't let me wrestle. I AIN'T GOING TO SAY THAT. YOU SEE, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD BETWEEN EVERY WRESTLER AND MYSELF! And I thank God for that, man!" Okerlund: He's red hot, ladies and gentlemen, I don't know what to make of it... Piper: "I DO!" Okerlund: "I'm sure you do, Mr. Piper. Back to you, Vince." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Superbrawl III: Jesse: tell me Tony, how ocme the fans boo everytime Eric Watts is tagged in? Tony: Uhhhh...they're not booing they're saying "boom". Jericho: Steiner has freaks? I can beat peaks, freaks, Iron Shieks...(something like that) Jesse: Are we near the Smoky Mountains? Tony: Yes. Jesse: Mountains shouldv be covered by snow not rednecks. Tony: Hey I used to live here. Jesse: My point exactly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted April 21, 2003 ''everybody in that GOD-Damn locker-room knows that i'm the best there is.....the best there was.....and the best that ever will be!'' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Austin: Pillman keep praying and give your soul to the lord cause your ass belongs to Stone Cold Steve Austin! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted April 21, 2003 from the Raw after WrestleMania XIV: X-Pac: "I heard Hulk Hogan come out on television saying that I couldn't cut the mustard in WCW. Well, Hulk Hogan, YOU SUCK pal, so I don't think you should be talking about anybody cutting the mustard!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Lawler: "Did you know that Jake Roberts has barthritis? Every night he's stiff in a different joint." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted April 21, 2003 from the Raw after WrestleMania XIV: X-Pac: "I heard Hulk Hogan come out on television saying that I couldn't cut the mustard in WCW. Well, Hulk Hogan, YOU SUCK pal, so I don't think you should be talking about anybody cutting the mustard!" "And Hogan, don't stop short with Bischoff or he'll be so far up your ass he'll be able to tell you what you had for breakfast!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cerebus Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Two Rock quotes "You think the Rock gives three barrels of monkey piss about the Dudley Boyz?" "Kane in the back doing cartwheels....[voicebox voice] I WON! I WON!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NYU 0 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 "I'm crisp and clean with no caffeine, bro !" - Kurt Angle. That became my favorite quote for a long time after that. Can't believe nobody mentioned the SummerSlam sign incident. *SummerSlam sign falls* Gene Okerlund - "Ah, fuck it !" And I think it was at In Your House, when Sid was giving an interview. Sid - "And then Diesel, I'm gonna....wait....can we start over ?" JR - Sid, this a live interview.... Sid - "Right....and then I'm gonna kick your ass !" JR - "Sid.....very intense here tonight" Meanwhile, in the background, Ted Dibiase is doing his best not to laugh out loud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted April 21, 2003 ''everybody in that GOD-Damn locker-room knows that i'm the best there is.....the best there was.....and the best that ever will be!'' "And if you don't like it, tough shit!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Can't believe nobody mentioned the SummerSlam sign incident. *SummerSlam sign falls* Gene Okerlund - "Ah, fuck it !" What year is this? I must find this show! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Can't believe nobody mentioned the SummerSlam sign incident. *SummerSlam sign falls* Gene Okerlund - "Ah, fuck it !" What year is this? I must find this show! Don't recall the year. But it's been edited out of the tape. You'll need to find someone with the original ppv broadcast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Can't believe nobody mentioned the SummerSlam sign incident. *SummerSlam sign falls* Gene Okerlund - "Ah, fuck it !" What year is this? I must find this show! Isn't the full thing (sign falls) Vince: (off camera) Nice one Gene Okerlund: Ah, fuck it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 21, 2003 So what year is it, then? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 '89 I think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Aero Report post Posted April 21, 2003 So what year is it, then? 1989 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DerangedHermit Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Can't believe nobody mentioned the SummerSlam sign incident. *SummerSlam sign falls* Gene Okerlund - "Ah, fuck it !" What year is this? I must find this show! EDIT: Beaten and wrong. It's SS 89 before the Woyah~!/Rude match. I suck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 I'm pretty sure it's '89 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DerangedHermit Report post Posted April 22, 2003 A WAV of the SS 89 slip up by Mean Gene Share this post Link to post Share on other sites