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Guest Austin3164life

If We Could Change One Thing

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Guest Austin3164life

Think of your top two favorite wrestlers right now. I'm sure we all have a lot of great things to say about them, about their charisma, workrate, and camera presence, but I forgot the last time I heard people actually find the weakenesses of our top favorites. For example.


My Two Favorites:

John Cena

Chris Jericho

[Austin and Angle are out]


One obvious weakness that John Cena has is his in ring presence. He's started to grasp psychology and storytelling, but yet he is another newcomer who has relied heavily on rest holds during matches. Again, he's a rookie, but that's one thing I noticed about him. Plus, his punches are not crisp and look fairly weak.


Chris Jericho has perhaps the same flaw as Cena. His punches are a bit weak, and so are his kicks. I'm glad that Jericho is an amazing storyteller in his matches and can make someone else look like gold, but his offense always looked a tad-bit weak to me.

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Guest notJames

I wish Booker expanded his repertoire beyond kicking. Almost of all of his major moves involve a leg in some form.


And I wish all the guys that give promos would work on not pausing so much, like they're trying to remember their lines. Stuff like that makes it hard for me to suspend my disbelief and buy them in character.

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Hmm... Christian and The Hurricane.


Christian frequently relies on rest-holds, which I can't understand because he's a solid worker. The only explanation possible is that he still hasn't gotten adjusted to working in singles matches, which is a bit nuts.


Hurricane... Well, first off, though I love his comedy stuff, he needs to deliver his lines a bit more seriously. Hell, even his COMEDY lines should be delivered more seriously. He sounded like he was on a sugar rush last week, and that needs to stop. I think the superhero gimmick would do just fine in an upper midcard role, but only if he can make it a little less goofy.

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Guest snuffbox

Chris Jericho

Chris Benoit


They should both be main eventing/champions. Thats all I would change about either.

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Guest Trivia247

sorta out of the format of your original post


But What i'd change is I would halt All Involvement of ACTIVE Pro wrestlers in the creative storyline aspect of the business. When you get people like Nash and HHH working behind the scenes they do so 9 times out of 10 not for the sake of the business but first for themselves.


getting them out of the meetings, let the retired wrestlers turned bookers do the work.


and Allow Vince to get some medication so he can regain some faculities so he can make the final call.

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Guest bob_barron

I wish William Regal didn't have a heart condition.


I wish Goldust was cured of his Tourettes

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Guest SP-1

Rock needs to expand into the larger moveset he's capable of. He's an all-arounder but he sticks to brawling with the odd suplex dropped in. Austin suffers from this too.


I'd mark out of Hurrican became more serious. Like a Spider-Man kind of role, where he cracked jokes alot but still whipped ass in the ring.

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