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Guest myburninghammer

Man, WWE firings are so lame.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Man, I mean, I was FUCKING PISSED when Saturn got canned, even though I knew it was coming, but jeez.

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Guest LLSmoothJ
Without Jeff Hardy on my tv screen every week, lifes gonna be a hell of a lot harder for me, but knowing he's happy is worth my misery. I hope he is because...its taking a toll on my emotions. Now, dont get me wrong, i have insane love and respect for the unique Jeffrey Nero Hardy, as im sure most of you do as well, but i dont think he realized what this is going to do to the hardcore fans, such as myself. We watch this man and follow his life religiously, and without warning, its been taken away. (Personally, i will be boycotting WWE.) I dont want to imagine what a different life ill be living without the solice of watching jeff get in there and do his thing. For my sake and sanity, i hope with all my heart that he succeeds in music so perhaps in the near future, i can have my source of escape and peace of mind back. Without Jeff Hardy in my life, in some form, all that i thought i was ceases to exist. I have to adapt to a different life. One without the man who captured my heart and freed my soul.


No Jeff........................................no life. 




Talk about pathetic... That had to be the most pathetic post I've ever ready since reading about this one chyna fan who basically kissed her ass in his fan letter.


And No, I didn't waste my money joining her fanclub, I read it on an anti-chyna site.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Oh well, one less bum clogging up the roster. Hopefully he concentrates on his 'poetry' or whatever and stays away from TNA though.

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Ye gods, this is brutal.


All I can say is that for those of you who fall from grace, I just hope you're judged a little less harshly by your peers.


I will be the FIRST to acknowledge Jeff's growing disinterest and dercreasing wrestling skills, though I was not surprised to hear about his reported problems with drugs. As a fan, you know when someone is just going through the motions rather than putting everything they have into it, giving 100% or whatever cliche you want to use. But hell, Jeff *did* give the fans some of the best performances that he had to give.


Remember him for that, instead of just piling on the guy.


To do what these guys and ladies do night in and night out, 300 days a year, unless you have the burning desire to stay in it and do it all, you will burn out at some point. Laying the current consensus about issues with the E aside, to me its always a shame to see someone who did have a lot of potential (along with his brother) just crash and burn, no pun intended.


Matt had the fire, Jeff didn't. The results of that speak for themselves.


if you didn't like Jeff from day one, that's fine. but what legacy he did leave doesn;t deserve eveyone to piss on it for the simple reason that he was a teeny-bopper's favorite.. Ricky Morton was cut from the same cloth basically, and aside from his name being used as a smarks cliche, no one craps on him.


All I am saying is, like him or not, respect what he has done.

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Guest Memphis

Quite frankly from what i've heard of Jeff Hardy in terms of vocal work, he blows.


Maybe he should take up golf. Yes I'm sure he could grasp that.



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Guest candie45

I'm glad to see him go because you could just tell he didn't want to be there... but I used to like him before he went to shit and it is really sad to see how he deteriorated. *goes to watch Triangle Ladder match from WM 00*

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Guest hardyz1

Well, I'm sure you've all been waiting to hear what I think. Yeah, sure...


Anyway, I'm disappointed that it went down like this. I've been a fan of both Hardy brothers since 1998 and I was really glad they got to the big time. Although Jeff seemed to be the likely breakout singles star, he just didn't have it in him. I'm glad he'll have time to get his life straight and I hope everything goes well for him.


At least I've still got my namesake, Matt.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

This doesn't the least bit surprise me. Hardy has been embarrassing for the last year, and I suspected something might be up after he didn't wrestle or make the save for Trish last night.

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Guest Redhawk

Has someone blamed HHH yet? I haven't read the whoe thread yet, but if I remember right, the general consensus was that Jeff lost his fire for the business after HHH buried him in 2001.

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Guest notJames
…i have insane love and respect for the unique Jeffrey Nero Hardy…

Nero? I'm almost afraid to ask what Matt's middle name is. What were their parents thinking?

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Guest Pigsy
…i have insane love and respect for the unique Jeffrey Nero Hardy…

Nero? I'm almost afraid to ask what Matt's middle name is. What were their parents thinking?

Nero? Maybe Jeff's fiddling while the WWE burns.


BTW, according to wwfmirrorimages.com Matt's middle name is Moore, which isn't too bad.

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Guest Lightning Flik
BTW, according to wwfmirrorimages.com Matt's middle name is Moore, which isn't too bad.

That's sorta interesting.


Shannon Moore isn't the only Moore in the MF clan. His Mattness is also a Moore.


Ah~! Now we know why Shannon was picked to be an MFer.

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Without Jeff Hardy on my tv screen every week, lifes gonna be a hell of a lot harder for me, but knowing he's happy is worth my misery. I hope he is because...its taking a toll on my emotions. Now, dont get me wrong, i have insane love and respect for the unique Jeffrey Nero Hardy, as im sure most of you do as well, but i dont think he realized what this is going to do to the hardcore fans, such as myself. We watch this man and follow his life religiously, and without warning, its been taken away. (Personally, i will be boycotting WWE.) I dont want to imagine what a different life ill be living without the solice of watching jeff get in there and do his thing. For my sake and sanity, i hope with all my heart that he succeeds in music so perhaps in the near future, i can have my source of escape and peace of mind back. Without Jeff Hardy in my life, in some form, all that i thought i was ceases to exist. I have to adapt to a different life. One without the man who captured my heart and freed my soul.


No Jeff........................................no life. 

Talk about pathetic... That had to be the most pathetic post I've ever ready since reading about this one chyna fan who basically kissed her ass in his fan letter.

Considering how mostly everyone was saying how depressing it'd be if Angle left, I find it amusing that someone would make fun of someone else saying the same thing about Jeff.


Quite frankly, we all have our faveorite characters that would really depress us if said faveorite left. I think "Mike Stratusphere", of the same group I posted from earlier, said it best: "It's just that in watching pro wrestling, you DO become attached to characters.

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Guest AndrewTS
Considering how mostly everyone was saying how depressing it'd be if Angle left, I find it amusing that someone would make fun of someone else saying the same thing about Jeff.


You think there's no difference between "uh-oh...with Angle injured WWE is really going to suck. He was one of the main reasons I kept watching" and...


Without Jeff Hardy on my tv screen every week, lifes gonna be a hell of a lot harder for me, but knowing he's happy is worth my misery. I hope he is because...its taking a toll on my emotions.  Now, dont get me wrong, i have insane love and respect for the unique Jeffrey Nero Hardy, as im sure most of you do as well, but i dont think he realized what this is going to do to the hardcore fans, such as myself. We watch this man and follow his life religiously, and without warning, its been taken away. (Personally, i will be boycotting WWE.) I dont want to imagine what a different life ill be living without the solice of watching jeff get in there and do his thing. For my sake and sanity, i hope with all my heart that he succeeds in music so perhaps in the near future, i can have my source of escape and peace of mind back. Without Jeff Hardy in my life, in some form, all that i thought i was ceases to exist. I have to adapt to a different life. One without the man who captured my heart and freed my soul.


No Jeff........................................no life. 



I like Angle, but it's going to ruin my life if he doesn't come back. It'll just ruin WWE.

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I do think there's a difference. I know that person was a bit extreme [no pun intended] in their fandom of Jeff, but it all comes down to the fact that we all have our faves that we wouldn't want to leave; be it injury, quitting, or being fired.


And that 'Tribute Page' is simply.....dumb. Hey! I like this song! Uh.....nevermind, the page is still retarded beyond all reason. Ooooooh...Raven! And Stevie! Wait...this page still sucks.

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Guest AndrewTS

If Angle were reduced to the mockery of a pro wrestler that Jeff has been, I'd prefer him to retire than to watch him in that state.


Plus Jeff was becoming a danger to himself as well as everyone he wrestled.

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Guest CanadianChick

Yuna, most people would be upset if their favorite wrestler got fired, but I don't think they would be saying that they

have nothing to live for without their favorite wrestllers. Seriously, that girl has some problems. She's practiically

writing a suicide note.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Yes, people were upset when the news broke that Angle was seriously injured and was leaving, but none of us said that Angle was our reason for being.


Not even Anglesault ;)


If Benoit or Jericho left, I surely wouldn't boycott the WWE. She's just taking things too far, especially since Jeff is just someone on her tv screen. Get a life, dammit.





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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That Hardy fan doesn't know how good she has it. No one knows the pain that I a Rob Van Nero Dam fan has to go through. If only the WWE could just fire him and I wouldn't have to be slowly tortured by his use in the company. If only.

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