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Guest notJames

WWE Survey at S!D taping

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Guest notJames

Last night at the WWE Smackdown taping in Nashville, TN, WWE handed out surveys to fans asking for their preferences.


Below are some of the questions asked on the survey:


-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


-Would you like to see new divas?


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


-Would you rather see more sexual content?


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


Fans who completed the survey were given a free issue of WWE Magazine. Reports from those in attendance indicate that most fans just marked anything on the survey to get the free magazine.


Credit: PWTorch.com


Anyone care to wager how many of these surveys ended up in Vince's circular file? At least it's some show of faith that maybe they're listening, but I have my doubts.

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Guest papacita

Wouldn't it be smarter to send that survey to someone who actually subscribes to the magazine? That way they'd actually be interacting with their core audience (loyal marks) and wouldn't have to worry as much about internet influence. Plus who the hell is gonna take the time to give thoughtful answers to a survey at a live event anyway?

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Guest The Tino Standard

Well, at least this is a sign that maybe they are TRYING to get in touch with their audience. Maybe not the best way of going about it, but at least it is a step in the right direction.

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Guest Quik

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?




-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?


No~! Undertaker could kick their asses, d00der! I like that new guy Kevin Nash, though~!


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


Only if Teddy Long brings out Clayton Bigsby for the ultimate grudge match.


-Would you like to see new divas?


Yes. Especially Jackie Gayda... wrestling... in an iron man match... with Nathan Jones.


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?




-Would you rather see more sexual content?


Yeah, because I really enjoy getting turned on while sitting in a crowd that's 90% toothless, inbred male.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


In-ring action? Isn't that what Benoit does? Boo.


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


Like Kevin Nash misplacing his shampoo?


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


Do you mean more HOSSES~! ? I mark for that nathan Jones guy, I see dollar signs when I look at that 38 year-old, lactating prospect.

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Guest Austin3164life

Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


I enjoy Austin and The Rock because they are great on the mic, and put on a great match at Wrestlemania (plus they have huge rub to give). I do not enjoy Undertaker and Triple H on top of the mountain because they are way over the hill.


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?


John Cena is currently my favorite wrestler, so yes. I generally enjoy watching newer and talented (not to mention improved) stars like Brock Lesnar and Matt Hardy.


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


If stars like Booker T and Eddy Guerrero were pushed, why not. It doesn't matter what nationality you belong to, as long as you are a good worker, you get my push.


-Would you like to see new divas?




-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


No, too many dinosaurs. They've been extinct for years, let them stay that way.


-Would you rather see more sexual content?


No, pro-wrestling should focus on pro-wrestling, not on hyper-sexual content or soap-opera storytelling.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


Yes. It's great to see two guys who are athletic showcase their *good* skill


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


Backstage drama can work well, but keep it to a minimum. Only to advance a story


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


If they have potential talent like Brock Lesnar, and have good charisma, why not? If they are as useless as A-Train and Big Show, I'll take a Benoit or Guerrero any day.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Below are some of the questions asked on the survey:


-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?

Not Really


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?



-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?



-Would you like to see new divas?

Yes, if they know how to wrestle


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?

Not anymore


-Would you rather see more sexual content?



-Would you rather see more in-ring action?

World Wrestling Entertainment, and I'm not entertained! :angry:


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?

Cut back a little, Vince.


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?




Every Rose Has It's Thorn!

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Guest Trivia247

heh sure pass them out to the Mass Hysterical Mob Mantality of the Arena crowd.....but they don't dare set up a page for this on their Webpage.

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-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


Hells yeah! Who cares if one can't wrestle anymore, one shouldn't wrestle anymore, one shouldn't even be on TV, and one keeps going off to make movies? Build the entire show around them!


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?


They're all too small! Except for maybe Brock. Job them all to Taker!


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


Yeah! I think Teddy Long, those French-Canadians, Three Minute Warning, and the FBI are accurate portrayals of other nationalities. Let's get us some evil Japanese ninjas next!


-Would you like to see new divas?


What? Who could go wrong with Torrie and Sable?


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


Bring back Barry Horrowitz!


-Would you rather see more sexual content?


Sure! Smackdown needs more Torrie Wilson, not that toothless Canadian midget.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


In-ring action? Like bikini contests and in-ring promos? TOTALLY!


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


Whoa. You mean you can put even MORE backstage segments on Raw and Smackdown? By all means, do!


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


Damn right! Hosses (Bah Gawd) should be pushed to the top! Cruiserweights aren't REAL wrestlers.



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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Are you sure it wasn't worded like this:


Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar (and Big Show and A-Train and Nathan Jones and Mark Henry) superstars?

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


Out of those four, only the Rock


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?




-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


You mean more stereotypes, don't ya? In that case, no.


-Would you like to see new divas?


No. They have enough


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


No. I have my tapes, don't need to see them now.


-Would you rather see more sexual content?


No. If I wanted that, I'd watch porn.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


What? Wrestling on a wrestling show? What a novel idea!


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


No. This is not Days of our Lives, no matter how much Steph wants it to be.


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


More hosses? I'll pass.

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-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


That's a mixed bag...I enjoy Rock and Taker more than Austin and HHH. Putting them together, it's like do you like Rock more than you hate Triple H.


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?


God I hope everyone put Yes.


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


Depends whats meant by 'portrayed'. As long as it's not totally offensive.


-Would you like to see new divas?


New as in Sable? How about Gail Kim.


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


In non wrestling roles, sure as hell. Bring back Foley as Al Snow's manager and I'd be happy.


-Would you rather see more sexual content?


No cause it has nothing to do with anything in ring style.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


Better quality...sure.


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


Drama? Comedy would be good.


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


If they're booked right, I could cope with almost anyone.


Fans who completed the survey were given a free issue of WWE Magazine. Reports from those in attendance indicate that most fans just marked anything on the survey to get the free magazine.


Ooooh GREAT! Expect things to get much worse if this is the case, and Vince actually takes note. The first chance Vince has given for feedback, and the dumb marks(mainly, I'm sure) waste it. Great.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

What the pwtorch article also said is that they were giving away free WWE mags with every complete survey, and that people were writing anything down to get one.


So it will be a dud survey that neighbours Heymans booking plans in Vince's office bin...

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Guest humongous2002

Where's a question that says if i want RVD as the WWE world champ?I'll put a big HELL YEAH.

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Guest Coffey

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


It really depends on which established superstars you're talking about. I don't like 'over the hill' wrestlers try to act like they still got it. People like the Rock bring everything to the table, where people like HHH aren't bringing enough.


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?


Yes, especially if they get established.


-Would you rather see different nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


Race shouldn't matter, nor should you be looking at it deciding on whom to push.


-Would you like to see new divas?


If they aren't wrestling or wasting wrestling time...sure. As long as they just stand at ring side, as eye candy, portraying a valet then I have no problem with it. We don't need 40 year old women rolling around in the ring though. Jesus.


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


Not wrestling.


-Would you rather see more sexual content?




-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


Yes. Tons more. Let them wrestle their own style too...


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


Not really. I'm not against good storylines. Sometimes backstage drama adds to a storyline. However, your storylines lately have been pretty bland. It all got fucked up with the H³/Angle/Steph love triangle. So, I'll go with no.


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


Uhh..did you just try to sugar coat that into getting marks to say yes because you mentioned Brock? No one wants to watch slow lethargic wrestlers. Brock is good. Big Show, Albert, Rikishi & Nash aren't. This isn't 1985. You can't recreated Hogan Vs. Andre, so quit acting like you can.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark
-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


Out of those four, only the Rock


Will I be accused of excessive HHHate by wondering aloud if perhaps Trips had something to do with sandwiching his name in between Rock and Austin's on that question?

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


that's a big no.


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?


No. I enjoy watching GOOD younger stars, however.


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


If by portrayed you mean "given thick accents and connections to a mob or gang of some sort" than no.


-Would you like to see new divas?




-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?




-Would you rather see more sexual content?


NO. Why don't TV shows understand that they can never ever compete with porn?


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


Well, yeah. I mean, I am watching wrestling.


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


This is the one point where I really wish I had a survey, so I could write in big letters "THERE IS NOTHING DRAMATIC ABOUT STACY KEIBLER FINDING TEST'S PORN"


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


Only if that means I get to see bigger i.e. Mark Henry superstars.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I'm just curious for the guy who mentioned getting one last night. Did the thing allow you to write comments, or was it, "Yes" or "No," and you had to circle one?

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Guest Doyo

If this was really "yes or no", then they really are stupid.

They should have it where the people give a 1-5, with 1

being "very against" and 5 being "very in favor of".

Many people would say "yes" to all of those questions

and that would tell the WWE absolutely nothing. They

need to find out just how much the people want to see

of each particular thing.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

It was "Check One Only".


I had thought about writing in comments but was afraid of Vince sending goons after me for being a free thinker.

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Guest cynicalprofit



God I pimped this idea like months ago.


hey Vince and co, since this is like the 3rd idea you've stolen from me, how about giving me a hook up and let me HELP the product.


[email protected]


I will work cheap Vince, I can get Big Show over, and I can make Hurricane sell more t-shirts then Hogan ever dreamed.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The intention behind the idea itself is good and it actually looks like they have gotten a clue - but the execution is suspect. The WWE needs to be more hands-on, they need to get 15 people into a room for 2 hours and break it all down. If everyone says "yes" to "do you like established stars like the Rock and HHH" how do we know they aren't saying yes to just the Rock, or no to just HHH? (for example, hater haters don't hate) And how will each answer be weighed? If 7/10 say they like cruiserweights, and 3/10 say they like Hosses, will that 3/10 mean more to the WWE since it falls more in-line to what Vince wants? And isn't it a bit fixed considering cruiserweights get destroyed by hosses nearly every week and are made to be inferior? Again, the WWE needs to, at each event, take 15 people, sit them infront of a TV for 2 hours and asked them "how do you feel about this". But that actually takes, you know, effort.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


Rock only thx


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?




-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


Don't care. Just don't insult my intelligence.


-Would you like to see new divas?


Yes. Bring back X-Pac.


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


Not really, but Ric Flair has been the most over guy in about 10 of the last 12 matches he's been remotely involved in. That has to speak for something.


-Would you rather see more sexual content?


No. Do not release Vince Russo from the Phantom Zone.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?




-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


Yes. More Goldberg getting into fights with others, plz.


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


No. Use the ones you have properly first.

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Guest jester

I think the problem with this survey is nobody's going to think their answers through with possible consequences.


As in "Sure I'd like to see some older superstars! Sure I'd like a new diva!" Not realizing that this would surely result in something else being cut from WWE, or have its time reduced.


"RVD, the survey says people want to see older stars. So you can hang out at the World and smoke up while we bring in Zeus."

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Guest TheGame2705

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?

Yes I enjoy all of them to a certain extent. Triple H however needs to find something else to grab my attention, he's been too bland lately, same as Austin.


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock? I enjoy watch younger guys who AREN'T green. I do NOT want a NBT replay. I however don't particularly watch just for them.


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?

This obviously means are you sick of the racist storylines?


-Would you like to see new divas?

Not really, I'd like to see some be released (Gayda, Miles) and some brought back on TV (Ivory, Chyna, Luna, Tori).


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? Depends on who...LOD? no, Snuka? no, Bret Hart? yes, Neidhart? Yes, Luger? Yes, Mabel? Yes, Ultimate Warrior? No


-Would you rather see more sexual content? Yes, not really a big part of the show though. Something involving Show/Train/Bubba/Austin and Torrie/Stacy. Anything else, NO.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?

Yes, but it HAS to be good. A card with all matches can be boring.


-Would you rather see more back stage drama? Comedy and intriguing storylines are good.


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars? Rikishi? No, Brock? No, Jones? HELL NO, Show? Yes, Train? Yes, Nash? Yes

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?


Put The Rock on my TV as often as you want, use HHH sparingly if you must but for the other two it's time for the prune juice and the rocking chair


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?




-Would you rather see different nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?


I don't want stereotypes. As long as they entertain me they can be from America, England or Latvia for all I care.


-Would you like to see new divas?


I don't give a shit about the ones you do have so no.


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?


Fuck no.


-Would you rather see more sexual content?


No. It's not 1998 any more.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?


It would be nice to see wrestling on a wrestling show for once.


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?


No. I never really understood these to begin with, I mean don't they realise the cameras are there?


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?


Sorry J.R but you have enough hosses already to last a lifetime.



While I commend the WWE for at least going through the motions of listening to there fans for once, handing out surveys at events isn't a good way of conducting market research. Like RRR said they need to do an in-depth study, featuring a mixture of all areas of their demographic, from marks to smarks, male and female and from varying ages to find out not just what parts of the show they like or dislike, but what there interests are outside of wrestling. They need to understand how their audience thinks and what interests them, instead of telling them what to think all the time. That is the only way they are going to get better, understanding their audience and booking a show that caters their interests.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

They really need to do two things:


* Bring back Mick Foley, and have him do something on Raw equivelant to Piper's Pit on SmackDown. People like Foley, and this gives character to lower wrestlers on Raw. It also takes up promo time that keeps the Weekly HHH Promo within acceptable limits.


* Put back Edge & Christian. Am I the only who notices that ratings took a dive when these two broke up?

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Well I for one am glad that the WWE is doing as it shows that *atleast* atleast they admit they're in trouble and need to turn things around. They probalby won't turn it around right now (and signs are pointing to that being true) but *atleast* they're trying and you got to give them that.


I'll anwser the survey:


-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?

Well, I do like Rock and Austin, but their time is up and the new generation needs to take over. So no.


-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?

Yes. Like I said above, the new generation needs to take over. Plus I am digging Cena, Matt, and Brock and I just know they got a big future if push right.


-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?

Defintley. Without a doubt. Just don't do a stereotypical wrestler.


-Would you like to see new divas?

If they're talented? Then go for it. No more eye candy though.


-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?

ONLY in a non-wrestling role. They could manage a young wrestler and give that wrestler the rub.


-Would you rather see more sexual content?

No. This is professional wrestling.


-Would you rather see more in-ring action?

HELL YEAH! It IS professional wrestling afterall. Although I want talented wrestlers to get the most in-ring time.


-Would you rather see more back stage drama?

Only if it advanced storylines. No useless crap.


-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?

If that means hosses? Then NO!

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