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Guest BifEverchad

Crash (Holly)

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Guest BifEverchad

From the Wrestling Observer Newsletter:


Crash Holly has recently taken bouncing and security type jobs on the side to make a living. Up until the past week or so, Holly was rarely used on WWE TV.



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Guest Polish_Rifle

:lol: That little runt was a bouncer? :lol:


"Funny, I thought you'd be taller."


I can see it now, Roadhouse 2 starring Patrick Swayze and Elroy.

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Guest ViciousFish

I dunno....you never expect the small guys. He got a bar owner down here, a little spanish guy barely tops 5'6". I've seen him remove guys that are well over 6'. Of course he doesn't fight fair but still. ANd as a wrestler I'm sure Crash would know at least a little something about defending himself.

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Guest MrRant

Makes you wonder how those WWE contracts are structured. Apparently you get shit if you aren't on TV.

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Guest AndrewTS

I think after putting up with all the shit he's had to, I'm sure he has fun at that job.


Whoop some ass, Crash.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

WWE lists Crash at about 220 I think. For his height, Crash is pretty put together. He looks strong, and he could probably do okay as a bouncer. And it never said he was the only bouncer in the place. Anybody else ever seen how bouncers go to fighting drunks like sharks go to blood in the water? I thought so.

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Guest Ram

He works for the biggest national wrestling company...and has to have part time jobs.

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Guest AndrewTS

At least it isn't as bad as in the mid-90s. Hell, the majority of the roster needed a second job to make ends meet. :P

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Guest tank_abbott
At least it isn't as bad as in the mid-90s.  Hell, the majority of the roster needed a second job to make ends meet. :P

Ahh... you have proof of this, or did you actually see Bastion Booger flipping burgers at the local McD's?.....Kidding

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Guest AndrewTS
At least it isn't as bad as in the mid-90s.  Hell, the majority of the roster needed a second job to make ends meet. :P

Ahh... you have proof of this, or did you actually see Bastion Booger flipping burgers at the local McD's?.....Kidding

Naw, but up until recently the WWF was notorious for that. We know how Duke Droese was a garbage-man, IRS was an accountant, Doink moonlighted as a clown, the true Immortal One the Big Bossman was a corrections officer, HBK was a stripper, Tito Santana had to fight bulls, and Savage was...uh, a Village Person impersonator?

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Guest AndrewTS

Er...tank, please put something like a Gail Kim picture in your sig and REMOVE THAT ABHORRENT THING!!

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Guest tank_abbott

I'm kinda enjoying the attention my sig is getting at the moment, but since you said "Please", I change it....tomorrow

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Guest MentallyNormal

Is that Alex Wright in your sig? Wtf is he doing? Shaving his pubes?

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

It's Jeff Hardy..and I really don't want to know what he's doing

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