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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

The wCw Belt

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Guest Cerebus
This whole thread just goes to show how the bookers through together an angle that makes no sense just to feed Paul Levesque's freaking Idaho-sized ego...ugh.

This stuff I also don't understand. How was creating a belt just to feed his ego? Seems like the real purpose was to have seperate champions for each brand, and they had just chosen Crips as the first champ.


I wonder how much of this "fake world title" stuff would have come about had Jericho been the first person to be it and how much of this will disapear when/if someone not in the kliq wins it.

Creating a belt was no big deal. Unifying 5 belts into one, having Kane defeat half the roster, and then losing the belt to HHH therefore burying half the roster, burying Kane deeper, eliminating belts desined to lift midcarders up, AND giving the belt to HHH feeds Paul Levesque's ego.

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Guest Sakura

Wait, how does Kane winning like 3 matches before Unforgiven "bury" half the roster?


Eliminating the IC title was dumb but who's idea was it?

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Kane went over most the big names on RAW in TLC 4 by himself. And at that time he was being put over just about everyone he faced. He was given the IC title right before the ppv just to job it to HHH so it could be unified into the World Title. Even though RVD had just unified 4 titles into the IC title right before that.

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Guest Sakura

Right. I remember. He beat Jericho n that RAW to win the IC Title.


Not seeing how he "buried" those people though. I don't understand how winning a TLC match is a "burial" or beating Jericho in a 20 minute main event of RAW match is a "burial".


Is this another case of how on this forum often "buried" = beat?

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In TLC 4 Kane was by himself and after being beaten down by everyone and thrown through a table he still managed to get up and win. Making everyone else in the match look really stupid.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Okay, guys. Looks like you were right and I was wrong.


This is from the WWE 2003 Preview special mag. It shows the lineage of the belts. I tried to scan both pages showing the major titles and paste them together, so pardon if this looks a tad shoddy:


Click cuz this picture is huge

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Yes, that's because I forgot I switched hosting a week ago, and I'm uploading so my connection is so bogged I can't edit before someone notices. :)

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Guest Sakura

I didn't see the match but wasn't it sold like it was this glorious, really close back and forth epic match that Kane just barely managed to survive and win? I mean they gave it that RAW X award and when I saw that show they seemed to be putting it over as something big and not just Kane owning all those guys.

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Well regardless Kane just out of nowhere wins the IC title from RVD who had gone through all those matches unifying it with other titles and then Kane just loses it at the ppv, which I think was the weekend after Kane won the IC title, and the IC title is gone.


I just realized it's quite silly that we're even arguing over whether Kane buried anyone or not since the main point was it was all so HHH could unify the IC title into his since he thought he was "above" the IC title.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

The weird thing is that pre-WrestleMania HHH cut a promo basically calling the Raw belt a direct descendant of the WCW belt (although it appears that officially the WCW belt merged into Brock's belt) and was even putting it down by mentioning David Arquette and Vince Russo.


The fuck? HHH /WANTS/ to hold a belt which he pisses on and puts down as insignificant? I just can't figure out that guy.

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That pic that was posted of the lineage showed that the WCW belt is part of the WWE title and the World Title wasn't even connected to it.


And it was the WWE that put that lineage out wasn't it? That was from a WWE magazine.

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Guest EternallyLazy
It depends on who you ask.


WW_ canon recognizes HHH's belt as having ties with the wCw belt, which itself has a questionable lineage, depending on where you stand on the NWA/wCw International Gold Belt debate.


Smark logic recognizes HHH's belt as nothing but a trophy with no lineage beyond whatever story he and Steph concocted in the staff meeting 10 minutes before the RAW where Bishoff handed him the belt.


The mark perspective lost the whole debate at "hello", and proceeded to change the channel to whatever new reality game show was on Fox.

I think in the end, if you keep debating the lineage bs, you come off looking like a major dweeb


"Get a life will ya! It's just a tv show!" - William Shatner

You know, people keep bringing up that Shatner quote, but Shatner hasn't been able to get past that TV show either. I mean, the man thinks he's a legitimate personality because of it.

I bring up the Shatner quote because I think it's funny and it works perfectly in this situation


I'm not talking about continuinty... I'm talking about the average wrestling fan and how the average wrestling fan doesn't care about "lineage" to a worked pro wrestling trophy. So to sit around and try to make an issue out of it, like it's really that big of a deal and to discuss it seriously like you would a REAL sports title is just kind of silly

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You know, the whole "wrestling is fake" and "titles are fake" argument is a little boring and too convenient for my tastes.


Wrestling is fake, but it does take place in a world where they have rules set up and as a fan, you do feel somewhat slighted when they obviously break and bend these rules for convenience.


Sure, HHH's title and all other titles are "fake" and wrestling is "fake", but does that mean that we aren't supposed to question their logic EVER just because it's all a TV show and that the casual fans don't seem to mind? The last time I checked this was the SMART marks forum, not the MARKS forum or casual fans forum, so honestly their opinions don't matter to me and if it did, I'd go to some markish AOL chat to hear their side.


As is, you can't simply dismiss everything by saying "wrestling is fake." HHH's title does not have any lineage, much less the one of the old wCw title, I don't care what WWE wants us to believe or what they want to happen or what they want us to believe happened. The actual wCw title was unified into the WWE title by Jericho and Brock Lesnar now holds that title. HHH's belt was pulled out of mothballs, dusted off and handed to him as a "thanks for fucking Stephanie" and ego-stroking, "I've got the most pull and biggest dick backstage" gift. End of friggin' story.


Who gives a shit what casual fans think or why we're such nerds for discussing a fake title's lineage? This ENTIRE board is discussion about fake titles and such, so this conversation really isn't any more absurd than any other. No one comes here to read what your buddy down the block thinks...that's not who we come her to discuss wrestling with. So in short, FUCK a casual fan and what they think about HHH's title's lineage and face facts: It started with him, regardless of what that belt looks like and it was handed to him. Even in a worked sport that's fucking weak and that's why even his "fake" title has no credibility.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
You know, the whole "wrestling is fake" and "titles are fake" argument is a little boring and too convenient for my tastes.


Wrestling is fake, but it does take place in a world where they have rules set up and as a fan, you do feel somewhat slighted when they obviously break and bend these rules for convenience.


Sure, HHH's title and all other titles are "fake" and wrestling is "fake", but does that mean that we aren't supposed to question their logic EVER just because it's all a TV show and that the casual fans don't seem to mind? The last time I checked this was the SMART marks forum, not the MARKS forum or casual fans forum, so honestly their opinions don't matter to me and if it did, I'd go to some markish AOL chat to hear their side.


As is, you can't simply dismiss everything by saying "wrestling is fake." HHH's title does not have any lineage, much less the one of the old wCw title, I don't care what WWE wants us to believe or what they want to happen or what they want us to believe happened. The actual wCw title was unified into the WWE title by Jericho and Brock Lesnar now holds that title. HHH's belt was pulled out of mothballs, dusted off and handed to him as a "thanks for fucking Stephanie" and ego-stroking, "I've got the most pull and biggest dick backstage" gift. End of friggin' story.


Who gives a shit what casual fans think or why we're such nerds for discussing a fake title's lineage? This ENTIRE board is discussion about fake titles and such, so this conversation really isn't any more absurd than any other. No one comes here to read what your buddy down the block thinks...that's not who we come her to discuss wrestling with. So in short, FUCK a casual fan and what they think about HHH's title's lineage and face facts: It started with him, regardless of what that belt looks like and it was handed to him. Even in a worked sport that's fucking weak and that's why even his "fake" title has no credibility.

I agree with that 100%. I still really don't get where the "Real" wCw/NWA title lies, but I do see a few of these people using "wreslting's fake" as an excuse so they can't be proved wrong.

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