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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

100 Girls

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I saw it late at night on HBO! I love it! For those of you who haven't seen it, I recommend you do! It is so teeny bopper, but funny! I guy end up hooking up with a girl in an elevator during a power outage and he never did see her face. The movie is about his journey in finding the girl. Even has him cross-dressing!


Well, I like it anyway.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis

This movie kicks of many kinds of ass. It's really funny and all the guy's theories are exactly what I think and what my buddies and I talk about. Hilarious.

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And it was started by me. And by the way. THat movie fuckin rules and Emmanuelle Chirqui is absolutely HOT AS FUCK in that movie.

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Guest Zack Malibu
And it was started by me. And by the way. THat movie fuckin rules and Emmanuelle Chirqui is absolutely HOT AS FUCK in that movie.

I thought she was hot in On The Line, but never saw her elsewhere.


Yes I own On The Line.


Yes I like it.


Shut up.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

LOL, I am always fascinated about what guys talk about. I mean, females have some of the same conversations, but our focus can be so totally different!

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Guest Zero_Cool

A good story from a couple days ago when I was at the local ice rink. My friend Matt, uhuh, who also just happens to look like the same Matt from 100 Girls, mentions the every weekend happenings at a friend's house, where strip-foosball takes place...and then he mentions how he lost and was bare assed naked, but was thankful that it was warm in the room.


That was a very funny two minutes.

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Guest Retro Rob

It's funny you bring that movie up. A few weeks ago I went to the mall with two friends of mine. One asked the clerk in Circuit City if they carried the movie <I>100 Girls</I> on DVD. The look on the clerk's face was classic and right off the bat said no. Later on we found it in the unsorted racks.

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Guest El Satanico

I watched it on HBO about a month ago and I also liked it alot. It's the best "teen comedy" that I've seen in years. It's not actually a "teen comedy", but it's close enough.

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Guest Mole

I wouldn't call it a 'teen comedy' because they are in college.


But I saw it on HBO by mistake thinking it was some other movie, don't ask what, and ended up loving it.

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Guest Choken One

It is a GREAT movie...I'd recomend all Guys to watch it as a Lesson Plan on what to do about a girl that you fall in love with and don't know what to do or say...

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Guest Slapnuts00
It's funny you bring that movie up. A few weeks ago I went to the mall with two friends of mine. One asked the clerk in Circuit City if they carried the movie <I>100 Girls</I> on DVD. The look on the clerk's face was classic and right off the bat said no. Later on we found it in the unsorted racks.


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Guest Youth N Asia

Very good movie. I'm suprised it didn't make any noise when it came out, it's funnier then 90% of the other movies like it.

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Guest stardust

It's such an awesome movie. My best friend (who's a guy) kept telling me I just had to see it. He finally let me borrow his copy of it, and after watching it, I looked for it for like three months before I finally found one copy of it at Hastings.


Also along the same vein of good movies that are hard to find...anyone here ever heard of Happy Campers? And if so, do you have any idea where to get a copy of it?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
100 Girls is how "romantic comedies" SHOULD be done, dammit!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

100 Girls actually did some good international business prior to its release in the states. I remember waiting a year or two to see it, as I'd heard about the distribution company picking it up, then not doing anything with it while I waited because the buzz on the film was good. Once it came DTV here, I was quick to pick it up.

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Guest Ripper

I finally got it on DVD after MONTHS of searching for it. I can watch this movie a ridiculous amount of times without it ever getting old to me. Almost made me want to see that On the line (or what ever) movie just to see that girl again...almost.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

The only thing that makes me ill is the part when he bites the other guys tongue off! I have to look away! :lol:

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Guest NoCalMike

The foozball chick Heigel has some nice round brand new breasts in this movie. Too bad she never bared them.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I thought they were bigger than in other movies I have seen her in!

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