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Guest bob_barron

NWATNA matches announced

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Guest bob_barron

Coming off the most anticipated show in TNA history last week in which Jeff Jarrett retained the World Heavyweight Title against Raven, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling returns with another all out assault on the senses! This Wednesday, baton down the hatches as the most revolutionary wrestling company in the world today presents Anarchy in the Asylum!!!


Matches Wednesday include:


ANARCHY IN THE ASYLUM - To determine the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship

There are 15 slots in this match. Two men start out, then a new man enters the fray every 90 seconds thereafter. Wrestlers are allowed to bring anything to the ring and wear anything they want! The ways to eliminate another wrestler is by pinfall or submission anywhere in the building or by throwing him out of the ring over the top rope and to the floor. Once the ring has been cleared and it's down to two men, they will face off until one man gains the victory with a pinfall or submission within the confines of the ring.


Currently, there are 11 of the 15 slots filled for this all-important bout. Four more will be decided this Wednesday night in three qualifying matches:


Tag Team Bedlam: D-Lo Brown & AJ Styles vs. XXX - Skipper and Ki

Brown and Styles have thrilled audiences the past several weeks with their unique and diverse approaches to wrestling. This week they are presented a true test as the face off against the former World Tag Team Champions. Whichever team wins is automatically entered into the Main Event for a chance at being the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Title.


Three-Way Threat: Sabu vs. New Jack vs. Sandman

These three helped define the word "Extreme!" In what is sure to be a brutal display of blood and violence, the on-again, off-again friends do battle in the type of match they became famous for. For the younger fan, this will be a classic, harkening back to the thrills and spills of the East Coast's brand of wrestling from the 90s. For the seasoned fan, this is the type of match that will remind them of what happened when bar fights didn't result in a lawsuit!!!


One-On-One: Chris Harris vs. James Storm

TNA's most successful tag team will square off against each other this Wednesday night. Throwing friendship out the window, both know this is an opportunity to step into the singles spotlight and claim yet another place in wrestling history. Will America's Most Wanted remain a team? Will they make this one a mat classic? Will their friendship survive? Find out Wednesday!


PLUS... NWA World Tag Team Title Match: Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red vs. Christopher Daniels

Last week, by virtue of his win over 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, Jerry Lynn was able to choose how to defend the tag belts this week along with Red. His decision? A two-on-one for the belts! These three men have proven to be some of the hottest commodities in the wrestling business today and are set to provide yet another textbook lesson on what you can do in and around the squared circle!


All this and SO MUCH MORE this Wednesday night on iNDEMAND pay-per-view!!!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

That Anarchy in the Asylum will either be very good or a total clusterfuck.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

I'm looking forward to the Anarchy In The Asylum match, could be pretty good (or really good, that is if Raven wins the damn thing...I'd still be really happy if Truth won instead, though, or AJ). If given time, though, AJ/D'Lo vs. xXx could ROCK.

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Guest ShooterJay

The ECW 3-way will suck hard, but it'll appeal to the fans of the hardcore aspect, so I have no problem, and in a weird way it should entertain.


XXX vs. Styles/Brown will be great.


For some reason, I think Storm vs. Harris will be a showstealer. Their styles are so similar that I think they could put together something great.


On a related note, has anybody else always gotten a Booker T./Goldust vibe from AMW?

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The story for AMW should be that both know their opponent's moves etc.


LoKi is finally back!


I am looking forward to the Anarchy match. Hopefully, it will be given some time, but there are like 7 other matches on the card counting the qualifiers.


Now, there are four slots remaining with three matches...so I'm guessing one of the matches will be in tag team format?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Why are they throwing out Chris Harris vs. James Storm when they haven't even officially broken up? Did I miss something?

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Guest RedJed
Why are they throwing out Chris Harris vs. James Storm when they haven't even officially broken up? Did I miss something?

Yeah I dont get it either............I think the point is that we aren't likely going to see them break-up full out now (thank god).......they are just going to have a match which will likely see a run-in at the end attacking them both or something. I dunno.


Show looks strong on paper, thats for sure. I'm interested in knowing the names entered for the main event, but then again I might just want to be surprised.

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Guest Devin
Why are they throwing out Chris Harris vs. James Storm when they haven't even officially broken up? Did I miss something?

I assume it's a qualifying match, for Anarchy in the Asylum.


Same with D-Lo/Styles vs. Skipper & Low Ki


As well as Sandman vs. New Jack vs. Sabu, considering Sandman and New Jack are allies.

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Should be an awesome show. Damn, I wish Australians got TNA every week

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Guest dreamer420

That looks like a wicked show dudes. The AMW match will tear it up, the ECW match will be a decent hardcore brawl, and the tag match will be the shit. I can't wait for this show.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It says in the write up that the Styles/Brown vs. Skipper/Ki match is for winners enter the Anarchy in Asylum match.


The other 2 slots confuse me.


They SHOULD have both the 3 way hardcore and the AMW match be winner gets in...


since those matches don't make a lick of sense any other way.

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Guest Devin
It says in the write up that the Styles/Brown vs. Skipper/Ki match is for winners enter the Anarchy in Asylum match.


The other 2 slots confuse me.


They SHOULD have both the 3 way hardcore and the AMW match be winner gets in...


since those matches don't make a lick of sense any other way.

Well, considering they preceeded those three matches with, "Four more will be decided this Wednesday night in three qualifying matches:" then felt the need to put PLUS in front of the Tag Title Match, I think it's safe to assume those are the three qualifying matches.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

My preview is here


It's really short because I have an exam in the morning...and basically there's nothing interesting unless you want to hear me bitch some more about the finish to last week's match.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Word from Meltzer is that Frankie Capone (never heard of him), the Dobbins (Wildside team) and KAOS AND GQ MONEY will have dark matches this week.


Kaos and GQ have already debuted as a team for Wildside. Adding them to the tag division in TNA would be a good move.

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Wrestlers are allowed to bring anything to the ring and wear anything they want!

Funny, I never remembered a dress code in TNA. Then again, would you want to be the guy who checks for dress code, with Sandman about.


"Err Mr Sandman, you can't wear those baggy pants out there...and your bowtie shouldn't be hanging out of your trousers like that..." Wait for it...BANG, cane shot to the head.



Looks like the potential for one of their best shows. Vince take note...every match announced has a reason to happen. Vince take note, matches have been announced BEFORE THE SHOW! Sure the main event could suck due to the rules. But hell, the Rumble didn't suck too bad. Weapons will be a problem. Hopefully it'll work out. If so, this could be the TNA breakout night.


Oh, and to brighten up your day...Jeff Hardy has won titles in WWE, so fits the main event criteria... :P

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Guest ShooterJay

How good is GQ Money anyway, I know Kaos is above average, but I don't know anything about GQ Money.

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Guest Zack Malibu
How good is GQ Money anyway, I know Kaos is above average, but I don't know anything about GQ Money.

Not that bad. More of a bump machine than anything, but his charisma makes up for it.


He's probably better than last time I saw him though.

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Guest Devin
Kinda funny that the Asylum match is basically no DQ and falls count anywhere but one can be eliminated by being pushed over a rope, too.

So how long do you think it's going to take before West and Tenay have to cover for Sabu eliminating himself? :P

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Guest RedJed
Kinda funny that the Asylum match is basically no DQ and falls count anywhere but one can be eliminated by being pushed over a rope, too.

WWF did this same thing I believe with that final four match in 97, which BTW was a hell of a match.

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I have a feeling Chris Harris will win his match against James Storm, offer a handshake after the match, and Storm will refuse furthering their storyline of eventually breaking-up. TNA said there are still spots left in the Anarchy in the Asylum match, any guesses as to who they will be?

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