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Guest tpww7

One and Only NWA:TNA Week 43 Thread

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Guest CoreyLazarus416


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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

Sabu fucked up a lot tonight, as expected. But that dive over the top was more AJ and Gilberti's fault. Sabu stopped the first time because he saw they weren't ready, and I'm assuming he thought AJ realized this. Then when AJ tried to get Gilberti up to catch Sabu and sell the move, Gilberti damn near passed out. Then AJ didn't even go over there by himself to get Sabu, resulting in Sabu damn near dying AGAIN.


But whatever, at least he didn't win the damn thing.


The show, as someone else pointed out, started strong and just lost steam as it went on. The highlight of the night for me was the neat handicap match and, oddly enough, the AMW singles. Also, I must point out that Kid Kash is just kicking all sorts of ass right now, and Erik Watts is very funny in his new (hopefully non-wrestling) role. Nothing else really sticks out in my mind except...


Raven, baby...RAVEN. Hopefully he wins the World Title, resulting in Gilberti/Raven down the line.

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Guest Burning Hammer

I'm in no way willing to buy Disco Inferno as a legitimate title contender. What a joke.


So here are the upcoming (apparent) feuds

Raven/Sabu: NO THANK YOU. This feud will suck on many levels. Not the least of being Sabu sucks.

Styles/Brown: This could be good and probably will be as long as they get the time to build it up with no outside interference from anybody or any new stable forming because of it.

Jarrett/Gilbertti: This will not draw. First off Jarrett is stale and Gilberti's new character needs more time to develop into something more serious. The stigma of inferno reigns supreme.


some chick/some chick: This is Russo booking at its worst. Nobody cares about this shit.


I'm very disapointed that NWA doesn't realize that its top star is Raven and he needs to be in the title picture somehow someway. Hopefully this Sabu thing will be short lived since Sabu sucks and offers nothing to the promotion.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I'm surprised noone has said anything about Eric Watts hearing that another Eric was interested in working for TNA. I'm sure Bischoff wouldn't come to TNA or would he?

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i think gilbertti is going to give raven his number one contender shot, raven wins the belt. gilbertti asks for a shot since he did give him the chance to fight for it, raven declines, glen turns face with mike sanders.




raven fights jarrett first, wins, gilbertti challenges raven.


if you know me, you would know that half of the stuff in wrestling i predict, comes true. and plus, its common wrasslin sense. mark my wordz. ;)

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Guest RedJed
I'm in no way willing to buy Disco Inferno as a legitimate title contender. What a joke.



He's done a hell of a job in the new role in the last few years, but I the whole number one contender thing doesn't fly with me.


To me, the whole show tonight didn't just make a lot of sense, on the aftermath of last week. I thought if anything they would stay in a similar direction but now its just a mish-mosh of stuff.


I'm still having hope that if Raven signs back with the company, he will be immediately put into the title picture though. I almost wonder if there is going to be a swerve set up in the next few weeks with Jarrett actually being revealed to be a part of SEX and Disco wont even bother with a match with Jarrett. That would in turn lead Raven back to the top contender and a rematch with Jarrett-Raven at the Anniversary show with Raven face and Jarrett heel. That could explain the ridiculousness of Disco kicking the shit out of Jarrett tonight (Jarrett was never hurt, it was all a plan between Jarrett and Disco, I dunno). Probably hoping for a miracle here though, I think the beatdown was done just to make Disco as a threat all of a sudden here.

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Guest RedJed
i think gilbertti is going to give raven his number one contender shot, raven wins the belt. gilbertti asks for a shot since he did give him the chance to fight for it, raven declines, glen turns face with mike sanders.




raven fights jarrett first, wins, gilbertti challenges raven.


if you know me, you would know that half of the stuff in wrestling i predict, comes true. and plus, its common wrasslin sense. mark my wordz. ;)

Disco and Sanders as faces? Good luck with an endevor like that.........


Probably what will unforunately happen is that Raven will ask for the title shot from Disco, but he declines since he didn't get the job done last time, etc. Raven then does the face turn and then who knows what happens from there.

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Guest Burning Hammer

Since Raven is pretty much a defecto face by crowd response that makes sense to turn him full fledged face. His character can stay exactly the same no need to tweak it at all.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Probably what will unforunately happen is that Raven will ask for the title shot from Disco, but he declines since he didn't get the job done last time, etc. Raven then does the face turn and then who knows what happens from there.

Let's hope it isn't Raven becoming Credible's bitch again like in ECW.

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Guest EN090
That could explain the ridiculousness of Disco kicking the shit out of Jarrett tonight


Well, let's see - Gilbertti has been built up as a badass for the past month so having him beat up an injured Jarrett with a crutch makes absolutely zero sense. Gimme a break.


Anyways, I liked the show. Kept my attention the whole time. I loved the way they built up Gilbertti as a legit badass throughout the show and I really liked the closing angle with Gilbertte covered in blood.


Looks like they're going to have Truth/Konnan feud with the Harris Boys which will probably lead to a larger feud with SEX.


The Kid Kash stuff was great. Kash has just made a complete 180 in the past three weeks. His promos are starting to get a lot better and I'm loving this angle with Trinity.


The Lynn/Red vs. Daniels finish bothered me simply because it insulted my intelligence. Getting DQ'd for a chairshot in TNA? Come on - just look at all the foreign object use in Jarret/Raven last week. There have been plenty of other matches that they used chairs in and no one was DQ'd.


Interested to see where they go with Styles and Raven from here as far as the World Title picture is concerned.

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Guest RedJed

He's been booked seriously, but NOT as any sort of badass that is kicking ass and taking names until tonight. Theres a difference.

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Guest Coffey
I'm still having hope that if Raven signs back with the company, he will be immediately put into the title picture. I almost wonder if there is going to be a swerve set up in the next few weeks with Jarrett actually being revealed to be a part of SEX and Disco wont even bother with a match with Jarrett. That would in turn lead Raven back to the top contender and a rematch with Jarrett-Raven at the Anniversary show with Raven face and Jarrett heel. That could explain the ridiculousness of Disco kicking the shit out of Jarrett tonight (Jarrett was never hurt, it was all a plan between Jarrett and Disco, I dunno). Probably hoping for a miracle here though, I think the beatdown was done just to make Disco as a threat all of a sudden here.

Isn't Raven in S.E.X.?

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Guest RedJed

Yeah, I didn't mention that Jarrett and Disco in that idea would turn on Raven somehow, or Raven would object to Jarrett being in SEX.....either way it would lead to Raven as a face, which is borderline inevitable.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

I liked the show but it did look better on paper. But the Sabu non-elimination was an obvious farce,the DQ title change as ENO90 explained, and all the eliminations by people who aren't in the match......


I think someone called it a clusterfuck....I concur

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Guest BoboBrazil

Raven was wearing some cool contacts. His eyes were like bright yellow. That was freaky.

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... Glenn fucking Gilbertti? I like his new character but in no way do I buy him as a legit contender. So that's it, huh? Destiny ends with Jarrett winning and no clear continuation in sight? NOW can I be disgusted?

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Guest BoboBrazil

That is what happens to everybody that fights Jarrett. They disappear back to midcard. It has happened to Killings, D'lo, AJ, and Raven.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax
He's been booked seriously, but NOT as any sort of badass that is kicking ass and taking names until tonight. Theres a difference.

He beat AJ in a street fight and he's been slapping people around every week with hardly any backlash, that's kicking ass and taking names right there.


I say give the guy a chance. He's been booked as a comedy wrestler for most of his career, the dude obviously has talents we haven't seen. Said brawl with AJ was pretty strong in my opinion, and he tears the mic up every single week anymore. His conditioning may be a problem, though, as during the match tonight he looked pretty blown up. He may have to work on cardio a bit before he can work a good 20-30 minute match.

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My friend pointed out that one thing TNA has over WWE is that you never know who'll come out on top, and boy did it just prove that tonight. Then again, Gilbertti and Russo are tight, so who's really suprised?

To say the least, if someone had told you 3 years ago that Sabu would be stabbing Disco Inferno's face with a fork in #1 contender's match for the NWA title, would you have believed it? It was just surreal to watch, like the first time you see a Tenacious Z match.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

eh, could have been worse. I have this feeling JJ drops the belt due to his "injury" (wouldn't want him to job, you know). Then we get Gilberti/Raven for the vacant title

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Guest nWoScorpion






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Guest RedJed
He's been booked seriously, but NOT as any sort of badass that is kicking ass and taking names until tonight. Theres a difference.

He beat AJ in a street fight and he's been slapping people around every week with hardly any backlash, that's kicking ass and taking names right there.

Uhhhh that doesnt ring "badass" to me really. He's just been taking the leadership role of the SEX group with getting a few of the guys in line. Badass would be kicking their ass all over the place like he did with Jarrett tonight. Beating a guy in one street fight doesn't constitute anything either. As much as I've actually enjoyed his new character, I still cant say he deserves a title shot.......its just premature if anything.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Well Jarrett seemingly only defends the belt every few months, so maybe by the time Gilberti actually gets his shot he'll be considered a legit title contender.

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