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To the WWF Apologists

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Guest razazteca

what I found good on RAW


1. Austin

2. RVD

3. women's match

4. Jericho




1. not Goldberg vs Austin

2. beer bash as final segment?

3. HHH vs Nash too long

4. Booker T vs Storm match was too short

5. No Goldust

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Guest Downhome

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If I was over on SD booking, and the higher ups were so HELL BENT on having TBS/Brock, then I would have booked TBS to go over Benoit also. As of right now, TBS has little to no heat. He did his deal with Rey Mysterio Jr. and that was a start, but he basicly HAD to go over someone who is looked at as a big deal by the fans. I'm not saying I WANT TBS to go over Benoit, FAR from it. I'm just saying that if it was my job to at least TRY to get TBS over and the higher ups were DEMANDING that we do so, then I would have had him go over Benoit myself. Chris Benoit is looked at by the fans as a really tough guy, someone who can whoop just about anyone, just as he's done with A-Train over and over again.


He's really the only guy they could have had TBS go over to make TBS look even SOMEWHAT like a threat to Brock. Besides, Chris Benoit is Chris Benoit, this will not hurt him at all.

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Guest Sakura
I think there is something very wrong with that because as long as (some) fans are willing to take shit, smile, and say "it could be worse" then the WWE will continue to give you shit.

So do I.


The longer the apologists and "well it could be worse" people try as hard as they can to watch the longer we have to wait for Vince to be forced to change.


It pisses me off when a boycott comes up and you see something like "well I like find one segment of RAW entertaining a week so I am not in". It's like, you can't give up your one segment or one wrestler you like to try and force Vince to put on a better show overall!?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I don't get the Judgement Day Purchasing reasons either.


-The Ladder match *will* disappoint.

-Battle Royals suck and whomever wins the belt will have no credibility whatsoever.

-Vince hates the Japanese - Dragon will get powerbombed by Bradshaw and banished to Velocity.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Big Show cannot get over, so why sacrifice Benoit? If you think this won't hurt Benoit, then you're not thinking.

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Guest Sakura
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

If I was over on SD booking, and the higher ups were so HELL BENT on having TBS/Brock, then I would have booked TBS to go over Benoit also. As of right now, TBS has little to no heat. He did his deal with Rey Mysterio Jr. and that was a start, but he basicly HAD to go over someone who is looked at as a big deal by the fans. I'm not saying I WANT TBS to go over Benoit, FAR from it. I'm just saying that if it was my job to at least TRY to get TBS over and the higher ups were DEMANDING that we do so, then I would have had him go over Benoit myself. Chris Benoit is looked at by the fans as a really tough guy, someone who can whoop just about anyone, just as he's done with A-Train over and over again.


He's really the only guy they could have had TBS go over to make TBS look even SOMEWHAT like a threat to Brock. Besides, Chris Benoit is Chris Benoit, this will not hurt him at all.

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How many more times can Benoit job out before this "Benoit is Benoit. A lose won't hurt him" stuff dies? I certainly don't see him as a threat to Brock or any other top tier guy. Benoit is like Jericho, a jobber to the stars.


And if you were against a Show push why would you put him over anyone? Why not just have him beat up Demott or something and wait for Judgment Day to be over?

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Guest Downhome

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Benoit and Jericho have both been treated badly over and over, yet they remain over. In this day and age, loosing to someone on a RAW or a SD means next to nothing long term. He'll come back next week, have a great match more than likely, and he'll be back where he was before he lost to TBS, it wont hurt him at all. The only way Benoit would TRULY be hurt, is if he just kept loosing over, and over, and over, and over again, and that is NOT going to happen. I stand by my prediction that I made this time last year, that by the end of 2003 he will either be the champ, or will have held the strap.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

He lost to John FREAKIN Cena! Where is Cena now? That loss was MEANINGLESS. Just like THIS loss is meaningless. The only thing these losses will do is hurt Benoit. He wasn't on the last PPV! He's currently working a program with the FBFUCKINGI. He's been jumping from Contender, to Tag, to Jobber so many fucking times that there is no stability, there is no upward climb, the fans don't have anything to grab ahold of and follow.


Benoit is Buried. His championship reign will suck because fans will look at him like they looked at Jericho - purely transitional champion for the 'real stars'. The WWE clearly has no intention of him being anything other than enhancement talent. This was best shown when he returned last year to *nothing*.


All of his hard work, all of his bumping and steps closer to a wheelchair means nothing as long as the WWE keeps bouncing him around.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
He lost to John FREAKIN Cena! Where is Cena now?

Farting around with a jobber who was put away by the cruiserweight champ a few weeks ago quicker than Funaki.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

He'll come back next week, have a great match more than likely, and he'll be back where he was before he lost to TBS, it wont hurt him at all.

There comes a point where the 'great matches' don't redeem themselves, especially when I have better matches of his readily accessible on tape and my hard drive.

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I seriously think someone has something against Benoit in WWE. The guy got a friggin standing ovation for christ sake at Royal Rumble and now he's stuck in low card tag team feuds or jobbing left and right. It's too easy to say he's too small.....it has too be something more to the story . Notice how when Heyman stopped booking Smackdown Benoit went into the shitter.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Here's the problem with Benoit.


He could get over big time in the WWE. All they have to do is make him the 'so close, yet not close enough' guy to the title (in terms of his 'quest, character development and enhancement is another thing) - and when he finally wins the title the fans will go wild...


That won't be happening now. Benoit isn't losing to world champs, he's losing to contenders. And not only that, he is losing to contenders who lose to the champ and fall WAY down the card afterwards.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Notice how when Heyman stopped booking Smackdown Benoit went into the shitter.

Yet Heyman also booked Benoit to lose clean again to Angle 3 weeks after the Rumble, for no apparent reason.

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Notice how when Heyman stopped booking Smackdown Benoit went into the shitter.

Yet Heyman also booked Benoit to lose clean again to Angle 3 weeks after the Rumble, for no apparent reason.

True....but at least Heyman had the guy main eventing

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Notice how when Heyman stopped booking Smackdown Benoit went into the shitter.

Yet Heyman also booked Benoit to lose clean again to Angle 3 weeks after the Rumble, for no apparent reason.

True....but at least Heyman had the guy main eventing

The same can be said about Benoit-Cena and

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What's your point?

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Notice how when Heyman stopped booking Smackdown Benoit went into the shitter.

Yet Heyman also booked Benoit to lose clean again to Angle 3 weeks after the Rumble, for no apparent reason.

True....but at least Heyman had the guy main eventing

The same can be said about Benoit-Cena and

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What's your point?

My point? MY point is that he had him main eventing PPV matches....not only TV matches.....that's my point

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

I've said this in other threads and I'll say it again, the thing that pisses me off the most about the WWE is the fact that Benoit and Jericho have to put over the hoss of the month every single month. Some are saying that it is a credit to Benoit and Jericho that they remain over every month despite these jobs, but seeing as they are that over why doesn't the WWE try PUSHING THEM. The fact is that Jericho has been carrying Raw for months now, is much more over than the so called top heal HHH despite getting 1/10th of the push HHH gets. If this company would take their heads out of their asses for 5 seconds they would realise that Jericho is the man who should be the champion, or at least in thee title picture because that is what the fans want to see. But instead it is much more important to the WWE to keep happy the man that the bosses’ daughter is currently sleeping, rather than keeping their fans happy. As for Benoit the mans gets a standing ovation at the Royal Rumble, something extremely rare on modern wrestling, and how do the WWE capitalise on it? By sticking him in a mid-card tag team and then jobbing him to rookies and un-over hosses.


The WWE deserves to go out of business because they ignore their fans, book only the please themselves and treat any of their fans that don't like it with contempt. If they do go bust (and if they carry on like this they will) I hope someone take over the North American wrestling scene who respects both the wrestling industry and its fans because one things for sure the WWE certainly doesn't.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
My point? MY point is that he had him main eventing PPV matches....not only TV matches.....that's my point

You didn't say that in your first post.


And what PPV did he main event again?

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It's simple.....all they have to do is open their eyes and ears and they would see Jericho is hugely over right now. The guy comes down tog reat heat and pops also. It also seems in most matches he's in he has the crowd cheering HIM towards the end. Benoit and Eddie Guerrero get standing ovations on the other show......but, who gets the constant high card pushes. Test and A-Train who will NEVER EEEEEEEEEVER get over despite numerous gimmick changes, face and heel turns and pushes for each.

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My point?  MY point is that he had him main eventing PPV matches....not only TV matches.....that's my point

You didn't say that in your first post.


And what PPV did he main event again?

I consider him main eventing the Royal Rumble since it was the Smackdown main event, and for the WWE (Real) Title.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Heyman didn't book the Rumble. That was common knowledge in late January. It was the result of a tiff between him and Gewertz.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

True, but it wasn't him that booked the match to occur after the two matches that were hyped up more, Brock/Show and HHH/Steiner.

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Guest wildpegasus

The Million Dollar Man once said something among the lines of the worst thing you can be is a great wrestler because you're the one they use to get the bad wrestlers over.


The rescent losses that Benoit has taken will hurt him in my opinion. Basically, the fans IMO will always cheer more for the winners, not the losers. There's no way that the Undertapper or Lesnar would be as over as he is now if he lost as much as Benoit. No way. Putting the shoe on the other foot if Noble, Jericho or Tajiri had the winning% of someone like the Undertapper he would be a lot more over. Wins and losses do affect a wrestler's popularity in the long run. That's why wrestlers like HHH and the Undertapper are said to protect their spots on the roster through politics. They know losses do hurt even though the fans know wrestling is an exhibition.

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Guest Zero_Cool

You know, I forget what thread it was in, but I remember reading RRR's post about Benoit dieing for his opponents, and putting himself one step closer to sitting in a wheelchair, looking out the window of his house, and gazing upon the pond outside, and since I was listening to "Mad World", that song from the end of Donnie Darko, it made the possible scene that much more depressing.


The only thing from RAW I liked was when Austin told Bisch that he thought he was extremely stupid..and Triple H did a good bladejob.


The one thing I have to ask is, when does Jericho get that job back from Michaels?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

LOL, I'm listening to "Mad World" right now ;)

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Guest Sakura



UT never loses because he's over and a legend. UT is a legend and always over because he never loses.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

So why didn't he lose in those first couple of years in the WWE?


Oh yeah, cause he's big...

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Guest Sakura

They always make a huge deal out of how loyal UT is. Who wouldn't be loyal when you're a hoss!?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
They always make a huge deal out of how loyal UT is. Who wouldn't be loyal when you're a hoss!?

More accurately, who wouldn't be loyal when they wouldn't be allowed to bring their character to another fed at a time when said fed was signing a bunch of guys from the WWF.

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