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Guest BoboBrazil

Radio Ads Promoting Nash As Champion Next Month

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Guest BoboBrazil

Nash vs Flair is being promoted on the radio for house shows next month with Nash defending the belt. The prophecy is coming true. :ph34r:

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Guest snuffbox

This is sad on so many levels...


Why is Flair jobbing around the horn to Nash? audiences love Flair, and sit on their hands for Kev.


Why keep recycling old wcw fueds/workers/angles? The company is dead!


What is the combined age of this 'main event'?


Can Nash even work a singles match anymore? Will house show main events have to be less than five minutes to make up for the 'champion' being physically wothless?


And why is Nash getting another big run....after never drawing as a singles worker....ever??

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Guest Youth N Asia

Nash's only decient matches were when Bret was carrying him in 96

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

This is obviously so HHH can job to Goldberg without losing the title to him.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Didn't UT v.s. Diesel revive the house show business in 95?

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Guest Youth N Asia
YNA, can I use that after you're done? :angry:

err, sure.


Althought it should have read 95/96

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Guest Human Fly

You know at this point, why not? If Vince is going to go with the Kliq we might as well sit back and watch his finances go down the drain while everyone in Titan Towers thinks bringing back guys like the LOD will help turn business around.

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Guest Redhawk

So what is the plan? HHH drops the belt to Nash, then faces Goldberg at the RAW-only PPV, so he can lose to Goldberg without losing the title? Who's Nash going to face for the title then? Jericho? Man, I can't WAIT to see Jericho job again. But for some reason I don't see HHH losing at 2 PPVs in a row. Then will HHH win the belt back on the next RAW?

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Guest Coffey
YNA, can I use that after you're done? :angry:

err, sure.


Althought it should have read 95/96

I think he was talking about the noose holmes.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Then Nash will job the title to Shawn at Summerslam who will lose it back to Hunter at Survivor. Then the next night on Raw Nash, Hunter, and Shawn have a 3 way where Hunter wins and he renames the belt the "Clique" title.

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Guest Youth N Asia
YNA, can I use that after you're done? :angry:

err, sure.


Althought it should have read 95/96

I think he was talking about the noose holmes.

Yeah, I guess it would make more sense that way. Make sure I'm done twitching first.

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Guest jester

You know what? I'm going to Titan Towers and ask for a job as a wrestler. I have absolutely no wrestling talent or training, a laughable physique, and I'm not good at public speaking so I couldn't cut a promo. It would be the worst possible decision in the universe to put me in the ring with anyone.


Which, given recent trends, means they'll probably do it.


If WWE is determined to flush money down the toilet, I might as well reach into the bowl and try to save some for myself.

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Guest Youth N Asia
You know what? I'm going to Titan Towers and ask for a job as a wrestler. I have absolutely no wrestling talent or training, a laughable physique, and I'm not good at public speaking so I couldn't cut a promo. It would be the worst possible decision in the universe to put me in the ring with anyone.


Which, given recent trends, means they'll probably do it.


If WWE is determined to flush money down the toilet, I might as well reach into the bowl and try to save some for myself.

But are you Hunter's buddy?

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Guest jester
But are you Hunter's buddy?

No, but I'll bake him some cookies. And swoon at the mere sight of the Undertaker.

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Guest Coffey

But are you Hunter's buddy?

No, but I'll bake him some cookies. And swoon at the mere sight of the Undertaker.

World Champion within a month.

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Guest DerangedHermit
Then Nash will job the title to Shawn at Summerslam who will lose it back to Hunter at Survivor. Then the next night on Raw Nash, Hunter, and Shawn have a 3 way where Hunter wins and he renames the belt the "Clique" title.

And at Royal Rumble next year, Sean Waltman comes back and wins the title. :throwup: However, it will be quickly dropped to Scott " :cheers: " Hall.

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Guest CanadianChris
Then Nash will job the title to Shawn at Summerslam who will lose it back to Hunter at Survivor. Then the next night on Raw Nash, Hunter, and Shawn have a 3 way where Hunter wins and he renames the belt the "Clique" title.

A mere formality, since we've all named it that anyway. The really scary thing is, this has at least as much chance of happening as anything else.


Fuck HHH and his World Cliqueweight Title.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Poor Jericho. Poor Booker. Poor RVD.


I'm just praying that Lita goes to Smackdown so I can stop watching Raw regularly.

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Guest NoCalMike

Why is Flair still wrestling? The man can't even take a back body drop anymore. He is a fucking cripple. I don't care if he is a "legend" He needs to be banned from the ring. Oh and Nash as Champ sucks too.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII
Nash vs Flair is being promoted on the radio for house shows next month with Nash defending the belt. The prophecy is coming true. 


And you know what's funny? Flair at his current age is in better shape, has better workrate, and is just way more over then Kevin Nash is right now. How much you wannbe bet that Flair's going to have to carry his lazy ass.


But, given a choice I'd take Flair as champ anyday over Nash.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Then Nash will job the title to Shawn at Summerslam who will lose it back to Hunter at Survivor. Then the next night on Raw Nash, Hunter, and Shawn have a 3 way where Hunter wins and he renames the belt the "Clique" title.

That would be great! I'd laugh my ass off!

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Then Nash will job the title to Shawn at Summerslam who will lose it back to Hunter at Survivor. Then the next night on Raw Nash, Hunter, and Shawn have a 3 way where Hunter wins and he renames the belt the "Clique" title.

That would be great! I'd laugh my ass off!

::Takes a whole lotta pills, gets loaded gun, and turns on TV, and waits for this event to take place::

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Guest Choken One

I am still convinced that HHH wants to have that legend vs Legend program with Flair...



So expect that around Fall time...HHH won't mind jobbing once for his Idol and he'll get it back anyways and it avoids elevating Darkie, Jerky and Stoner...

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Guest Will Scarlet

Booking like this is why I watch WWE. It's like a trainwreck. Just when I think they can't possibly top their past booking errors, they go off and prove me wrong, yet again. I could only imagine the crap WWE will be having a year from now.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Yeah, because fuck knows that nobody wants to watch GOOD wrestling and GOOD booking anymore.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Nash as champ? Excellent. Somebody start the clock to countdown the end of the WWF/E. It's now officially too late to turn back. B'bye Vince.

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