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Guest Eagan469

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I wouldn't. Personally I think the XBox is overrated. Maybe it's just me? Most of the good games you can get on other systems and a system isn't worth buying for only a couple of games. I've played Halo and liked it, but also got tired of it.


Personally I don't see the difference in the graphics. People say XBox's is better, but I don't think it's different enough to matter.

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Guest DrTom
Personally I don't see the difference in the graphics. People say XBox's is better, but I don't think it's different enough to matter.

Hook it up to an HDTV. You'll notice it then. I notice it in games on a regular TV, though. The X-Box version of Madden looks better and features smoother animations than the PS2 version. Considering the X-Box is a perfectly fine DVD player, buying one means you're basically getting a game console for $100. And that's certainly not a bad deal.

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The way I see it is this and I've stated this before in the GameCube thread.


Before I state my opinion, let me just clarify that I in no way believe that the graphics on GameCube OR PS2 outmatch the XBox.


I wouldn't get an Xbox because every EXCLUSIVE game that I want is available for another system or the PC. Yes, Halo is going to be out for the PC later on in the year and that was the only thing I wanted an XBox for, besides Splinter Cell, also coming out for the PC. Seeing as how a PC is only as good as its video card in terms of gaming, Halo will look just as good if not better with a new video card.


I wouldn't purchase a PS2 over the GTA series because once again, GTA 3 & GTA:VC are available for the PC, with improved graphics, an mp3 radio station and customizable character skins. The same goes for Max Payne. If you complain about the controls, get a PS2 controller adapter if it means that much to you.


A GameCube on the other hand has more exclusive titles that are worth getting as well as popular games available on the other two systems. Metroid Prime, Zelda, Mario, The Resident Evil Series and more. That's why I chose a Game Cube.


I've got a DVD player and a DVD drive on my computer...no need to get a PS2 or Xbox for that.



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Guest Eagan469

PS2 does NOT feature hardware anti-aliasing, which is why the graphics are always jagged.


Hell, even the N64 had anti-aliasing :P


I am going to get an X-Box this weekend, call me crazy...

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Guest TheArchiteck

^ Congrats on your decision.


I'll pick one up maybe after e3 to see if the price drops.

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Bah I still won't get an Xbox. I just don't play video games as a group enough to care about Halo and even then one game won't sell me on it. Especially if Halo is coming to the PC and has online capabilities.

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Guest Lethargic

I wouldn't buy any system for one game. I bought an X-Box because it's an overall better SYSTEM than the others and every game I've played on it has been better than any game I had on PS2 even when they were the same game. I think it has better graphics, better sound, better controller, better features, better game save options, better games, better online gaming system, better everything and a bunch of even better features being announced for the future and a whole slew of new kick ass exclusive games coming out in the coming months. Switching to an X-Box was a decision that I'll never regret. It seems like every game I buy for X-Box ends up becoming one of my favorites of all time. Every game I bought for PS2 became "OK" and ended up getting re-sold a month later. I've owned every Nintendo system since the original and the original is still the only one that was worth a damn to me so I'll never waste my time buying another system from them.

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I hate the Xbox controller personally. So far every game I've played on it I just felt rather blah about. I'm just not atune enough to technology to notice the differences in sound, etc., and I find the games Nintendo puts out on their systems to just be more over all fun than other systems. I can't really explain it. I had more fun with my 64 than my Playstation. I'm not into sports games at all cause I get bored with them really quickly.


I already have a DVD player and everytime we've used my friends Xbox and my friends PS2 for DVD's the PS2 gave us less hassle and seemed to work better. That might just be because of the hookups and who was hooking it up though. My friend has an Xbox and I've played it, but I always get this feeling he wishes he had something else.


When I have systems with online capapbilities I usually don't use it. I have a PC. If I want online games I'll use it.


Personally I don't feel Xbox would ever be a good investment for me.

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Guest The Tino Standard

The XBox controller is just...so...bad.


I pick up my PS2 controller and I think "THIS is how a controller should feel."


Controllers are a big part of a system for me. I never liked the Dreamcast ones either.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I wouldn't get an Xbox because every EXCLUSIVE game that I want is available for another system or the PC.



I think if you want a Console machine, instead of a PC, it's quite good. It almost always gets the best highest quality version of games that are ported across all systems.


Yes, PC will always be cutting edge, but there's a cost associated with it. I was planning to upgrade my PC in December, but now I won't be. As much as I'd like to see Doom III with anisoptic filtering and FSAA, I'll probably contend with the Xbox version because my Dad is teetering close to being laid off at his job.


As DX9 starts being used in more and more games and you'll start needing at least a Radeon 9700 to play stuff, I'm going to have to stop playing so many new PC games, as this P4 1.8/GF4 4600 has to last for a while longer.





By the by, has anyone here slamming on the Xbox controller tried the type S? I figure the Jumbo Sized one is what you guys are talking about because people bashed it so heavily. I like the S.


On the other hand, the GameCube controller is hell on Earth for me. I'm thinking of finding a bigger 3rd party one.

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Everytime I've bought one of those controllers made by other companies for a system they've been crap so I tend to stay away from them.


I equate using an Xbox controller to holding a turtle shell with buttons.

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Guest DrTom

The X-Box "S" controller is a lot smaller than the stock one. Third-party companies also make some controllers, and a couple of the ones I saw at Best Buy were smaller than the "S," probably about the size of a PS2 controller. I have large hands, so the stock X-Box controller suits me fine.

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Guest Coffey

I've got game systems in the past based solely on one title. It usually pays off in the end.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I used to be an XBox hater. Then I got one. The S controller is fine.


Plus...I just needed the Buffy game.


And I NEED Fable when it comes out. Badly.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I should point out that I have all three systems but the XBox is usualy the one that I leave the audio and video wires attached to.

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I used to be an XBox hater. Then I got one. The S controller is fine.


Plus...I just needed the Buffy game.


And I NEED Fable when it comes out. Badly.

I'll just wait for the Buffy game coming out on the Gamecube.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That's the second game.


I needed the first one too.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

BTW, Dames, you realize Halo 2 is probably not going to be on PC, right?


They're only porting to PC (and through a third company, Gearbox) because they promised it to computer gamers in 98 or so and they expect it to whet appetites and put a console in the houses of a few die-hard PC gamers.

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Guest Lethargic

I have one of both Xbox controllers. I can not use the S controller at all. I hate it. It's terrible. It's too small and the button layout is terrible. The big controller is the best controller I've ever used. Everything is laid out so perfect. If all you do is play it over a friends house every once in a while or something, you're not gonna get used to it and find out how great it is. I hated it when I first touched it, now I never wanna play with anything else.

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BTW, Dames, you realize Halo 2 is probably not going to be on PC, right?


They're only porting to PC (and through a third company, Gearbox) because they promised it to computer gamers in 98 or so and they expect it to whet appetites and put a console in the houses of a few die-hard PC gamers.

Eh, I don't care for Halo 2....seeing as how I barely played the first one. I can deal with being behind. Hell, I waited all this time for Vice City to come out.



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Guest TheArchiteck

Personally, I think the Dreamcast controller is the most comfortable controller to date.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I agree about the "big" Xbox controller being better. I don't see why the Controller S is 'so much better' according to most.


*edit* and from someone with a 65" HDTV, you -really- notice the difference graphically between systems. The Xbox also has Dolby Digital 5.1 built in, which also makes it that much better.

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Guest GeneMean

Upgrading a PC isn't nearly as expensive as it used to be. A lot people assume upgrading means getting the fastest cpu (and/or paying for the name Intel) and a bleeding edge vid card. There will soon be sub $200 DX9 cards on store shelves if there isn't any already. Sure they won't have the framerates of the 9800 pros but does anyone really have to have the highest benchmarks?


Halo 2 - Schmalo 2.. Give me Half-Life 2.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

The huge default Xbox controller sucks so much ass...I can't really follow that up, it's late and all. Anyways, it does. The 'S' controller however beats the generic version with a stick and doesn't stop.


The Gamecube controller is still the most comfortable, with the exception of the (say it with me) Z button.


Anyways just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.

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Guest Lethargic
Upgrading a PC isn't nearly as expensive as it used to be. A lot people assume upgrading means getting the fastest cpu (and/or paying for the name Intel) and a bleeding edge vid card. There will soon be sub $200 DX9 cards on store shelves if there isn't any already. Sure they won't have the framerates of the 9800 pros but does anyone really have to have the highest benchmarks?

200 dollars isn't expensive these days? Wow. Hell, we're talking here about if Xbox or PC is better. So if you're gonna spend 200 dollars to upgrade a computer, Xbox automatically wins because it's 180 with two games.


I don't see how anybody can see that demo footage of Halo 2 and not care about it. My God, that blew me away. If I didn't have a Xbox already I'd be buying one for this game. I have to change my underwear everytime I watch it.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Halo 2 - Schmalo 2.. Give me Half-Life 2.

HL2 looked okay, except that Doom III Owns The World.

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