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Kurt Angle Mark

Possible Smackdown match at JD

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From 1wrestling.com


Dave Scherer says there have been talks of doing a six man tag featuring


Benoit, Rhyno and Spanky vs. Cena and The FBI(I'm guessing Johnny The Bull and Chuck) at the PPV

Edited by Kurt Angle Mark

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Guest Will Scarlet

Sounds like it could be decent to me. Of course, you could be using those 6 guys in other matches to improve quality of the show. Then again, this PPV looks to suck hard, so I'd rather it not have too many good matches, lest it take away from the suck of the main events.


Question: Are Goldberg or Jericho even on the PPV? It seems rather counterproductive to not put two of the biggest stars in the company on a PPV.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

No Matt Hardy Match on a PPV in North Carolina?


Who did he piss off?

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Guest notJames

Jericho's in the IC battle royal.


Goldberg can valet park at the arena for all I care.


And although it's not exactly a glamourous match, the 6-man tag idea features competent-to-outstanding wrestlers, and is actually rooted in a plausible storyline continuity.

If I were so inclined to buy the encore presentation of the PPV, the strength of this match would probably play a big part in the decision.




As for Matt Hardy, I don't know who he pissed off, but whoever it is obviously has no idea what to do with him, considering he primarily jobs to upper carders on SD! and only defends his CW title on Velocity.

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Guest bravesfan
No Matt Hardy Match on a PPV in North Carolina?


Who did he piss off?

Wait until the spoilers tonight, to see if he gets anything.


At last check, we have as announced matches:

--HHH v. Nash

--Brock v. Big Show

--Los Guerreros v. Team Angle

--IC Battle Royale


--La Resistance v. "Testeiner"


The battle royal better last more than 15 minutes, because it's taking a huge chuck of the RAW roster with it (RVD, Kane, Jericho, HBK, Christian, etc.).


Notables without matches right now: Goldberg, Benoit, Rhyno, Cena, A-Train (yeah...) and Matt.

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Guest OnlyMe

Benoit on PPV - thumbs up

Benoit in meaningless 6 man thrown together at the last minute, with pretty much no potential - thumbs down

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Guest Will Scarlet
--HHH v. Nash

--Brock v. Big Show

--Los Guerreros v. Team Angle

--IC Battle Royale


--La Resistance v. "Testeiner"


Let's see, that's 6 matches and 3 hours of PPV time. That's like 30 minutes per match. Entrances and interviews should eat up some time, but, still that would mean at least a 20 minute average per match. And considering matches like the women's match will probably get less than that, does that mean Nash/HHH and Brock/Show will actually get like around 30 minutes? Are they trying to hold the worst PPV of all-time or something? I hope to god they add at least 2 or 3 more matches on Smackdown. Hell, stick Nathan Jones vs. Bill DeMott in a 2 minute squash for all I care, anything to take away from having to see Nash/HHH wrestle for nearly half an hour!

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That six-man would be very watchable, not great, but it will be ten times, nay, a hundred times better than La Frechie vs Roid Boy and Stacy's Moocher. B-)


I'd rather see Benoit and Rhyno vs FBI and Spanky and Cena one on one, but I'll take the 6 man.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

They have no idea what to do with Rhyno. He hasn't done anything significant since his return. BTW Kanyon?


This PPV is going to be terrible! no one cares about Nash/HHH or Brock/Show and 1 of these matches is suppose to be the ME? And how many times is HHH going to try and run someone over with a car?

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Guest Redhawk

I just had a bad dream...of A-Train crashing the IC battle royal and winning the thing, then taking the belt to Smackdown. That would kind of remind everyone that there's supposed to be a rivalry between the two shows, and since I know they want A-Train to hurry up and get over, it sounds like something they'd do...put him over the entire RAW midcard.

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I just had a bad dream...of A-Train crashing the IC battle royal and winning the thing, then taking the belt to Smackdown. That would kind of remind everyone that there's supposed to be a rivalry between the two shows, and since I know they want A-Train to hurry up and get over, it sounds like something they'd do...put him over the entire RAW midcard.



Don't say shit like that. It scares me.

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Guest bravesfan
I just had a bad dream...of A-Train crashing the IC battle royal and winning the thing, then taking the belt to Smackdown. That would kind of remind everyone that there's supposed to be a rivalry between the two shows, and since I know they want A-Train to hurry up and get over, it sounds like something they'd do...put him over the entire RAW midcard.

I thought of this proposal the MINUTE that this batle royal was announced.


If Stephanie suddenly ordered her men to crash the royale out of spite for RAW's recent "upturn", it'll give a shot in the arm to both brands (besides, both RAW and SD! needs the belt for its respective mid-carders - how about floating this belt and treating it as a TV title?)


On the SD! side, if they stick to the qualifications of the match, they'll have:




--Eddy. (already in match)

--A returning Billy Gunn.


With at least 3 guys they can lead the charge, so you'll have at least a prospect of trying it.

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