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Guest Redhawk

Who is the most overrated by smarks?

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Lance Storm has been crap ever since Summerslam 2001, and Kurt Angle isn't as godlike as some people make him out to be.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

RVD. There is a lot of backlash among smarks, but he is still worshipped by the majority of them, despite being nothing more than a glorified gymnast. I can see why he is popular, but I have heard smarks claim that he is a better in-ring wrestler than Benoit or Guerrero and that is blatantly wrong.

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Guest DawnBTVS
RVD. but I have heard smarks claim that he is a better in-ring wrestler than Benoit or Guerrero and that is blatantly wrong.

erm....say what? Maybe I missed it but I don't remember seeing that from anybody here :huh:

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Guest EternallyLazy
Maybe people were just happy that someone no-sold HHH's offense.

yeah but how do you explain the horrible selling during his match with Benoit at SummerSlam?

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I think Booker T, Rock, and Foley fall under the category of "entertainer" as opposed to "wrestler." All three of them are pretty mediocre with the actual skills, but are/were way over because of their charisma and mic skills. Plus, all three can have a good/great match if given the right opponent.


Personally, I haven't seen all of this Christian loving that so many are talking about. If there's been any, it's all for his promos and backstage stuff and not his in-ring work. Up until WWE basically left him dead in the water after his brief feud with Edge, Christian was far superior to Edge. He was adding moves to his moveset on an almost weekly basis and improving his skills all around. Like most, once the product turned to shit and most of the talented guys were buried/forgotten about, Christian just seemed to turn into a punch/kick sort of guy.


I think Edge is pretty overrated, actually. I enjoy his matches, but I really can't stand most of his promos and he only seems to have really good matches against guys where that should be expected. Of course he'll look like a million bucks surrounded by guys like Benoit, Angle, Mysterio, and the Guerreros, but he looks mediocre against guys who lack talent. As I said, I dislike his promos simply because he's so bland most of the time and just doesn't come off well as a face.


John Cena and Chris Benoit are WAY overrated around here, and while I like both of them, neither one are the gods that many dub them (especially Cena, who has a LOT to learn before he can even be considered a superstar).


Other than that, there aren't really overrated guys right now because no one's really praising many others than the few that have been mentioned here. One could attribute that to the fact that since morale is down and thus motivation to improve, so is the praise that was once there.

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Guest Memphis

RVD's act got real old real quick. When he debuted (in WWE), I admit, i was taken in by his glitzy moves as I had never seen him perform before then. However now his moveset comprises of the same old song and dance that he was into years back.


Fuck RVD.



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Guest Banky

John Cena


Matt Hardy

Shannon Moore




All these guys are overated, big time. Cena has a good gimmick though. His in-ring stuff sucks. Hence why I have been greatly turned off by him. He will be a huge star though, and I told all of you that before this bandwagon jumping shite.

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Guest Coffey

Cena's gimmick sucks. His gimmick is a wigger rapper. The only thing good about it, is that is shows Cena can work with slop.

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Guest Banky
Cena's gimmick sucks. His gimmick is a wigger rapper. The only thing good about it, is that is shows Cena can work with slop.

No way. Its quite funny. He has even laid off the rapper style, he is just a character now.

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Guest bob_barron
I think Booker T, Rock, and Foley fall under the category of "entertainer" as opposed to "wrestler." All three of them are pretty mediocre with the actual skills, but are/were way over because of their charisma and mic skills. Plus, all three can have a good/great match if given the right opponent.


Personally, I haven't seen all of this Christian loving that so many are talking about. If there's been any, it's all for his promos and backstage stuff and not his in-ring work. Up until WWE basically left him dead in the water after his brief feud with Edge, Christian was far superior to Edge. He was adding moves to his moveset on an almost weekly basis and improving his skills all around. Like most, once the product turned to shit and most of the talented guys were buried/forgotten about, Christian just seemed to turn into a punch/kick sort of guy.


I think Edge is pretty overrated, actually. I enjoy his matches, but I really can't stand most of his promos and he only seems to have really good matches against guys where that should be expected. Of course he'll look like a million bucks surrounded by guys like Benoit, Angle, Mysterio, and the Guerreros, but he looks mediocre against guys who lack talent. As I said, I dislike his promos simply because he's so bland most of the time and just doesn't come off well as a face.


John Cena and Chris Benoit are WAY overrated around here, and while I like both of them, neither one are the gods that many dub them (especially Cena, who has a LOT to learn before he can even be considered a superstar).


Other than that, there aren't really overrated guys right now because no one's really praising many others than the few that have been mentioned here. One could attribute that to the fact that since morale is down and thus motivation to improve, so is the praise that was once there.

How is Edge overrated when whenever he makes a mistake- people call for his head

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Guest Mole

I'm not going to go through this whole thread, but Christian is defiently overrated. Same with Lance Storm, I haven't seen him do ANYTHING good in WWE.

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Guest bob_barron

Storm did have a great match at Summerslam v. Edge and a few good matches with RVD but for the most part he's done nothing

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Guest razazteca
Cena's gimmick sucks. His gimmick is a wigger rapper. The only thing good about it, is that is shows Cena can work with slop.

No way. Its quite funny. He has even laid off the rapper style, he is just a character now.

So he is just Mark Walberg now?

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I think Cena's taken what used to be a dumb gimmick in the white rapper and actually done good things with it. He uses his raps for some pretty good heel promos and says serious things against his opponents instead of just being a comedy character. So to say he's just another white rapper gimmick is a little off since he's doing it differently.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I agree with Bob. *gasp* Edge can't really be called overated when so many of us take great joy in ripping him to shreds.


ps - Edge sucks.



Christian on the other hand, was once great. When he turned on Edge, joined the alliance, started having some good singles matches. He fought with the Rock for the WCW title, and the crowd actually thought he would win! :ph34r: But unfortunatly, WWF decided they had to give Edge a Jesus push, and WWE logic states that you can't get a guy over as a singles wrestler unless you bury his tag partner, so Christian started having tantrums in 3 minute velocity matches with Hugh Morrus.


Christian was good with Edge, and even better once they split up. Not untill he was getting his ass kicked on Shotgun Saturday Night by Mark Henry did he become the crappy wrestler he is now. Of course, that was over a year ago, so most people just say "OMG Christian sux not like BROCK or JHON CENA!!1"

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Guest Jobber of the Week
care to amplify that answer?


unless it was a joke.

Good wrestler, but until the evil Hart Foundation of 97 (an angle which Bret seemed relunctant to do) pretty much all his matches are "Well, Bret's the good guy, and this heel needs to step off" with the exception of the occasional Bret/Owen feud or something. I guess it's just that the much-talked-about Hitman character just doesn't really impress me. I'd say the same for Hulk Hogan too if he was a smark favorite, but he isn't and thus he's disqualified from this thread due to technicality.


Of course, I'm used to a wrestling landscape where guys who are TOO saccharine in their good intentions ("real athlete" Kurt Angle before he reveled in his heeldom, Rocky at the peak of his overexposure) are booed out of the building and wasn't around in The Old Days, so I dunno.



Also, the "OMG HE GOT SCREWED" people need to realize that this is a form of entertainment and that there's no big tragedy. Sure, the Montreal events weren't very NICE, but all it proves is that you can't trust Vince.


Of course, I also think that people going on about the importance of belts being battled over vs just giving it to people are getting a little too deep into pro wrestling. Maybe they ought to go back to Bill Watts WCW or something until the Hardcoreness is flushed from their systems.

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Guest Army Eye
Christian was good with Edge, and even better once they split up. Not untill he was getting his ass kicked on Shotgun Saturday Night by Mark Henry did he become the crappy wrestler he is now. Of course, that was over a year ago, so most people just say "OMG Christian sux not like BROCK or JHON CENA!!1"

I'm in agreement here. Seems to me like Christian just got lazy when he got buried.

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People crap all over Hogan because of that fact - he's crap/shit/worthless/unentertaining


For someone unentertaining, he's sure over huh? For a worthless guy, he sells one HELL of a lot of t-shirts. I'm not saying he's an in ring general. But surely I'm not the only one to notice the crowd reactions he gets.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Spanky is working the "WWE style", which is why he isnt that impressive. Ditto Lance Storm.

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Spanky seems fine so far to me. The WWE style does hinder some wrestlers like Regal and Storm, but then you have to ask why haven't they found their niche in the WWE style like others have? Some have adapted to the WWE style and found a way to still do good.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

True. To be fair to Lancy, he hasnt exactly been given much of an oppurtunity. He had that brief IC title run and excellent SS match against Edge, after which he got lost in the Alliance. Since then he's been in the Un-americans and then filler tag teams with Regal and Morley.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Oh, how I used to love Christian. I do think he was good, but yes, I have to admit that Edge is far better these days. Fuck.


Booker isn't a good worker, never has been, never will be. But I don't give a shit. That's not all that matters to me, I'm afraid.

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Guest humongous2002
RVD. There is a lot of backlash among smarks, but he is still worshipped by the majority of them, despite being nothing more than a glorified gymnast. I can see why he is popular, but I have heard smarks claim that he is a better in-ring wrestler than Benoit or Guerrero and that is blatantly wrong.

A lot of backlash? lol, yeah right, and Saddam Hussein is still Iraq's beloved dictator.

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Guest humongous2002

By the way Booker T is the most overrated wrestler in the world, his matches suck ass and all he's got it's the spinaroony and suckaaaa.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
How is Edge overrated when whenever he makes a mistake- people call for his head


I don't really think that many people bash him everytime he makes a mistake; the people doing that bash just about everything on a regular basis, so you can't put much stock into that. I just find him overrated because his matches just seem so bland when he isn't up against a good worker. Granted, no one is gonna have a great match with a poor worker unless you're truly gifted, but for all the praise most put upon him, his matches with guys who are just mediocre shouldn't be dull.


Ok, he had some classics on PPV during 2002, but c'mon, look who he fought in those matches. Guerrero (twice), Angle (twice), and as part of a tag team with Mysterio taking on Angle/Benoit twice, with one of those matches also involving Los Guerreros. Not too many guys are going to have a bad match against those guys; of course if the both parties are talented, the match quality will be higher, but in all of Edge's great or even good matches on PPV last year, the other participants were guys that just about everyone has good matches with.


Now take a look at his other PPV matches against less stellar comepitors and you'll see a whole lot of nothing. He fought Regal twice on PPV in 2002 (adding to the 2,938 times they met up in that endless feud), Booker T at Mania, was involved in the tag team title match with Hogan against Storm/Christian, and against Albert in December. I'll grant you that none of those guys are really anything special (the Un-Americans were good, but as a tag team, they were both very much kick and punch), but if he's as great as some people peg him to be, then any of those matches should have had some redeeming factors and none of them were even worth watching again.


Don't get me wrong, I like Edge, but it's not that hard to look good when surrounded by the cream of the crop.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Don't get me wrong, I like Edge, but it's not that hard to look good when surrounded by the cream of the crop.

You could say the same thing for Jericho, as well. Obviously, not now, but back when he was having good matches in 2000, most of the time it was against Eddy or Benoit(the FL 2000 match had a pretty nice storyline backing it, but was realistically, just a brawl) much like when he first showed up in WCW.


His 2001 run was VERY hit or miss with him looking great for two months(RR and NWO) and then awful for another four(from WM to SummerSlam), and then picking up again with the Rock feud and falling majorly off til he joined the tag ranks again.

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