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Guest Army Eye

What happened to Nash?

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Guest Army Eye

Nash is clearly not over as a babyface right now. I know that makes you all ecstatic, but does it strike anyone else as a little strange? Obviously the WWE didn't see this coming but I sure didn't either. Nash has not had any trouble getting crowds behind him for years now. Even as a heel, in his last substantial WWE run before the bicep injury (with the NWO) he would get a big pop whenever he got on the mic, or tagged in during one of thoes NWO tag matches. What do you think happened to his heat?


The first time he got on the mic in this latest comeback , he was whining to HBK and HHH, "cmon guys, pwease be friends!" That was a far cry from his 'cool' character and they didn't do him any favors there. But still even before that, when he came out to the ring as a surprise return I recall a pretty lame ovation. To date, he still hasn't really been able to do the typical wise-cracking Nash interviwew that crowds usually eat up.


OR.. was it the spectacle of him laying in the ring screaming in pain after tripping over Booker T that killed his heat? A pretty embarrassing scene no doubt, and for a guy like Nash, who hardly sells pain at all and always exhibits a 'nothing bothers me' persona, even more so. Another problem is that HHH had the same injury and finished the match... but are the masses even aware that they had similar injuries?


Or, the more smarkish viewpoint, is the audience getting tired of the retreads?

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
OR.. was it the spectacle of him laying in the ring screaming in pain after tripping over Booker T that killed his heat?

pretty much sums it up right there. Even the marks knew to boo his ass after that crap.


plus, try to remember Nash's last match before that one. I think it was....no wait it was....um.....

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Guest El Satanico

The problem is...Why should the fans care about him.


He has wrestled once in around 2 years and i can't recall WWe giving them a reason to care.

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Guest Mole
Nash is clearly not over as a babyface right now. I know that makes you all ecstatic, but does it strike anyone else as a little strange? Obviously the WWE didn't see this coming but I sure didn't either. Nash has not had any trouble getting crowds behind him for years now. Even as a heel, in his last substantial WWE run before the bicep injury (with the NWO) he would get a big pop whenever he got on the mic, or tagged in during one of thoes NWO tag matches. What do you think happened to his heat?


The first time he got on the mic in this latest comeback , he was whining to HBK and HHH, "cmon guys, pwease be friends!" That was a far cry from his 'cool' character and they didn't do him any favors there. But still even before that, when he came out to the ring as a surprise return I recall a pretty lame ovation. To date, he still hasn't really been able to do the typical wise-cracking Nash interviwew that crowds usually eat up.


OR.. was it the spectacle of him laying in the ring screaming in pain after tripping over Booker T that killed his heat? A pretty embarrassing scene no doubt, and for a guy like Nash, who hardly sells pain at all and always exhibits a 'nothing bothers me' persona, even more so. Another problem is that HHH had the same injury and finished the match... but are the masses even aware that they had similar injuries?


Or, the more smarkish viewpoint, is the audience getting tired of the retreads?

Is this new to you? Nash has sucked balls ever since he first put on wrestling boots. He does NOTHING good for the wrestling business, NOTHING.

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Guest Army Eye
Nash is clearly not over as a babyface right now.  I know that makes you all ecstatic, but does it strike anyone else as a little strange?  Obviously the WWE didn't see this coming but I sure didn't either.  Nash has not had any trouble getting crowds behind him for years now.  Even as a heel, in his last substantial WWE run before the bicep injury (with the NWO) he would get a big pop whenever he got on the mic, or tagged in during one of thoes NWO tag matches.  What do you think happened to his heat?


The first time he got on the mic in this latest comeback , he was whining to HBK and HHH, "cmon guys, pwease be friends!"  That was a far cry from his 'cool' character and they didn't do him any favors there.  But still even before that, when he came out to the ring as a surprise return I recall a pretty lame ovation.  To date, he still hasn't really been able to do the typical wise-cracking Nash interviwew that crowds usually eat up.


OR.. was it the spectacle of him laying in the ring screaming in pain after tripping over Booker T that killed his heat?  A pretty embarrassing scene no doubt, and for a guy like Nash, who hardly sells pain at all and always exhibits a 'nothing bothers me' persona, even more so.  Another problem is that HHH had the same injury and finished the match... but are the masses even aware that they had similar injuries?


Or, the more smarkish viewpoint, is the audience getting tired of the retreads?

Is this new to you? Nash has sucked balls ever since he first put on wrestling boots. He does NOTHING good for the wrestling business, NOTHING.

So you're saying he hasn't gotten pops before? Moron. THAT is what this post is about.

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Guest edotherocket

I actually think WWE fans have started to care about workrate and be a lot more vocal of wrestlers with EXTRAORDINARILY BAD wrestling skills (Taker and Albert can be called stale and slow etc. but they at least have a few moves). It all started with Steiner and his insanely bad performance at the Rumble. I mean, the fans cheered him at the start and turned on him because his wrestling sucked so much. That is quite a feat.


WWE has used this formula repeatedly in the last six months. This is the third time in recent months an old crappy WCW wrestler has come in and shot straight to the top and the casual fans who would ordinarily be more forgiving of crusty workrate have caught on to this formula and have started to become trained in not accepting crap wrestling.


My conspiracy theory is that Steiner's shitty wrestling was made worse by the Benoit/Angle match that followed at the Rumble so they haven't given Benoit a singles match on PPV since then so as not to upstage the main eventers who lick balls at wrestling (no problems with Angle since he's injured). Similarly, they've stuck RVD and Eddie in tag teams too when this time last year they were having decent singles matches. Virtually all accomplished singles wrestlers have been put in the tag division and given considerably shorter matches.


There are of course, other circumstances for Nash, as mentioned before. He is in a homo-erotic storyline and he seems to have lost his smart-ass quips. Things won't get much better if they have Shawn turn on Nash and he feuds with his ex-lovers HHH and Shawn over the summer.

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Guest Mole
Nash is clearly not over as a babyface right now.  I know that makes you all ecstatic, but does it strike anyone else as a little strange?  Obviously the WWE didn't see this coming but I sure didn't either.  Nash has not had any trouble getting crowds behind him for years now.  Even as a heel, in his last substantial WWE run before the bicep injury (with the NWO) he would get a big pop whenever he got on the mic, or tagged in during one of thoes NWO tag matches.  What do you think happened to his heat?


The first time he got on the mic in this latest comeback , he was whining to HBK and HHH, "cmon guys, pwease be friends!"  That was a far cry from his 'cool' character and they didn't do him any favors there.  But still even before that, when he came out to the ring as a surprise return I recall a pretty lame ovation.  To date, he still hasn't really been able to do the typical wise-cracking Nash interviwew that crowds usually eat up.


OR.. was it the spectacle of him laying in the ring screaming in pain after tripping over Booker T that killed his heat?  A pretty embarrassing scene no doubt, and for a guy like Nash, who hardly sells pain at all and always exhibits a 'nothing bothers me' persona, even more so.  Another problem is that HHH had the same injury and finished the match... but are the masses even aware that they had similar injuries?


Or, the more smarkish viewpoint, is the audience getting tired of the retreads?

Is this new to you? Nash has sucked balls ever since he first put on wrestling boots. He does NOTHING good for the wrestling business, NOTHING.

So you're saying he hasn't gotten pops before? Moron. THAT is what this post is about.

When did I ever say he hasn't gotten a pop? All I said was that he sucks balls, and has done nothing good for wrestling. Who cares if he has gotten a pop before, and doesn't anymore. Maybe it is because wrestling fans FINALLY realized that he sucks in the ring, on the mic, or anything to do with wrestling.


Sorry if I got 'off-topic' with your thread, but there is no need for insults.

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Guest Mole

I think he sucks, that is just me. Maybe it is because I hate him with a vengance.

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Guest Coffey

I don't know. It seems like it's always taken a lot to get Kevin Nash over. He wasn't over as Oz, Vinnie Vegas or any other BS before Diesel. Diesel didn't really get over until he was hanging around with HBK. He was booked as a monster and won the World Title in like an 8 sec. match from Bob Backlund.


In WCW, the nWo became "cool" to cheer. The Wolfpac was popular too. Add in the fact that he would come out and take out cruiserweights so that he could have mic time and you realize he was pretty much only over at anytime during his career due to overexposure. I mean, he just kept winning. He won World Won 3. Was a multiple time WCW champ/Tag Champ, and was also the first man to pin Goldberg.


Just my take on it.

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Guest edotherocket

Yeah, personally I find him reasonable, but he certainly is capable of getting a decent crowd reaction with his mic work. So I don't understand why they've chopped off his nuts and given him such weak material.


It's like how they changed Goldberg's music to something that's hard to 'Goldberg' to. Why do this?

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Guest Mole
I don't know. It seems like it's always taken a lot to get Kevin Nash over. He wasn't over as Oz, Vinnie Vegas or any other BS before Diesel. Diesel didn't really get over until he was hanging around with HBK. He was booked as a monster and won the World Title in like an 8 sec. match from Bob Backlund.


In WCW, the nWo became "cool" to cheer. The Wolfpac was popular too. Add in the fact that he would come out and take out cruiserweights so that he could have mic time and you realize he was pretty much only over at anytime during his career due to overexposure. I mean, he just kept winning. He won World Won 3. Was a multiple time WCW champ/Tag Champ, and was also the first man to pin Goldberg.


Just my take on it.

Too bad he couldn't back up his monsterness in the ring.

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Guest edotherocket

He has a devastating side slam and the best snake eyes in the business.

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Guest Memphis
Nash can be pretty decent on the mic, dude.

When he's ON he is. That is, when he's in his joking/sarcastic mood that makes me laugh. However, in his current incarnation of "TRIPLE H, IM GONNA KILL YOU" mic work where he just screams and yells to sound tough, is doing nothing for me or Nash.


I too was surprised Nash didn't get the mega-pop. Honestly, he has, or had, a pretty decent fanbase that always cheered him on. Somehow that's been lost and poor ole Kevvy's got...nothing.


Sucks to be him.



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Guest Cerebus

Maybe if Nash was given mic time besides "TRIPLE H BLAH BLAH" he might be over...but why should the average mark, who knows little-to-nothing about Nash, care about this big guy, in black, who doesn't say anything, and wrestles terribly?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Is this new to you? Nash has sucked balls ever since he first put on wrestling boots. He does NOTHING good for the wrestling business, NOTHING.

well......what can I say that hasn't already been said???

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Guest saturnmark4life

If he absolutely HAS to be on TV, they should play off his laziness. That's part of why he was 'cool' in the NWO, his laid back attitude on the stick. Giving him 'intense' interviews before he works a mind-numbingly slow match is a joke. Not that I'm advocating the twat even being there in the first place. The bottom line is, they've pushed hosses down people's throats for too long and it's caught up with them. Telling people what to like.

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Guest bob_barron

As everyone else said-


Nash's heat has vanished cause he just doesn't have it on the stick. He was never good at cutting intense promos to begin with and now that's all WWE is having him do.

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Guest humongous2002

Nash is good on the mic when he wants to be, but the marks are tired of seeing wrestlers talk the talk but not walk the walk.

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Guest cabbageboy

Nash has never really been over in the WWF to any real degree. Most of his overness was due to the NWO, certainly not his run as Shawn's bodyguard or his horrendous WWF title run in 1995. In short there is nothing for WWF fans to grab hold of with Nash...the majority of the stuff he has done in WWF/E has been lousy dating back to 1993.


Also, Nash has always been an unappealing monster type in the WWF. In WCW I warmed up to him because he showed actual wit and humor on the mic.


Add to it his non existant WWE work of late, and the fans simply don't want to see him.

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Guest Banky

The Clique love-in shite has finally got to the fans. Nash looked like a complete tool when he was trying to be Triple H's buddy. He was the only one who couldn't catch on that Trips was actually against him. The stupidity of his character was so evident that the fans just won't take it seriously. Combine that will his constant injuries, the failure of the nWo, and his past - his time has just come. There isn't anyway around it.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Because of the lower interest in wrestling these days, there is a much larger percentage of smarks watching than at any other time in the company's history, especially in Canada and the Eastern US where they have been touring lately. Smarks don't like Nash, and since they make up a large percentage (if not the majority) of the crowds now he is not very popular. I also think that this is the reason Benoit is one of the most over wrestlers in the company now.


Taker has been around for so long, that he has achieved legend status. He won't be booed. Same with Hogan. Nash doesn't have this to help him (neither does Steiner), and the increasingly workrate oriented fans turned on them.

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Guest Mole
As everyone else said-


Nash's heat has vanished cause he just doesn't have it on the stick. He was never good at cutting intense promos to begin with and now that's all WWE is having him do.

We finally agree on something bob.

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Guest Army Eye
When did I ever say he hasn't gotten a pop? All I said was that he sucks balls, and has done nothing good for wrestling. Who cares if he has gotten a pop before, and doesn't anymore. Maybe it is because wrestling fans FINALLY realized that he sucks in the ring, on the mic, or anything to do with wrestling.


Sorry if I got 'off-topic' with your thread, but there is no need for insults.

It was off-topic, and stuff like 'Nash sucks balls' adds nothing to any conversation. There is no insight there, just mindless smark zombiespeak. That kind of thing pollutes too much of this board and I didn't care much to see it here, sorry.


Lots of interesting points brought by up everyone else, thanks.

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Guest snuffbox

maybe the crowds are dead because kev is inherantly worthless and it is obvious.


I know the wwe like to be 'realistic' with the big guys on top but christ, I give up a couple of feet to Kevin and Im pretty sure I could smoke him with one kick to the side of his knee. Even marks know who can bring it and who cant.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I know this has already been said but there were two things that got Nash over


1. Mic work


2. Going over everyone in the universe.



Now he has neitheir of those things and he's just another old, shitty wrestling WCW guy.



plus, he sucks balls. :D

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the guy can't even run at all.........He sounds like a fuckin moron trying to cut an intense and serious promo, and the DIESEL character he's trying to play has been outdated since '95'. Plus his matches since coming back have been pathetic. Add all of those together and its almost impossible for the guy to have any heat or pop a crowd.

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Because of the lower interest in wrestling these days, there is a much larger percentage of smarks watching than at any other time in the company's history, especially in Canada and the Eastern US where they have been touring lately. Smarks don't like Nash, and since they make up a large percentage (if not the majority) of the crowds now he is not very popular. I also think that this is the reason Benoit is one of the most over wrestlers in the company now.


Taker has been around for so long, that he has achieved legend status. He won't be booed. Same with Hogan. Nash doesn't have this to help him (neither does Steiner), and the increasingly workrate oriented fans turned on them.

I think that there is our answer.


The fanbase which still watches wrestling is majorly the so called "smarts" (I still consider a real smart as someone in the business, not just a net-junkie like myself) and they are sick of the same old routine that Vince McMahon is trying to force feed down our throats.


We are the equivalent of the "rebelling teenagers" when we where younger we'd cheer for who ever "daddy" aka Vince wanted us to, but now we are a little wiser, and cheer for who we want too.


Ok, that analogy got way weird.


Anyways, I concur with Kahran on this.

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