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Guest cynicalprofit


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Guest cynicalprofit

After it bombed in WCW, the WWE is going to promote Hulk Hogan, as Mr. America, vs Piper. WOW, just WOW.


Also, I'd like to say to whoever is slipping the lsd into the water cooler at titan towers: please stop.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Would it kill them to have Hogan job to Beniot, or Hurricane?

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Hogan jobbing to Hurricane wouldn't make any sense, and I see no point to job him to Benoit right now. Maybe when this Mr. America stuff is over and Hogan's in a position where he can put people over, but he really isn't right now. I just want him to face wrestlers, not Piper.

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Guest bob_barron
After it bombed in WCW, the WWE is going to promote Hulk Hogan, as Mr. America, vs Piper. WOW, just WOW.


Also, I'd like to say to whoever is slipping the lsd into the water cooler at titan towers: please stop.

Actually it didn't bomb.


Hogan v. Piper did very well whenever they faced on PPVs. It's just the matches that sucked.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

It would hurt to see someone as talented as Benoit face Hogan. I can't imagine that match being any better than the ***** classics we keep getting when the powers-that-be decide to have Benoit face A-Train. Actually, it would probably be even worse than those matches, as I don't think there's any way Hogan would take a German from Benoit. It would be punch punch chop chop club club crossface, assuming Benoit goes over anyways. No good at all. I suppose there's an outside chance that he could, but for some reason I can see Benoit hitting the swandive headbutt and then going for the crossface, resulting in a hulking up mid-move and a Benoit job.

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My guess is this...


Hogan just wants to beat Piper to say that he finally did pin the man.


Piper will one day say that HULK HOGAN didn't beat Piper, Mr. America did, continuing that feud until they're feuding over graveyard space.



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It would hurt to see someone as talented as Benoit face Hogan. I can't imagine that match being any better than the ***** classics we keep getting when the powers-that-be decide to have Benoit face A-Train. Actually, it would probably be even worse than those matches, as I don't think there's any way Hogan would take a German from Benoit. It would be punch punch chop chop club club crossface, assuming Benoit goes over anyways. No good at all. I suppose there's an outside chance that he could, but for some reason I can see Benoit hitting the swandive headbutt and then going for the crossface, resulting in a hulking up mid-move and a Benoit job.

During the days of the NWO in WCW, Hogan faced Benoit in tag matches against the Horsemen. Sadly, Hogan used his political pull and told Benoit that he refused to take any of his chops according to internet lore.



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Guest Blue Bacchus

Hogan and Piper will continue their fued until Mania XX. C'mon it writes itself...

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax
It would hurt to see someone as talented as Benoit face Hogan. I can't imagine that match being any better than the ***** classics we keep getting when the powers-that-be decide to have Benoit face A-Train. Actually, it would probably be even worse than those matches, as I don't think there's any way Hogan would take a German from Benoit. It would be punch punch chop chop club club crossface, assuming Benoit goes over anyways. No good at all. I suppose there's an outside chance that he could, but for some reason I can see Benoit hitting the swandive headbutt and then going for the crossface, resulting in a hulking up mid-move and a Benoit job.

During the days of the NWO in WCW, Hogan faced Benoit in tag matches against the Horsemen. Sadly, Hogan used his political pull and told Benoit that he refused to take any of his chops according to internet lore.



He wouldn't take...A CHOP?! EVEN VINCE RUSSO TOOK CHOPS!!!

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Personally, I would do Hogan vs. Austin at WM XX.


It would be the star of the first half of WM vs. the star for the second half. The two biggest draws ever where it all started to prove who's better.


The match wouldn't exactly be a ***** classic due to Austin's limitations, but it wouldn't be a high impact encounter like his match with The Rock, so Austin should be well protected.



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Guest Blue Bacchus

If Hogan did face Austin at Mania XX, who would go over?


To me Piper/Hogan is more interesting than Hogan/Austin. Maybe if it would have happened 2 or 3 years ago, Hogan/Austin would've been awesome. Now it's passe. I'm personally sick of all these "Dream Matches". There are only three "Dream Matches" I want to see and all of them aren't possible:

1) Rock vs DDP - Peoples Champ vs Peoples Champ

2) Andre vs Big Show - Would be HUGE

3) Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle - ::Drools::

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax
Personally, I would do Hogan vs. Austin at WM XX.


It would be the star of the first half of WM vs. the star for the second half. The two biggest draws ever where it all started to prove who's better.


The match wouldn't exactly be a ***** classic due to Austin's limitations, but it wouldn't be a high impact encounter like his match with The Rock, so Austin should be well protected.



That would be nice. And I agree with the point of Austin being well-protected, which is definitely a priority. The question is who would go over and who would benefit? As both men are basically retired - Hogan should be at some point soon, I hope and pray - neither really has a reason to go over. Not that it wouldn't be good from a dream match/history standpoint, and it would probably draw, but really it would be pretty pointless.


Anyways, $10 says that Wrestlemania XX will feature Golberg/Austin instead, if Goldberg is still around that is. They're subtly hinting at such already.

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Guest Army Eye
After it bombed in WCW, the WWE is going to promote Hulk Hogan, as Mr. America, vs Piper. WOW, just WOW.


Also, I'd like to say to whoever is slipping the lsd into the water cooler at titan towers: please stop.

You're way , way off. Those matches in WCW did big buyrates.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Starrcade 96 drew a .95, according to Foley, a 1.0 is a success. So it was close. Im willing to bet though it did make some money with a .95...still the match was bad.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Maybe Vince wants to destroy his own creation and inject Smackdown with a dose of lethal poison.

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Guest Ram
Starrcade 96 drew a .95, according to Foley, a 1.0 is a success. So it was close. Im willing to bet though it did make some money with a .95...still the match was bad.

Considering the midcard was so lost at the time, I'd say that's pretty good.


Was that the same one where Piper "locked" himself inside a cell in Alcatraz? Weird ass WCW.

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Guest cynicalprofit

No matter what, I will always remember vince for the following


No Holds Barred and the irony of what really happened

His top ten choice of Mark Henery during the draft

and his quote of how he hates people who need help.

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Guest Choken One

I thought they were going with SOH/Mr. America? Which would've been better since SOH could KILL Mr. America...and get HUGE HEAT.



And why hasn't SOH done the HOGAN IS A HYPOCRITE promo yet? I even handed the perfect scripct over to them to steal!

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Guest bravesfan
Was that the same one where Piper "locked" himself inside a cell in Alcatraz? Weird ass WCW.

Close, but no.


Starrcade 1996 had Piper beating Hogan cleanly in the middle of the ring with a sleeper, but it was non-title.


Superbrawl 1997 had the rematch between Hogan and Piper for the title in a cage match, which was what spurned the trip to Alcatraz for Piper. That match ended with Savage turning and joining the nWo...for the 1ST time.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII
Starrcade 1996 had Piper beating Hogan cleanly in the middle of the ring with a sleeper, but it was non-title.


I remember the build up to that match and they never said it was a non-title match til after the fact. Cause I remember after Piper won the match and seeing and thinking why in the hell does Hogan still have the belt.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1
And why hasn't SOH done the HOGAN IS A HYPOCRITE promo yet? I even handed the perfect scripct over to them to steal!

I think that is definitely the way to use O'Haire, but he should do it in one of those cool videos he did before he debuted. O'Haire would get good heat for it because as much as the fans love Hogan, deep down they would know what O'Haire is saying is true. I think they will eventually go with Hogan/O'Haire, but Hogan/Piper is probably going to be a horrible match to cap off a horrible card.

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