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Dropped Storylines

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Out of all The dropped storylines Of The last couple years In The WWE (And There Have been a lot), which Is one you wish was continued till It played out? For me, It would have to be The time Eddie Gurrerro started helping The Hardy Boyz and Lita out for no apparent reason. He took a Gore from Rhyno protecting Lita, he turned on The Radicals to prove his worth, hell, he even started to dress like them! Then before the storyline concluded, It was dropped. I believe this was due to Eddie having to go to Rehab for Substance Abuse Issues, but I'm not sure. Anyways, It was never finished. That's mine, what about yours? :cheers:

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
He took a Gore from Rhyno protecting Lita

Just to note, I was there.




And I wanted to know what was going on when Bish kissed Steph. It was an interesting angle in shitload of uhh, shit.

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Guest ManKinnd

Definately the HHH/Angle/Steph love triangle. There was so much time devoted to it, and it was actually, you know, interesting! Plus, HHH could still work and it was all so captivating to see how it would end, and then it just kinda stopped after that Unforgiven match.

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Guest areacode212

The Angle/HHH/Steph triangle.


And Backlund never got to fulfill this promise: "Before I retire, I intend to place the crossface chicken wing on YOU, McMahon!!"

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Guest papacita

Definitely the Eddie/Hardyz program.


Another good one was Raven and his mystery ninja (Tori). I heard they unmasked Tori on Heat or something, but I have no clue why they dropped that angle.


I dunno if it counts, but I wish they had gone through with that teased Austin/Tazz feud in 2001.

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Yeah, Tori was unmasked as the Mystery Ninja. I remember Raven talking about how he didn't like that whole thing and how it was Tori's idea.


The HHH/Angle/Steph love triangle is definitely on the top of the heap when it comes to dropped storylines.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

We never got to see Christopher Nowsinki date rape Molly Holly...

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Guest Choken One

I always figured the Love Triangle...WWE's greatest Angle in the Attitude Era after Bret's Anti-American Hart Foundation Run in 97 and Austin/McMahon...


Was Finished....In the end...Stephanie decided she loved her husband far too much and chose him over Kurt. I thought that was the blowoff?


As far as Unfinished Angles...


Austin/Tazz is right up there...So many segments of dissension and save for a beatdown that meant nothing...They never got anything out of it...


Jericho/Shamrock...Would've dug a match with those two...


Dreamer/Douglas Triple Threat Angle...It was interesting and BOOM douglas left the company again...


The Blue Blazer Gimmick Obviously...

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Guest kane3212321

Tazz/Austin was the worst, that fued had such good tension and they wasted it in a 2 minute raw match. Always thought they could have gone further with Austin/RVD too.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I always thought the Hunter/Steph/Angle love fest was finished. Steph choose Triple H. It was weird the way Steph acted confused after the match, but I think she was more grossed out then anything after Triple H kissed her when his mouth was busted open.


Did you want Angle to begin stalking her or something? Screw that! Kurt Angle went on to become WWF Champion almost right after that.


I wanted the Austin/Jarrett feud. Or, at least a damn match.

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I wanted Ron/Dvon to continue to become "the New Nation" team up with Jazz an Mack with Long being there mananger and (only)speaker. BUt I know I was the only one .

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Guest Steviekick

They teased a Jeff Hardy/Trish thing twice...before Invasion in 2001 and just now before he left. It's really odd that they decided to start something up that they dropped 2 years earlier.

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We never got to see Christopher Nowsinki date rape Molly Holly...



...but if they ever decided to continue that, that COULD Spark a Molly face turn...she's being harassed by Nowinski...he's about to get her...she gets rescued by The Hurricane (remembering slightly their past) and possible re-union.


...OK, so I had a dream like that. ^^;

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Guest The Superstar
"Who raised the briefcase?"

They kind of inferred that it was Big Bossman. Before the match, HBK said that if any Corporation member interfered, Austin would win. The RAW before KOTR, Vince fired Bossman from the Corporation, meaning he wasn't a member, so he could freely raise the briefcase. The next night he rejoined the Corporation, with his famous "I love you guys~!" line.

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Guest ShooterJay

Glenn Ruth (Headbanger Thrasher) was behind G-TV. It was revealed on Heat- they used it to resolve the "Chaz is a woman-beater" angle.

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Guest Lil Naitch

I remember reading an interview with Russo who said that Goldust was supposed to be behind G-TV.

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Guest Eagan469
OH! A dropped storyline that they never resolved...


Who was behind G-TV?

Russo wrote the initial skits, and it was supposed to be Goldust, but then he was subsequently fired and G-TV just became a hidden camera basically


I wanted to see Meanie and Stevie's "Blonde Bitch Project" conclude - them making fun of Sable would have been funny as hell

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I would of liked to of seen Eddie Guerrero vs Austin, i think with the right build up it could of been a really sweet match, and could of given Eddie a great rub.

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Guest Nevermortal

The Vic Grimes Drug Dealer angle.


I knew it would've resulted in crappy matches, but I thought it was cool.

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Guest wwF1587

HHH/Angle/Steph Love Triange... alot of (somewhat entertaining) soap opera crap for nothing and a sub par match

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Guest NoSelfWorth

The Angle/Steph/Cripps love triangle was pretty much concluded at Unforgiven when Cripps pinned Angle. That was pretty much what started my hatred of Roidio. That angle should have only ended one way, and that was for Stephanie to turn on Cripps, and go with Angle. Unfortunately, Stephanie, who became head writer at about the time the angle concluded, was influenced by her boyrfriend, Cripple H, and instead of getting the only possible, logical ending , we got an ego stroking ending. And I know of a TON of people who were turned off of watching due to that one angle not getting the right ending.

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Guest CanadianChick

I wanted to see a RVD/Austin feud...it was set up so perfectly.

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Guest Choken One

Austin Rvd was so amazingly perfectly set up and yet they killed it dead...

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Guest Zack Malibu
OH!  A dropped storyline that they never resolved...


Who was behind G-TV?

Russo wrote the initial skits, and it was supposed to be Goldust, but then he was subsequently fired and G-TV just became a hidden camera basically


I wanted to see Meanie and Stevie's "Blonde Bitch Project" conclude - them making fun of Sable would have been funny as hell

G-TV was originally supposed to be a crossover angle with Tom Green, who was just taking off on MTV. I think it got shot down because McMahon had no idea who he was at that point.

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