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Guest edotherocket

Why Booker T is in the Battle Royal

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Guest Austin3164life
omg..........vince doesnt back the mack!!


I don't think I back the Mack either.


*fuckin' double post*

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Guest Slingshot Suplex
Booker T is a former WCW U.S. Champion which was unified into the WWF IC Title so tecnically he IS a former IC Champion.

Going by that logic,then Magnum TA is a former IC champ too then.

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Booker T is a former WCW U.S. Champion which was unified into the WWF IC Title so tecnically he IS a former IC Champion.

Going by that logic,then Magnum TA is a former IC champ too then.

And Steve McMichael and David Flair.

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Guest the 1inch punch

You know, if they went by that logic, i can think of about twenty other guys to stick in their to make it watchable

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Guest bob_barron
Actually, yeah, that was the plan, until Goldberg signed. HHH's line of thinking during the production meetings was that if they were serious about Booker T being a top guy and giving me a semi-decent world title reign then it made sense for him to drop the belt.. He noted how the poorly executed Chris Jericho title reign hurt him for months after losing the belt. Further, he stated that if they were not serious about him being a legit top guy while champ that, like Jericho, the win and subsequent title loss would hurt more than help. Vince then decided HHH was right(which he was) and since they had the Goldberg and Nash programs coming up that HHH was better for the spot than Booker.


Not saying that HHH would not have found another excuse not to job the belt at Mania if Goldberg had not signed but the above is a very good explanation for not dropping the belt.

Jericho was hurt after losing the belt because he was treated like a jobber. It wasn't his fault. How is Triple H right in the situation? If they gave Booker the belt and then kept him strong after he dropped it- he'd have no problem.

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Guest Repo Man jr

Magnum TA hasn't been on RAW for a while so I doubt they will include him.

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Guest Lil Naitch
Is Goldust going to be in the battle royal? Does it seem to anyone else like he's been really buried lately?

I think Goldust has been injured, something to do with his back.

and if he WWE had a match planned for Booker to win a spot in the Battle Royal, it got canned when he got sick.

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Guest Coffey

Man, I wish the Sean Morley was in the Intercontinental Battle Royal. I'm a big Sean Morley 'mark.' I think that he has all the tools that a man needs to become a top star in the wrestling business. He has a look. He's decent on the mic...and he can work an above average match. Shit, maybe he will be added to the match as a surprize entrant. Austin or Bischoff could tell him that if he wins the IC belt he is reinstated. I'd 'mark' for that.


As it stands now, I'm fairly confident that Christian will win the Battle Royal. That way when he refers to himself as "The New People's Champion" it will actually make sense because he will be a champion. Booker T. was added just to be a spoiler to Jericho in my opinion. Lance Storm, Test & Goldust are just in there to increase the number of participants. They are just glorified jobbers. Jericho is above the IC belt. Rob Van Dam & Kane will be spoilers for each other. I don't think the WWE would make either man a double champion. The final four will be either Christian, Jericho, Booker T. & RVD or Booker T., Jericho, Christian & Kane. It depends on which one of the tag champs throw out the other. Kane threw RVD out of the rumble, so I'm assuming that RVD will throw out Kane this time. Then again, Kane is always booked as a monster in battle royals, so you never can tell.


All this, of course, is assuming that someone unscheduled doesn't partake in the match. Like Billy Gunn, Chyna or Sean Morley.

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Guest Choken One

I'm thinking we get a Jericho/X/Booker final 3....


I wish they would Raw 93 the royale though...

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Guest Anglesault
It was only discovered later that Booker T had never actually won the IC title

Pathetic. I bet Booker had to tell them.


WWF appologist: Well, you can't expect them to know EVERYONE who holds that belt!

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Guest AndrewTS
One of the main driving creative forces behind the return of the Intercontinental title was to give Booker T a major program as a face without giving him the World Title.


It was only discovered later that Booker T had never actually won the IC title, so they came up with the angle on Raw to put him into the Battle Royal (with Teddy Long insisting that a black man be included in the match to Steve Austin).


Whether or not Booker T wins the IC title at Judgment Day, he is expected to be in the angles and matches around the belt.


credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE doesn't even remember the lineages of their own titles. Pathetic. Surprised they didn't just use revisionist history again.


One of the main driving creative forces behind the return of the Intercontinental title was to give Booker T a major program as a face without giving him the World Title.


Yeah, good thing they plugged Nash into that program instead.

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Guest Repo Man jr

Next month...


WWE have booked Matt Hardy vs AJ Styles for the cruiserweight title at Summerslam. It was only after that they found out he doesn't actually work for them.

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All this, of course, is assuming that someone unscheduled doesn't partake in the match. Like Billy Gunn, Chyna or Sean Morley.

I'm officially calling it - The Honky Tonk Man will be in the Battle Royale.


And on the US Title unification thing... by that logic former Hardcore and Euro champs can get involved as well. BRING ON TERRI AND BRISCO!

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Guest Lil Naitch
All this, of course, is assuming that someone unscheduled doesn't partake in the match. Like Billy Gunn, Chyna or Sean Morley.

I'm officially calling it - The Honky Tonk Man will be in the Battle Royale.


And on the US Title unification thing... by that logic former Hardcore and Euro champs can get involved as well. BRING ON TERRI AND BRISCO!

I called that already in a different thread, me thinks.


And wasn't Brisco a IC champ long ago? I know Patterson was...


Oh dear god, I hope Patterson and Brisco don't come out in evening gowns.....

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Guest Sturgis
Booker T is a former WCW U.S. Champion which was unified into the WWF IC Title so tecnically he IS a former IC Champion.

Going by that logic,then Magnum TA is a former IC champ too then.

And Steve McMichael and David Flair.

OK forget I said that.


(fuckin' smartmarks)

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Guest CanadianChick

I was just thinking about the battle royal and something hit me: Shawn can win the title! And then, him and Nash can beat RVD/Kane and win the tag titles! It can be '95 all over again! Yeah!

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Guest creativename

It was only discovered later that Booker T had never actually won the IC title

That is pathetic.

That is truly and abysmally pitiful. I laughed for like 15 seconds when I read that. Can't believe that Anglesault is the only other poster to comment on how bad this is.


Seriously, they write an angle, then have to book on the fly because they didn't remember who held their own fucking titles!? That's awful. That seems like something a smark would have them capable of doing in an exaggerated wisecrack, but wouldn't actually happen.


This company is a joke. (yeah, I know, nothing new)

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Guest notJames
...As it stands now, I'm fairly confident that Christian will win the Battle Royal. That way when he refers to himself as "The New People's Champion" it will actually make sense because he will be a champion...

Jago called it. Well done. :cheers:

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