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Who would you say are the top ten...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered










El Brujo

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Guest Kinetic

I'm doing pretty well for someone who posts about five times a month.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I'm doing pretty well for someone who posts about five times a month.

It's a good move. Don't tarnish your legacy by posting constantly, letting everyone know how decrepit you really are.

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Guest Kinetic
It's a good move. Don't tarnish your legacy by posting constantly, letting everyone know how decrepit you really are.


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Guest AM The Kid

Awww....I got on a list and then I got kicked off...sonova bitch. Time to go drown my sorrows with a bottle of little white pills and a glass of tap water.




...and I dont think I'm a hated poster as Banky and Barron are...shitty, I feel baaaad :(

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Guest Flyboy
rather than have people take my previous post seriously

Lick my balls, AoA.

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Guest CanadianChick

Hmmm...Yuna has gotten two mentions. Maybe I should follow in her 'footsteps' sort of speak....

Wouldn't Edge/RVD be a good pairing? :)

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Guest Lord of The Curry


El Dandy


Agent of Oblivion



Anglesault (I used to think he was a bitter fuck, until I became bitter myself and realize where he's coming from)


Dr. Tom

AM The Kid


What is "essential" about Yuna? Do you need her to be around so her sigs remind you about how terrible of a world we live in?

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I won't say Dames... but he would be there if he didn't own the place... and I'll throw in a comparison to somebody else for each one


CWM - the Sam Jackson of TSM

Banky - the Banky of TSM

bob barron - the Dick Nixon of TSM

DrTom - the James Bond of TSM

Choken One - the Ol Dirty Bastard of TSM

Downhome - the Milhouse of TSM

Kinetic - the Incandenza of TSM

Incandenza - the Kinetic of TSM

Kotz - the Beastie Boys of TSM

AoO - the Satan of TSM

SpiderPoet - the Jesus of TSM


and an honorable mention for myself... the Larry Flynt of TSM

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Guest MrRant
I won't say Dames... but he would be there if he didn't own the place... and I'll throw in a comparison to somebody else for each one


CWM - the Sam Jackson of TSM

Banky - the Banky of TSM

bob barron - the Dick Nixon of TSM

DrTom - the James Bond of TSM

Choken One - the Ol Dirty Bastard of TSM

Downhome - the Milhouse of TSM

Kinetic - the Incandenza of TSM

Incandenza - the Kinetic of TSM

Kotz - the Beastie Boys of TSM

AoO - the Satan of TSM

SpiderPoet - the Jesus of TSM


and an honorable mention for myself... the Larry Flynt of TSM

Bastard left me off.

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Guest welshjerichomark

i no order, off the top of head.


Agent of Oblivion




bob baron







Actually there's loads more than that.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

You know IDRM, the gift of gab is the gift that I have, man, that girl ain't nothing but a drag. Educated? No. Stupid? Yup.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I never make any damn list! Not best, worst, loved, hated, overrated, underrated...... nothing!


I feel like Jericho in a booking meeting, non-relevant~!

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Guest KanadianKrusty

In no order:





Most of the people in the OAOAST






and a bunch of people I'm forgetting to mention.


Special mention: Memphis, I want more quotes dammit!

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Guest Some Guy

I got a mention!


In no order




Zack Mailbu


Dr. Tom




Dames (You'd be on here if you weren't the boss, mainly because I can't think of anyone else right now)

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Guest eiker_ir

hmmm, i'll just post the people i like the most here...





Canadian Chick









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Guest Youth N Asia

I'll make a list and just title it "People I can stand"





Rando (sometimes :D )

Canadian Chick




And if I left you off it's cause I forgot ya. Or you piss me off...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

hmm...I used to get alot of mentions...and now I'm down to two.


While many things could have contributed to this...I'm blaming the name change.


You can't handle The Truth.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Oh...I vote for the people who post in the TNA and Buffy threads.

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Guest J*ingus

Hell, I haven't even been mentioned once (not counting the Establishment, State, and OAOAST blanket nominations which cover like three hundred people), so all you whiners need to quit yer bitchin'.


Bannable Offense's sig, which is the greatest sig in all the history of sigdom, should lock him permanently into any sort of Best Posters list for years to come.


Oh, and Memphis, what're you doing with MY avatar, boyo?

Edited by Jingu$

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Guest Some Guy

My bad. I forgot about you Jingus.


::Volunteers to take a Clawslam for his mistake::

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Guest bravesfan


:unsure: ME?!?





Bannable Offense - His signature should earn him immunity for this board.


Bannable Offense's sig, which is the greatest sig in all the history of sigdom, should lock him permanently into any sort of Best Posters list for years to come.


I have seeped into Jingus' subconscience...me like.




I forgot to make mentions of Eagan469 and Blurricane/LPYC. The former is a great asset to this board (themes, commentaries, ROMs, etc.), while Blurry was just overwhelmingly funny.

Edited by bravesfan

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