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Best/Worst Wrestlemania main event ever

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Guest AndrewTS

BEST: Iron Man Match, WM XII. I may pick Angle/Lesnar though, once I see it...


Worst: Either WMIX ending with Hogan winning the title, or Taker-Sid at XIII.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Since I've only seen four WMs and only a few of the other main events, I can't really judge.


If I had to say the best of what I've seen, I say Rock vs. Austin from WMX7, with Angle vs. Brock close behind.


Worst has to be Jericho vs. HHH. Jericho had just been buried and the whole thing was bad with the crowd being silent.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Rock/Austin from WM XVII is easily number one. The real question is number two, as several matches (Savage/Hogan, Bret/Shawn, Brock/Angle, Warrior/Hogan) are all around the same quality and is usually based on personal preference. I usually put Bret/Shawn second and Savage/Hogan third, but it can change depending on my mood.


Likewise there is a far and away winner for worst main event. Bret/Yoko and the Hogan fiasco from Wrestlemania IX completely destroyed any momentum the company had made with the Bret Hart title win. Buyrates began to plummet at this show, and aside from a nice bright spot during Hart's 1994 title run, didn't recover until 1998.

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Guest undisputedjericho

Hulk Hogan & Mr. T vs. Paul Ordorff & Roddy Piper

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