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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Vince not talking to Big Show

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Vince McMahon was reportedly so angry with the Big Show after the match at Backlash that he refused to talk to him.


McMahon apparently thought Show didn’t protect Mysterio on the stretcher shot to the ringpost, simply dropping him face first on the ground instead of leaning the stretch against the ringpost.


Big Show was remorseful about his mistake, and apologized for being so reckless. Show’s match with Brock Lesnar (where he jobbed) is not viewed as punishment for the incident.


credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter


So does this mean Albert will get the Big Show push instead?

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Guest AndrewTS

So, Big Show's punishment is that Vince isn't talking to him?


Ooooh...that tyrant, maybe he should ease off a little.

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Guest El Satanico

Vince gave Big Show the silent treatment?


What the hell...how old is Vince

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21




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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

My head hurts but I'm trying to figure out the stupidest part of this.


1. Vince gives Big Show a timeout.


2. Even though it was so terrible a thing...they still show it 5 times every SD!


3. Big Show wtill got pushed and Main Evented the last pay per view



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Guest AndrewTS
Vince gave Big Show the silent treatment?


What the hell...how old is Vince

Mentally or physically?






I think that getting beaten in the match might be mistaken as punishment. *cough*

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I think it was too late to pull back the push for JD so Show will suffer like the rest of us starting tonight!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Too late?


There was no buildup for the match yet.


Cena was running a storyline with Brock...Show wasn't doing anything.


So Cena ends up back in the curtain jerk 4 minute 6 man tag with Benoit and Rhyno.



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Guest AndrewTS
I think it was too late to pull back the push for JD so Show will suffer like the rest of us starting tonight!

I dunno what you mean, but Show should be jobbing to the other Hardy Boy now.

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Guest Kid Kablam

If they really wanted to punish him, they should have jobbed him out to Rey. That's no joke.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Punishment for a big man in WWE is obviously different then their version of punishment for anyone else where they get buried to Heat or Velocity or disappear from tv.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I didn't see him in the Smackdown spoilers, which is a good sign.

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Guest HartFan86

Vince needs to realize that accidents happen, and Show seems to be a down to earth type of guy so if he apologized and feels bad about it, then he's probably sincere about it.


This silent treatment bullshit is stupid...Vince needs to not overreact and deal with these things in a professional manner.


And as BPS said, Vince must not be that mad about it because they show it 50 times since it happened on every Smackdown.

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Guest cabbageboy

This baffles me....you are so pissed at a guy that you won't speak to him, but yet still book him in the main event of the next PPV when you have to KNOW he won't draw a dime.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Almost suprised he didn't punish Rey for not playing dead better for the hoss

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Guest Redhawk

Odd as it may sound, this is actually a GOOD thing.


The decision to run Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show at Judgment Day was made before Backlash, as it should have been. Even though we and WWE knew Brock-Show would be a bad match, they had to book it for Brock's sake. Show is the only guy to have beaten Brock (aside from Angle's brother-switch rollup thing), and with Brock as the new champ, he had to vanquish that enemy before he could move on to better things.


So even though Big Show pisses Vince off at Backlash, Vince does the smart thing and keeps the pre-planned JD main event intact: He DOESN'T let personal feelings get in the way of business, which might have made for happy smarks but doesn't set a good example for the WWE guys. Isn't that what everyone hates HHH, Steph and Vince for anyway, putting friendship and personal feelings over what's best for the program?


Now of course you coud argue that Brock-Show at JD wasn't good for business anyway, but as I said above, it's a match that Brock had to get out of the way.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Big Show won't get depushed. SD has too few main event talents, if you could call Big Show "talented".

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I guess this means they won't be coming out with a new Big Show t-shirt that we are all itching to get.

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Guest CanadianChick

God, this makes Vince sound like he's in grade 5....and unless Vince and Show talk on a regular basis and are 'friends', then how is this a 'punishment'. Not that I nessesarly think that Show should get profusly punished or anything...

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Guest bravesfan

INCIDENT: Big Show injures Brock at a house show, breaking two of his ribs, days before a PPV.

RESULT: Big Show wins the WWE title.


INCIDENT: Big Show doesn't protect Rey Mysterio on stretcher spot, injures Rey's wrist.

RESULT: Big Show main events the following PPV for the WWE title.


You'd think Wight would get a clue by now...

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Guest OnlyMe

Yeah, watch him kick Matt Hardy in the head, giving him a concussion and ending his career. Just to get another title shot.

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Vince: "Stephanie, would you please tell Big Show to pass the salt, as I'm not speaking to him."


Stephanie: "Big Show, could you please pass th-"


Big Show:" Steph, would you please tell Vince to get his own damn salt, as I'm not speaking to him?"


Steph: "Dad, Big Show says-"


Vince: "Well, maybe if I was a big fat slob who can't protect other workers with my ape like arms, i could reach it."


Big Show: "Well, maybe if I was given a BIG push worthy of my BIG, GIANT size, I would be more willing to. I'm 7'2, 500 pounds! I deserve a push for my tremendous talent at being big."


Vince:" Steph, please tell Big Show I'm not speaking to him..."



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Guest Anglesault



He got to main event THAT PPV.


Ten bucks Nash/HHH was the main and like on Wednesday of last week HHH woke up, saw the PPV card, saw the preorders, and got his ass as far away from the headline of that show and inevitable backlash when the buyrate comes in as he could.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo
Vince: "Stephanie, would you please tell Big Show to pass the salt, as I'm not speaking to him."


Stephanie: "Big Show, could you please pass th-"


Big Show:" Steph, would you please tell Vince to get his own damn salt, as I'm not speaking to him?"


Steph: "Dad, Big Show says-"


Vince: "Well, maybe if I was a big fat slob who can't protect other workers with my ape like arms, i could reach it."


Big Show: "Well, maybe if I was given a BIG push worthy of my BIG, GIANT size, I would be more willing to. I'm 7'2, 500 pounds! I deserve a push for my tremendous talent at being big."


Vince:" Steph, please tell Big Show I'm not speaking to him..."





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Guest the pinjockey

I can't wait til next week.


Reports say that Vince was upset with Big Show for walking to the ring too slow. To show his anger he reportedly kicked him in the shin, called him a big dummyhead and ran and told HHH.


More as this develops.


Credit: Pwtorch

Edited by the pinjockey

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh that PW Torch, how do they keep up with the news like that?

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