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Guest Renegade

The Fighting game character tournament2003 round 6

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Guest Renegade



Scorpion def Terry Bogard 11-8 (sigh, how can a scrub get so far? And on that note, fatal fury is out.)


Sagat def Kibagami Genjuro 12-7


Ken Masters def Ryu 13-6 (wow, pleasant surprise)


Iori Yagami def Haohmaru 12-7(and Samurai Showdown is out)





Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) vs. Sagat (Street Fighter)


Ken Masters (Street Fighter) vs. Iori Yagami (King of Fighters)



Voting ends in a about a week.

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Guest Renegade
Fuck Scorpion, i wanted a Terry-Ken final...

You and me both...but fear the spear I guess...

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Guest Lightning Flik

Iori vs Scorpion for the Finals. Hence my vote goes towards those two.


Just so I can pick Iori as the winner.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest KoR Fungus




Scorpion is very boring. I have no idea how he got this far.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) vs. Sagat (Street Fighter)


Ken Masters (Street Fighter) vs. Iori Yagami (King of Fighters)

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Guest Renegade
Scorpion is very boring.  I have no idea how he got this far.

Your vote in the previous round didnt really help.

Edited by Renegade

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Guest CED Ordonez


and IORI~!


For the FINALS~!


So does the TILDE BANG~!


Edited by CED Ordonez

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Guest Reverb

Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) vs. Sagat (Street Fighter)

Ken Masters (Street Fighter) vs. Iori Yagami (King of Fighters)

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Guest KoR Fungus
Your vote in the previous round didnt really help.


Scorpion should have jobbed to Shang Tsung, if not before. Compared with Terry he was the lesser of two evils. Plus I was still mad at Terry for taking out Kazuya. :)

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Guest Renegade

Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) vs. Sagat (Street Fighter):




Design:Evil Laugh,Eyepatch, Uber juiced, Scar across chest and Muay Thai outfit


Gameplay:High priority, Machine gun tiger shots, good supers, good throw, crouching fierce, fierce low jump, tiger uppercut and excellent standing fierce.




Design: Catchphrase, ninja with a skull behind mask


Gameplay: Pathetic spear...spear...spear...oh he has that weird ass tackle too.


Winner: Sagat


Ken Masters (Street Fighter) vs. Iori Yagami (King of Fighters)


Now this is a toughie...both accessible to a novice and very lethal in the hands of a master. Both good designs and unique characters. In the super department the maiden masher beats anything Ken has to throw but then again Ken's three hit dragon punch remains unrivalled. Ken wins by being my favorite character in the capcom universe.


Winner: Ken Masters

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Guest caboose

Sagat (Street Fighter)


Ken Masters (Street Fighter)



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Guest Sakura
How the hell could you people vote for Scorpion?



1. I must represent MK.


2. Sagat is boring.


3. Scorpion is fairly cool.

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Guest Cavi

I really hate Sagat. He is up near the top of my least liked Capcom characters list. Heck, Jax > Sagat.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Sagat, mostly because I don't care for either of them.


Ken all the way. "Who's the big star NOW, Ryu?!"

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)


Ken Masters (Street Fighter)

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