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Guest NoCalMike

25th hour......

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Guest MDH257

I thought the 9/11 references were mostly needless. They were there because Spike Lee and David Benioff wanted the movie to take place in "post 9/11 New York". I thought that was accomplished in two instances:

1.) I thought the opening credits sequence was very well done, visually powerful, and (as Lee and Benioff wanted) lets the audience know when the movie takes place.


2.) Monty's Dad having a tribute to dead firefighters at his bar was realistic. I'm sure every neighborhood bar in NY has a tribute to a cop or firefighter. However, Monty and his dad reminicing about the dead is needless since it's has nothing to do with the story. It just seems to me that Monty and his dad would have other things on their mind. That and the other references just seem to be there so Spike can say he brought up 9/11.





BTW, I saw this movie at a packed theater on a Saturday night, the day after it opened. I was amazed at how some of the audience wasn't emotionally mature enough to handle the film. I was surrounded by a bunch of college age guys who looked like the MTV/Maxim target audience. They were silent during Monty's rant except for his fuck the queers comment, which got a big cheer.

Now I know I could go on about why I think that happened, but what really made me roll my eyes was when the crowd burst into laughter when Barry Pepper cries near the end of the movie.

I mean give me a break.

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The rant against all races was awesome!!! I actually have it saved on my comp and I would post it if not for a certain comment against Puerto Ricans in New York, so I'm going to spare myself from Dames' wrath here. ;)

You won't incur my "wrath" so to speak if you're simply quoting from a movie. That would just be silly.



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Guest Crucifixio Jones

You know how I said earlier that the ending seemed reminiscent of Raising Arizona?


Well, Monty's bathroom break tirade was very similar to a scene like that in Do The Right Thing, except it was delivered by different races towards another. Here it was all Monty but it was basically the same thing, just a tad longer and with more venom.

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Guest godthedog
You know how I said earlier that the ending seemed reminiscent of Raising Arizona?


Well, Monty's bathroom break tirade was very similar to a scene like that in Do The Right Thing, except it was delivered by different races towards another. Here it was all Monty but it was basically the same thing, just a tad longer and with more venom.

oh, absolutely. it totally reminded me of that montage of slurs from 'do the right thing', but not in a good way; it seemed like lee was being derivative of himself, & going out of his way to remind us of stuff he'd already done.

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Guest Vitamin X

Very well then, by popular request...the infamous "Fuck You" rant


(Note: I wrote it down listening by ear to the movie and left out the plot stuff so as to not spoil anything. Also because of that, the rant is about 90% accurate isntead of 100%)


Fuck me? Fuck you!

Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it!

Fuck the panhandlers, grubbin from my mitts, smilin behind my back

Squeegee men dirtyin up the clean windshield of my car, get a fucking job!

Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis,

bombing down the avenues in decrepid cabs

Curry steamin out their pores, stinkin up my day

Terrorists in fuckin training, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!

Fuck the Chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped up biceps,

Going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, diddling their dicks on my channel 35

Fuck the Korean grocers and their pyramids of overpriced fruit, and their tulips and roses all wrapped up in plastic

10 years in the country, STILL NO E-SPEEK-A ENGLISSH!

Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach,

mobster thugs sittin in cafes sippin tea in little glasses, sugar cubes in between their teeth

Wheelin and dealin and schemin, go back where you fucking came from!

Fuck the black-hatted Hassidom, strollin up and down 47th St in their dirty gaberdeen selling white diamonds

Fuck the Wall Street brokers, self styled masters of the universe

Michael Douglas, Gordon Gecko wannabe motherfuckers figuring out new ways to rob hardworking people blind

Send these Enron assholes to jail for FUCKIN...LIFE! You think Bush and Cheney didn't know about that shit? Give me a fuckin break!

Fuck the Puerto Ricans, 22 in a cab, swelling up the welfare, worst fucking breed in the city

And don't even get me started on the Dominicans, they make the Puerto Ricans look good

Fuck the Benson Hurst Italians with their palmheaded hair, their nylon warmups, their St Anthony medallions, swinging their JC (?) Louisville Sluggers in an audition for the Sopranos

Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their handmade scarves and their $1000 Darlucci artichokes overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched all taut and shiny

You're not foolin anybody, sweetheart!

Fuck the Uptown Brothers, they don't want to pass the ball, they don't wanna play defense, they take 5 steps on every layup to the hoop, and then they want to turn around and blame everything on the white man

Slavery ended 137 years ago, MOVE THE FUCK..ON!

Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus violating plungers and their 41 shots

Standing behind a blue wall of silence, YOU BETRAY OUR TRUST?!

Fuck the priests putting their hands down some innocent child's pants

Fuck the church who protects them, delivering US into evil

And while we're at it, fuck JC! He got off easy! A day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity

Try 7 years in fuckin Otusville, J!

FUCK Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and backwardsass fundamentalist cave-dwelling assholes everywhere

On the names of innocent thousands murdered, I pray you spend the rest of your eternity eith your 72 pores roasting on a jet fuel fire in hell

You towelheaded camel jockeys can kiss my Royal Irish Ass!

Fuck this whole city,

let and earthquake crumble it,

let the fires rage on,

let it burn to fuckin ash,

and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole rat infested place

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Talent be damned, he's just soooo goddamned sexy! *mawrcs out & faints* //Yuna Firerose

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Guest Vitamin X
Talent be damned, he's just soooo goddamned sexy! *mawrcs out & faints* //Yuna Firerose

Actually most of the people Yuna likes are typically socially-acceptable-to-be-universally-attractive-people. Raven comes to mind. Edward Norton might or might not count, but he is viewed as a great actor, and I personally find him to be pretty damn talented. If you want to believe otherwise, I take pity on you and your lack of appreciation for the man's work.

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Talent be damned, he's just soooo goddamned sexy! *mawrcs out & faints* //Yuna Firerose

I don't watch someone just because they're sexy. If they don't have any talent, then my interest in them fizzles out pretty damn quickly. Hell, they don't even have to be sexy for me to like them. After all, I was a fan of Tim Curry a while back ago, and, let's face it, he's not exactly attractive...


And I personally find him to be pretty damn talented. If you want to believe otherwise, I take pity on you and your lack of appreciation for the man's work.

*puts Vitamin X on her Ownage~ list*

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