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Guest Anglesault

Ah, fuck, he's back!

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Guest AndrewTS

He has a "look," is decent on the mic...and sucks horribly in the ring and is injury prone.


That's "main eventer" material to WWE!

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Guest Anglesault
It could've been any move, it just happened to take place during his finishing sequence. Owen Hart injured Austin pretty bad...and Owen still seems to be a 'smark darling.'

Owen got up, went for the pildriver again and hurt himself? All this after a really really bad match that was like 90% Owen's fault?

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Guest Anglesault
Whaa? Austin/Hart was good *** Match...

I know.


I was continuing to compare it to Orton. Orton had a lousy, lousy Storm/Christian match.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

He had a good match with Billy Kidman on an eps. of Velocity in the fall before moving to Raw.

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Guest MrRant

I saw Orton team with Rico against Lesnar and Waterman at a RAW in Las Vegas.


Orton was on all night and popped the crowd big. Perhaps you should watch more than.... 3 matches you over sensitive prick.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Geez people. Give it a rest. So what? He's had a few injuries. He is a real talent whether you people want to admit it or not. His ring work is pretty damn good. Mic work is ok, but he's young. It will take some time, but Orton will find his place and make a huge name for himself.

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Guest Trivia247

Intially Orton came in on Daddy's coat tails and being down in the farm fed for a year plus.


We saw him being pretty basic with a few flashy moves here and there.


but beyond that his character was like wallpaper.


then he gets injured...and those RNN promos aired...which made him more interesting.


then he joined Ric Flair, Batistia, and HHH in the Evolution.......and in the first matches back from the injury...he gets injured AGAIN! plus Batistia..


Thats it, I want Bob Orton Jr to rejoin. He can work with Piper again. hell he can sport the cast at least he was somewhat interesting.

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Did Wrath fuck up his original finisher, almost hurting the other guy, only to repeat it and hurt himself?

What's your point? Accidents happen in this business. Paul Orndorf hurt himself giving someone his finisher (piledriver) ...and he doesn't receive any flak for it. We'll see, but I think that Orton will be a big star. Especially since he is WWE grown. I just don't think it matters what move Orton was doing when the injury happened. It could've been any move, it just happened to take place during his finishing sequence. Owen Hart injured Austin pretty bad...and Owen still seems to be a 'smark darling.'


I'm not going to tell you to "give him a chance" because you already addressed that. I just think that you prematurely stereotyped him...much like you did for Brock Lesnar. Of course, now you're singing a new tune for Mr. Lesnar, and time will tell if you do the same for Orton.



Yeah, but Mr Lesnar proved he has in ring pyschology and has gained a much better grasp of wrestlign in the past year. The way he gave Angle a great match without killing him went a long way, and he's improved his weak point, his mic skills.


I don't mind Orton as a midcarder sure. And his finisher could provide an injury to the other guy if he isn't careful. Fact is, Skipper was experienced enough to use it right on his opponents. Orton isn't. He just needs time...and hell, he is only HHH's lackey.


Hell, in a few years he might be a main eventer. Remember how that Rocky Miavia kid sucked until he got an edge.

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True, but at least give the kid a friggin chance to build some character before you pass judgment. He was hell green at the start, and I think he has improved. He will do well, and good luck to him.

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Guest Anglesault
True, but at least give the kid a friggin chance to build some character before you pass judgment. He was hell green at the start, and I think he has improved

Based on...?


He is a real talent whether you people want to admit it or not


Based on?

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
He has a "look," is decent on the mic...and sucks horribly in the ring and is injury prone.


That's "main eventer" material to WWE!

but he isnt a bah gawd hoss!! oh well, midcard for randy

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