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Guest Downhome

Overall, is there anything we can ALL agree on?

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Guest Downhome

Ok, we have one hell of a clash of opinions here a great deal of the time. Ok, most notably those who hate WWE right now, and then those who are ok with it for now. I was just wondering if there is anything that both sides of us could agree on. The purpose of this isn't to get into some sort of flame war, I'm just very serious. I want to know what both sides can at least agree on. For instance, does anyone here disagree with the following...


1) Kevin Nash should no longer be an active wrestler, much less possibly winning the World Title.


2) Rowdy Roddy Piper's time in the ring should be over from this moment forward, while simply being a manager from now on.


3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.


4) The WWE writing, as an entire whole, basicly SUCKS all kinds of ass.


5) They should unban the damn piledriver!


...now those are just examples, that's all. If you disagree with any of them, then say it and we'll mark it off of the list. Let's just list things that we can basicly all agree on, there are bound to be a few.




Edited by Downhome

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Guest jm29195

I agree with all of those



for extras how about


everyone hates HHH/Steph

everyone loves Benoit

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
1) Kevin Nash should no longer be an active wrestler, much less possibly winning the World Title.


2) Rowdy Roddy Piper's time in the ring should be over from this moment forward, while simply being a manager from no on.


3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.


4) The WWE writing, as an entire whole, basicly SUCKS all kinds of ass.


5) They should unban the damn piledriver!

1) yes, not to mention he should no longer be an on-air character, PERIOD. Hes been phoning in his promos lately, and when he does put in effort, theyre just awful.


2) yes, but the occasional yearly match i can take




4) this, in my opinion, is THE #1 problem. You can say all you want about people being held down, and not getting their opportunities, but that all links in with the writing, and having Hottie Mcboob and Criple H leading the writing teams.


5) i disagree

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Big Show is a worthless investment that should never Main Event a PPV ever again.

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Guest Downhome
Big Show is a worthless investment that should never Main Event a PPV ever again.

As is, I agree.


If he could somehow get back into shape, he could be very usefull. Believe it or not, he was actually pretty good in WCW before he became a massive whale of doom.

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Guest jester

You know Downhome, thanks for starting this thread.


It's a good antidote to those idiots who write articles blasting Smarks for thinking completely alike.


So my take:


1. Oh yeah.

2. Manager, or interview segments. Maybe he'd make a good heel colour man?

3. Yep.

4. If it sucked anymore my TV would collapse on itself.

5. I'd let smart workers use the piledriver, guys with a reputation for protecting their opponets and not being sloppy. And even then, only for PPVs.

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Guest Downhome
Cruiserweights should get more of a push.

I agree with that more than you could ever know.


By the way, I agree that Nathan Jones sucks from what I've seen from him so far.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Ummmm, I disagree with Spanky's music. It seems so, out of place.


Whats another one,

I feel Teddy Long should be able to manage a better, overall (ability and CHARISMATIC) wrestler.

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3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.

Sorry, I disagree on that. Spanky's music just doesn't seem like one of a pro-wrestler and I must agree, it does seem out of place.


Now, I'm sure we can all agree that there's not enough necrophilia in WWE. If there's one thing the WWE is seriously lacking, it's more sex with dead people. ;)


Finally, we have to all agree that this HHH/Nash Hell-in-the-Cell match is going to seriously bomb at Bad Blood.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.

Sorry, I disagree on that. Spanky's music just doesn't seem like one of a pro-wrestler and I must agree, it does seem out of place.


It sounds like some crazy "getting out of high school" type music to me.

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3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.

Sorry, I disagree on that. Spanky's music just doesn't seem like one of a pro-wrestler and I must agree, it does seem out of place.


It sounds like some crazy "getting out of high school" type music to me.

To me, it specifically sounds like the kind of music a 19-year-old Indy wrestler would have. A complete rookie just starting out, needing some type of cheap, wild music. This isn't the kind of reputation you want to give Spanky, especially since he's already so much smaller and so much more of an underdog than other guys on Smackdown. His music seems more suited to someone in the Indys than WWE

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Guest Youth N Asia

I can pretty much agree with all those point...now I will turn on my Kazaa and listen to Spanky's theme. Like someone said in another thread, it just makes you want to get up and sprint in a straight line somewhere.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I wouldn't agree about Spanky's music. It's OK.


We can all agree that Chris Benoit is an awesome in-ring worker who deserves much more. Especially considering he was given a standing ovation as a main event face, and Nash gets little reaction.


Push BENOIT!!!

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
I wouldn't agree about Spanky's music. It's OK.


We can all agree that Chris Benoit is an awesome in-ring worker who deserves much more. Especially considering he was given a standing ovation as a main event face, and Nash gets little reaction.


Push BENOIT!!!

I'd rather see Eddy get a push, too..but eh. Benoit's better than anyone else they've been pushing.

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Ok, we have one hell of a clash of opinions here a great deal of the time. Ok, most notably those who hate WWE right now, and then those who are ok with it for now. I was just wondering if there is anything that both sides of us could agree on. The purpose of this isn't to get into some sort of flame war, I'm just very serious. I want to know what both sides can at least agree on. For instance, does anyone here disagree with the following...


1) Kevin Nash should no longer be an active wrestler, much less possibly winning the World Title.


2) Rowdy Roddy Piper's time in the ring should be over from this moment forward, while simply being a manager from now on.


3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.


4) The WWE writing, as an entire whole, basicly SUCKS all kinds of ass.


5) They should unban the damn piledriver!


...now those are just examples, that's all. If you disagree with any of them, then say it and we'll mark it off of the list. Let's just list things that we can basicly all agree on, there are bound to be a few.




I disagree with every point you made......


1)Kevin Nash still has great charisma and ability and has another run left in him


2)Roddy piper needs to face Mr. America again to even up the series


3)Spanky's music sucks balls


4) The WWE writing team does not suck. If they did would theyhave come up with great angles like Necrophilia, and Al wilson


5) and the piledriver should stay banned....id rather see chinlocks instead



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Guest Quik

1. WWE Programming is much better after you smoke a phatty boom batty blunt, snoogans. Noonch.

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Guest the 1inch punch
4) The WWE writing, as an entire whole, basicly SUCKS all kinds of ass.

I disagree


-I enjoy the Eddie/Tajiri gags, despite how offensive they are


-I enjoy the Whiteboy Challenge for what it is, 5 minutes that Kevin Nash is not on my tv

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Guest AndrewTS
-I enjoy the Whiteboy Challenge for what it is, 5 minutes that Kevin Nash is not on my tv



Well, that's one way of looking at it.


I think we all agree that Nathan Jones needs a boot up the ass and out the door.


Kurt Angle coming back will make SD a lot better than it is.


Undertaker is not very interesting to watch?

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Guest Kid Kablam

I love Spanky's music personally. It's so...... him.

I think we can all agree that Vince McMahon is on TV way too much.

I think we can all agree that jester needs to start posting sigs again

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Guest Ray
They should unban the damn piledriver!


I have to disagree with that.


I never really liked the piledriver. It always looked to "worked" for me. Too little impact. I've seen Taker and Kane both do a Tombstone where the opponent's head was a LONG way from the mat. Too fake to be a great move. And it's also dangerous, so I say keep it banned.



Spanky's music does rule, because it fits his character PERFECTLY, and that's what entrance music is supposed to do.

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Guest Rob Edwards

The Legion of Doom should be rehired on pain of death



Everyone MUST agree with that

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Guest AndrewTS

Downhome, not to say "we told you so," but didn't several posters who saw Jones in WWA or dark matches (like me) tell you Jones was awful before he debuted?


I know the show I was at had the crowd booing him for his shittiness.

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Guest Downhome
Downhome, not to say "we told you so," but didn't several posters who saw Jones in WWA or dark matches (like me) tell you Jones was fucking awful before he debuted?


I know the show I was at had the crowd booing him for his shittiness.

No offense, but I like to actually see the guys in the ring before passing judgement. I saw ONE match with him before he debuted in WWE, a dark match, and I thought I'd wait as I DID see a couple of things that could possibly work out. It just turns out, it very much DIDN'T, heh.

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Guest AndrewTS

One match is unfair to judge on, but seeing a bad match, and hearing others who said that he consistently has bad matches should have been enough.


However, I expected much better than what he actually ended up wrestling. Sure, he was alright for a...minute long squash...but anything further and he's lost.

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Guest Damn You Helmsley

Mark Henry's in-ring work or ability to lift up large objects does not justify his huge contract.


I doubt anyone can disagree with that.

Edited by Damn_You_Helmsley

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