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Guest Downhome

Overall, is there anything we can ALL agree on?

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Guest OnlyMe

One match is unfair to judge on


Although in some cases, one match is too much.


See: Gayda, Jackie

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Guest jester
Downhome, not to say "we told you so," but didn't several posters who saw Jones in WWA or dark matches (like me) tell you Jones was fucking awful before he debuted?


I know the show I was at had the crowd booing him for his shittiness.

No offense, but I like to actually see the guys in the ring before passing judgement. I saw ONE match with him before he debuted in WWE, a dark match, and I thought I'd wait as I DID see a couple of things that could possibly work out. It just turns out, it very much DIDN'T, heh.

I said it before, the initial gimmick that Nathan Jones was given in the video packages looked like it could get over.


But the Nathan Jones we got didn't resemble anything we saw in the video packages. I mean, the guy was probably doomed to fail no matter what because of his total lack of ring skills, but did anyone think when seeing his videos for the first time "This guy would best be used being shown as a green student of the Undertaker"?

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Guest sean pyro
WWE should sign up AJ Styles

Yes, Taker and Albert need more people to squash.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

IIRC, Styles was offered a WWE developmental deal and turned it down.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Spanky's music only seems out of place because it isn't COMPLETELY horrible, like traditional wrestling music. It's not great but at least it's a vague departure from these notes in any order:- 'DUNK DUDUDU -DUNKDUDU DUDUDUDUD DUNK' Which notifies us of the presence of 10,000 active wrestlers at the moment.


I can see no reason not to push Benoit. None at all.

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Guest nikowwf

I think Styles shouldn't be blamed for turning down the deal because apparently there was no way he could live and support his family on the small money they offered him.



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Guest Lord of The Curry

There's also the curious fact that maybe Styles didn't want the WWE to fuck up his career.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Kurt is a Godlike performer, Godlike athlete, slightly less-than-Godlike wrestler.

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1) Kevin Nash should no longer be an active wrestler, much less possibly winning the World Title.


2) Rowdy Roddy Piper's time in the ring should be over from this moment forward, while simply being a manager from now on.


3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.


4) The WWE writing, as an entire whole, basicly SUCKS all kinds of ass.


5) They should unban the damn piledriver!

1) Too true...although we'd all miss the snakeyes of doom. That we must admit.


2) He proved at Judgement Day with Jericho he can be a great talker, and against Mr America he proved he's past it. True.


3) Perfect fit for him. True.


4) Entire whole...no. I mean the writing behind Goldberg in the past few weeks has been good for him. It books him how he should be booked...as dominant, but not invulnerable. Los Guerreros...the F.B.I.


5)There's been enough neck injuries as there are. They should let certain people use it...those that can be trusted.



Kurt Angle is not literally a God.


AJ Styles knows his moveset would be halved if he joined the WWE, and he wouldn't be able to wrestle for CZW and ROH and other indies..not to mention he wouldn't be able to fight against trusted opponents like Lynn and Daniels.


Some marks like Steph and HHH

Some people think Benoit is boring.


With Big Show booked right, he can main event and maybe should. Hell, his match against Lesnar was hella enjoyable, yet he won't get credit for it from guys who are not Dames or other reviewers, because he's 500 pounds.


Benoit deserves a push because of his in ring skills.


Cruiserweight should get more of a push...

Depends on the cruiser. Kidman-maybe. Noble-maybe, to an extent. Rey-sure. Dragon-sure. Crash-No. Not so much.



Now, we can all agree that the WWE should bring back Joel Gertner, surely?

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Guest nikowwf
There's also the curious fact that maybe Styles didn't want the WWE to fuck up his career.

If you mean his real job that supports his life, then i agree. If you mean his wrestling career, what is there to fuck up? His good name on the indy circuit? The 500 people who watch him at ROH or the 2,000 at NWA/TNA?


Its sad, but its hard to support yourself in a meaningful way as a pro wrestler in the US unless you are in the WWE.



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Guest Downhome
One match is unfair to judge on, but seeing a bad match, and hearing others who said that he consistently has bad matches should have been enough.


However, I expected much better than what he actually ended up wrestling. Sure, he was alright for a...minute long squash...but anything further and he's lost.

I didn't judge him from one match. I simply saw it, and decided not to bash him untill I actually saw him on TV. I just like to see stuff for myself, when it comes to the guys in the ring. As I've been known to say...


...one fan's "bad match" is another fan's enjoyment.


No, I didn't enjoy Nathan Jones (except for the promos, heh), but my point is that people like different things. Hell, some "marks" and casual fans would lead you to believe that Benoit and the such are horrible and the legends and bigger guys are great.


I was proved wrong, Nathan Jones sucks, I admit it.

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Guest Bannable Offense

1) Kevin Nash should no longer be an active wrestler, much less possibly winning the World Title.

Agreed. He has shot legs and the crowd simply refuses to get behind him in any way.


2) Rowdy Roddy Piper's time in the ring should be over from this moment forward, while simply being a manager from now on.

The charisma is still there for the most part.


3) Spanky's music kicks all kinds of ass.

I haven't heard it enough to give an honest opinion, but I liked the snippet I heard from Judgement Day.


4) The WWE writing, as an entire whole, basicly SUCKS all kinds of ass.

At least nobody's humped a dead corpse in the past month or two. *checks to see when the Al Wilson debacle took place* Yep...


5) They should unban the damn piledriver!

I rather see them legitimize submissions again as credible finishers. Far less flash but just as effective when booked and sold properly.

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Guest treble charged

Spanky's music sounds like the theme song of a bad WB sitcom.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Cruiserweight should get more of a push...


Depends on the cruiser. Kidman-maybe. Noble-maybe, to an extent. Rey-sure. Dragon-sure. Crash-No. Not so much.

What's wrong w/ Knoble getting a push? He's a very good all-around performer (I'd say one of the best on the entire roster).

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Here's one:


Despite how shitty many other branches of the company are/can be at times, WWE's production department is consistently excellent with the video packages they put together. From great return videos for guys like Angle and HHH, to nice retro videos like Desire and Flair's, to sweet intro vignettes that actually made shitty wrestlers look promising (Jones, O'Haire), these guys are always spot on.

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Guest Bannable Offense

The WWE repeatedly proves that it does not know how to push a cruiserweight division properly.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Victoria's music is the best on the roster.


Someone needs a techno theme.


Theme songs for every PPV are not needed.


We need the old carts they used for Wrestlemanias III and VI for stadium shows.


The Federettes would we a neat retro thing to bring back.


To prevent any future Torrie/Sable storylines, all WWE women will pose for Playboy at the same time in a future issue.

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Guest Space_Cowboy
Despite how shitty many other branches of the company are/can be at times, WWE's production department is consistently excellent with the video packages they put together. From great return videos for guys like Angle and HHH, to nice retro videos like Desire and Flair's, to sweet intro vignettes that actually made shitty wrestlers look promising (Jones, O'Haire), these guys are always spot on.

That i definately agree with, despite the shit they often have to work with the WWE's video packages and overall production are consistently very good, and often great.

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