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Guest HartFan86

Everything in the WWE may suck right now...

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Guest HartFan86

...but good lord can they make a music video. I just want to make a thread about the Angle music video from Smackdown. Unreal stuff and they HAVE to bring him back as a face now.


That music video was on the level of History of WWE, Lonely Road of Faith Video.



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Guest EternallyLazy

Agreed... an amazing video, and I'm SCHOCKED honestly... for once, Angle gets the HHH treatment lol, and the Coldplay song was better than Beautiful Day too

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Guest edotherocket

Anyone seen a copy floating around online? On Kazaa maybe?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I caught it and the swank tag title match...


I'd have him come out and say "I realized something. I need the gold. I've always needed it. Be it around my neck or around my waist, but I need it. I don't know why, maybe it's the recognition that if you hold the gold that you are the best in the world. I was trained to be the best, everyday when I was an amateur wrestler it was instilled in me that I had to be the best. So when I was lying in that hospital bed reflecting on my past and my past title run I realized something - I didn't really earn that title. I took the title from a man who didn't get that title fairly. Big Show stole that belt from you so all I was carrying was stolen property. Then I had that damn Paul Heyman in my ear saying that I deserved it and how he'd make sure that I kept it. But I wasn't the true champion and deep down inside I knew it. I wanted to prove to myself that I was the best and at WM, dispite being injured, I went and took you to the limit Brock. And now I'm back, healthy, and we're back at square one. You're the true champion and I have to beat you straight up for it to be the best. I'm ready for it, are you?"


RRR, "Lesnar and Heyman disagree on Angle's return..., Discuss."


Am I the only one who finds the similarities between this and the montage a lil spooky? (a very, VERY, VERY, well-done montage.)

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Guest Youth N Asia

It wasn't as good as the WWF History video...not even close.


And I'm not watching the shows for comback videos...I want to see good wrestling, which doesn't happen as much as it use to.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Um, I'd argue that it was up there with the History Video. A lot of the History Videos' impact came from the fact that the WWE rarely (if ever) remembers history, and images of former superstars like Bret, Savage, Owen, etc. stirred up warm fuzzy memories. This Kurt Angle one didn't have the benefit of nostalgia that the history one did. Even without it, that video was excellent. It did what it was supposed to do: set up Kurt Angles motivation. He wants to be the best ever. He wants to do it for his kid. It has been engrained in his being since he was a child. It is his destiny.

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah....the Kid Rock video had more impact because it was focused on a whole organization.


This was just focused on one guy...and it still made you feel the impact when watching it. I just smiled watching it, and I was basically awestruck by it.

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Guest HartFan86

Coldplay - Clocks


Great, great song. I downloaded it within minutes after seeing the video.

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah...it's pretty much Beautiful Day HHH, Version 2....except 203948 times better because it's Kurt Angle and the song seems to fit more for Angle than Beauitful Day did for HHH.

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Guest Choken One

The video was the best straight up Video WWE ever did excluding the Lonely Road of Faith WWE History and NWO Video...


Triple H had a great one but it mainly showed his rehablitation and that was it...


Angle's showed his life and his destiny as motivation...


Best shot was either the Angle Jesus Christ Pose laying on the bed or The image of his daughter's rabbit laying on his chest on the operating table...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The daughter one was particularly effective. I also dug the Vanilla Sky-esque ending where they went quickly through all the pictures/memories.

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Guest Choken One

Am I the only one who thinks next week will go down as a CLASSIC EPISODE of Smackdown?


I mean We got Mysterio/Hardy in a HYPED CW title match right in Mysterio's Zone...


We got Angle's Triumphant return...


I'm sure we'll get another Team Angle/ Eddy+Tag match...


*Ignores Anything to do with FBI, Sable or Vince*

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Something might go down next week, whether it will be good or bad we shall wait and see. Cruiserweight matches typically don't get a lot of time (Let's see if they can top the EPIC standard set by their EPIC 5 minute WM EPIC match), but they will probably get 8-10 next week, with some overbooking to protect Matt.


I'm either expecting Team Angle to turn on Angle next week or in 2 weeks - I'd put it 2 weeks from now so they can at least have one week to establish Team Angles discontent with Kurt's new view on wrestling. (I wouldn't be surprised if they asked Kurt to help them cheat to win, to get revenge on the Guerreros and Kurt refuses.)

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Guest Austin3164life

I wish I could've seen the Angle vid package. I only saw SD! for the Team Angle/Eddy&Tajiri match, which was awesome.

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Guest Just call me Dan

They'll no doubt air it again on Velocity. When does Velocity air again? I wached its premier episode way back and haven't bothered since. Guess I'll have to now.

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Guest razazteca

I will have my VCR set to record on Saturday at 9:00 Central time on SPIKE TV.

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Guest Choken One

Velo already looks good with a Cena Promo and a Good CW match...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I watched it again.


Still fucking owned.


Though it bothers me to no end that the only time benoit will be in a video hyping a return is by getting thrown around in a kurt angle video.

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Guest Choken One

I don't to get off topic since we already have a thread about it but


The ACTUAL comeback of Benoit was good...A Surprise return in his hometown...Turn him heel for a Major Summer program against Austin...


But Austin messed that BEAUTIFUL idea up...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You're missing the connection between "hometown return" and "turning him him heel" - which was a piss-poor idea in the first place considering he was an *over* face when he left - but in his hometown was just icing on the 'let's bury benoit' cake.

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Guest Choken One

No Way...It clearly showed for that two hour period that Benoit only cared about revenge...not about getting a pop...


It was a great way to set it up...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The reason I brought up the Benoit thing in particular is because THIS WAS THE EXACT TYPE OF VIDEO HE FUCKING NEEDED!!

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Guest Choken One

Wasn't the idea that Flair brought him over and wanted him to be the guy to take out Austin?


So having these hype packages would've killed the entire storyline...


Doing that you set him up as clear face...


By having him turn heel in his own hometown...It demostrated he was only out to avenge his injury...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ok, so by "great way" do you mean "let's throw out all the hard work he did in his last few months in the company and waste it on a senseless heel turn" ?


You know what happens when you turn someone heel in their hometown? You don't get boos, you get confusion. Do you want someones heel turn to get confusion, or boos? I'm thinkin the best way to do it is through boos... I'm wacky like that though.


It's *clear* the WWE had no idea what to do with Benoit upon his return because they moved him to Raw from Smackdown. I bet they figured "well gee, Austins angry and we gotta please him, besides - HHH already had his comeback a few months ago, can't give another one out"

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Guest Choken One

What you mean they had no idea? They were ready to give him a Major summer program with Flair, EDDY, Himself as a Faction against Austin...


When austin pulled his power play...His heel turned was redundant because he wouldn't get his revenege now...Which was the purpose of the heel turn...


To give the #1 face an Major Heel...


Benoit has always and will always be a better heel anyways...


Yes, the execution of his return was an aborting but the ACTUAL return was great...because it was made to create this super-angle...

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

WWE's production department is always consistently good. Their media department is also pretty good, with the DVDs they have put together.

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Guest Choken One




Oh yeah...the OTHER McMahon Spawn.


The one they don't like to talk about...

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