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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Strange storyline/angle ideas:

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Ok, I think we've established the Flair angle is gold.


I don't know if it's been done before, but what about a ring-rat/fan turned stalker angle. Eventually you can have the Ring-Rat bring in her own wrestler to feud with the wrestler.


I've always wondered whether the Rocky film storyline could be pulled off. It would be extremely hard to do though. You'd need the perfect wrestler to play the Rocky role - I don't think he'd need to be a total unknown but certainly someone who wasn't pushed. Also there's the rest of the Rocky film storylines as well - the retired former champion managing the man who defeated him (Wrestler A); the monster taking out the retired wrestler, then being avenged by Wrestler A; Wrestler A himself retiring and training a wrestler, only to be turned on, but then defeating his protege (although that one wouldn't go over well in wrestling circles).

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I've always wondered whether the Rocky film storyline could be pulled off. It would be extremely hard to do though. You'd need the perfect wrestler to play the Rocky role - I don't think he'd need to be a total unknown but certainly someone who wasn't pushed. Also there's the rest of the Rocky film storylines as well - the retired former champion managing the man who defeated him (Wrestler A); the monster taking out the retired wrestler, then being avenged by Wrestler A; Wrestler A himself retiring and training a wrestler, only to be turned on, but then defeating his protege (although that one wouldn't go over well in wrestling circles).

That would depend largely on the retired champion, (i.e. someone like Bret could wok, a guy like Slaughter wouldn't) and how well the audience would take to the "Rocky" character. Would definitely be something to see though if done right.


The Bane story from Batman always struck me as something that could easily be adapted for wrestling.


Say you have the older established veteran, (Batman) who's the champion, and would have a younger protege/partner (Azrael) that have been together for a while. Then some type of monsterous, but cunning baddass type (Bane) comes along. He nearly cripples the veteran, seemingly putting him into early retirement, and takes the title.


The protege, deternmined to avenge his mentor, feuds with the monster for months, in a series of violent matches eventually defeating him in a completely brutal encounter (think Blanchard, Magnum T.A. from Starrcade), where the rookie shows a dark side no one has ever seen before, and finally wins both his master's honor and the title.


But the pressures of being champion, and the hellacious matches that he's gone through have taken their toll, with him becoming more and more unbalanced and angry with each passing title defense, to the point in which he's unnecessarily beating the living hell out of his opponents, even in non-title matches.


Meanwhile the veteran, who has not been seen since his injury returns to television to congratulate his old student, and thank him for defeating the the animal who put him into retirement. Their meeting, though gracious at first turns ugly when the mentor questions his friend on his recent behavior. The former protege gets pissed and starts yelling at him about being ungrateful and saying how he did what his supposed mentor couldn't. He then cheapshots the older one and walks off.


The veteran, realizing that his former pupil has to stopped, if just for his own good, reabilitates, comes back, and challenges the champion. You have teacher vs student at the PPV and the mentor wins. The rookie either turns face again, or remains heel to continue to feud with his former friend.


For the veteran, you could have a number of guys (Benoit, Eddie, Shawn, Taker, possibly Booker), with the protege same thing (London, Shelton, Haas, some outside Indy talent). The Bane type would be a bit difficult as Kane has lost some of his credibility, and Snitsky is way too goofy to pull of being a mastermind. Ideally it would be some new person the fans aren't familar with, so he would have some mystique about him. (Abyss if he talked, and was good at it would be a great choice).

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

The Rocky Story was kind of done with PorkChop Cash.



Cash came out of the audience to beat John Tolos (?) for the Americas (?) title.

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Ok, I think we've established the Flair angle is gold.


I don't know if it's been done before, but what about a ring-rat/fan turned stalker angle. Eventually you can have the Ring-Rat bring in her own wrestler to feud with the wrestler.


That was kind of how Nidia debuted.

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Ok, I think we've established the Flair angle is gold.


I don't know if it's been done before, but what about a ring-rat/fan turned stalker angle. Eventually you can have the Ring-Rat bring in her own wrestler to feud with the wrestler.


That was kind of how Nidia debuted.

They used it in 99 with Tori (the one who wound up with kane, then xpac). She showed up in the crowds to watch sables matches, then started to come out and help her in the ring.Then Sable wa sin playboy and inexplicably turned heel because of "having an ego" and taunted the stalker until she snapped and challanged Sable for WM 15 for the womens title.


Nidia was the one sending mysterious letters to Hurricane in 02, supposably being his former girlfriend (though she hadnt been on wwe tv in many months after winning tough enough)




anyhow, I like that mentor-student one.


I have one for you.


It derives from the current sd scene. Next week (asumming rey is drafted to raw), Eddie is backstage moping about losing to Rey and now maybe not having a chance to get his revenge. Benoit comes into the room, and asks eddie whats wrong? Eddie replies, telling Benoit to stop pestering him and making fun of his inability to beat Rey. He then goes on to say "haven't you done enough, chris?" Benoit can't get a word in, so he just leaves.


Later on, Benoit is in that 6 way match for the new sd title. He lasts all the way to the end, left in there with only Taker. As Taker is ready to finish off Benoit ,Eddie comes to ringside. Taker is distracted long enough for Benoit to retake the advantage. He goes up top for the headbutt, but Eddie stops him and pushes him off the top. Taker gets benoit and hits the tombstone for the 3 count and title.


The show ends with taker celebrating, and Eddie looking on, forelorn, but satisfied.



Next week, Benoit is angry, so he challenges Eddie to a match. Long comes out and make sit official, adding that the winner will be the number one contender. The match comes and goes off well, a hell of a match. Near the end, Eddie loses his balance while trying a frogsplash and falls on his arm (thus reminding us of his first wwf match where he hurt his elbow). Benoit feels bad, checks on eddie, but when he comes closer, eddie snatches him up in a small package and grabs the tights for the win.



Benoit ends the show looking angry and dejected, having lost two weeks in a row.


Eddie gets the title shot at Great American Bash, one year after losing his wwe title at the very event.


The match is back and forth action. Midway through, we get a ref bump, as Eddie ducks a Taker clothesline and he hits the ref.


Eddie goes outside and grabs the belt, gesturing that hes going to use it. But as he holds it up, Benoit rushes from nowhere and nails Eddie with a viscious clothesline. Benoit gets a chair and threatens Eddie, deciding on wrapping his bad arm in the chair and trying to pillmanize him. As he mounts the ropes, he is stopped by several wwe officials and agents. Benoit pushes them aside and climbs again, but is stopped by agent Dean Malenko. Dean pleads with Chris not to do it, and audibly asks "what are you doing Chris, haven't you done enough to him?" (thus getting Tazz and Cole to remember what Eddie had said and ask "what does this mean? what is it about?). The officals restrain Benoit and get him out of the ring, as Eddie gets up slowly. Taker is lying in wait, as the ref is just coming to, he grabs the throat for the chokeslam, but Eddie reverses into a tornando ddt, onto the belt which is still in the ring. Eddie goes up and hits the frogsplash and gets the pin and the title. (yes the shades of his his first title win vs lesnar are evident, purposely). Eddie is just pouring emotion out and crying in the ring, looking sort of happy for the first time since he turned on Rey.


On the following Smackdown, Tazz interviews Benoit in the ring to ask him what is the whole deal with him and Eddie. Benoit replies simply "eddie doesn't seem to realize what is good for him, I thought he learned 4 years ago, but I was wrong" as the announcers and fans are mystified, Dean Malenko appears to intterupt. He grabs the mike and says "Chris, why can't you be a man and admit you were wrong? You have done quite enough to Eddie. he doesn't deserve this, no human being does." Benoit looks to the side, the blasts Dean with a clothesline and puts him int he crossface, Dean taps fanatically, as Benoit yells "Cmon Eddie, you're nothing, you're no good, it's my time. Stop being so damn selfish"


The next week, Eddie is interviewed in the ring and when asked he breaks out into tears and can't speak, Dean comes out to console him but Eddie will have none of it and just leaves. Tazz grabs dean and puts him on the spot asking "what is this about? cmon you can tell me I have known you guys for years, you can tell me."


Dean picks up the mic and starts to tell a story.

"Well you see Tazz, this all goes back a long time long faraway. You know where Tazz, Japan, the pro wrestling capital of the world. I got to know Eddie and Chris so well in those days. And we learned so much, competing agaisnt one another. The three of us were very close. Then Chris and I wen tto ECW together and we teamed up, winning those tag titles and bringing the traditional techincial style back to the forefront of America. Months later Eddie came in as well. I was delighted to see him there and we had some great battles, Eddie and I. But Chris didnt seem so happy to see eddie, though he was always cordial to him. Soon, we all got offers from WCW and jumped at the opportunity. We had a great time there too and I was priviledged to be in the ring with these men night in and night out, whether as opponents or partners, they were my brothers. But as Chris got the chance of a lifetime when he was recruited by the horsemen, that left eddie and me to pursue our own interests. eddie did well on his own, and chris seemed content, though he started to act rather cold towards eddie. As the years went by, and eddie achieved success in WCW, us titles, cruiserweight titles and so forth, Chris seemed to suffer from a championship jinx. When the horsemen reformed and I was asked to join, I jumped at the opportunityto join a prestigious group in wrestling, as well as be alongside my friend Chris Benoit. This seemed to break benoit out of his funk, as we won the tag titles. Eddie on the other hand, was battling some personal demons of his own. A terrible car crash that should have ended his life, instead gave him a second chance, a chance at redemption. Eddie tried so hard, he came back far too early and the pain he endured wrestling every night became to much for him once again, and he went back to those old vices for comfort.

Then, as we were all tired of putting up with the politics and BS at WCW, we decided to call their bluff and walk. Eddie, Chris, Perry Saturn, and myself, walked together. And when WWE called, we answered the challenge. We came in together, and we wanted to stay togther to make sure the transtion went smoothly. But personal greed got in the way as it often does and it split us apart. Chris did well, but he grew bitter, feeling that his skills were being overshadowed....."


Benoit's music intterupts and out he comes


"Sorry dean, but you have said quite enough, that's right I was angry, I was the best technical wrestler this company had ever seen, and was I being spotlighted? no. They decided it would be more entertaining to showcase Eddie making a fool out of himself and degrading his heritage, his family, his soul. Yea that got ratings, But Eddie didnt care, he was on top of the world, no matter his friends, he was doing great , who needed friends? But I knew, I knew Eddie too well. I knew he couldn't stay straight. So I bided my time, and sure enough Eddie fell into his personal demons once again. But management didn't care, they turned a blind eye, cuz he was too entertaining. So I had to make the decision for them. That;s right so I went to Dean and Perry and I turned out the tears thats right, I said how worried I was about Eddie's health and that I feared for his life. And those clowns they fell for it. (laughs) So we went to Jim Roo himself and voiced our concerns. So when we got into the hotel that night, I told Eddie, hey let's go to the bar and have a drink? Eddie being the weakling that he is agreed. By morning , Eddie was done. He was nervous, knowing we had Raw that night, but was so out of it that he listenedto me as I told him not to worry Ill protect you from the boss. I went to see Perry and Dean and they had seen Eddie and knew he was in no condition to work that night. I told Eddie to take a shower to wake himself up. Sure enough minutes later Eddie was on the floor, and I went to JR myself and they told him to go home.


I had finally done it, got rid of that pest Eddie Guerrero. Sure I wound up in neck surgery and out for a year but Eddie wound up fired. It had all come to plan, except that I never thought he would get clean. Vicne felt bad for him and brought him back to WWE out of pity. But Eddie was so wanting to make up for it, that he was far too easy to control. I was able to keep him out of my hair. I won the royal rumble and jumped to RAW. I was the top story for once, me in the main event. But what does Eddie do? he gets lucky and on a fluke wins the WWE championship. and theer were tributes for Eddie, parades, video packages, fan love. But what about me? I waited 18 years to get the top of the sport, and Eddie Guerreo gets a shot out of sympathy. Poor Eddie he fell off the wagon, but he picked himself up . What a crock of (bleep)

But I said no matter, I'm on a different show, he can't bother me anymore.


As I am getting ready for the biggest match of my life, who should bother me but Eddie Guerrero. I wanted to beat the hell out of him, but I knew I had to conserve my energy for my title shot, as I now had to beat two men as another spotlight hogger Shawn Michaels had to come in and insert himself where he didn't belong.


SO I went out there and guesss what? I won. I was the world heavyweight champion, and just as I was ready to celebrate, again Eddie grabs my spotlight. But I let him live that night, knowing he was on the other show and couldn't bother me anymore. So I sat on RAW and watched Eddie fall off once aagain. He lost his title and his focus, as I was main eventing payperviews.


And then at the Rumble, I was ready to win it again, but of course again eddie was in my way again. I try to be nice and help him out, and he repays me by attempting to blindside me. Now I have had enough.


Of course again I was denied my spotlight and was eliminated. But now I realized that Eddie had to go. So I stared to call eddie again. we went out, buddied around. I eveen convionced him to go to the clubs again. I knew he would be too weak to resist temptation. So I goaded him, saying that Rey mysterio was stealing his spotlight that he was using him.


Eddie tried to stay clean, but he of course is too weak. Finally he snapped and beat the hell out of that midget Rey Rey.


I was drafted back here, so I was able to have some fun and taunt him some more. I was done with Eddie, then he had to stick his nose in my business and cost me the title. I woudl have done the same untill Dean, you had to stick your nose into my business as well. SO I had to readjust that nose for you.


That's right I admit it, I sabotaged Eddie's career and his life, and it was well worth it. And you know what, I feel like having some more fun (attacks Dean and crossfaces him again, but eddies runs in and chases him off)


So that all explains Eddies turn on Rey, as well as why Eddie had some problems. And it elevates both of them to the top. You have a great feud with the sympathetic eddie vs the evil bastard benoit.


Hey they did it with Hawk, why not now? We all know wwe has no soul right?


Of course you will never see this angle

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Here's my storyline. Chris Benoit goes on a huge losing streak and he can't seem to shake it off. He wrestles someone at a ppv and loses again. He completely goes ballistic at ringside smashing anything and everything in site yelling out "ITS GONNA CHANGE, IT'S GONNA CHANGE". Several weeks pass until Heidenreich is in his dressing room when he receives a gift...an ice cream cone. Heidenreich is excited about this and thinks he has a friend. Several weeks pass by and random wrestlers are getting mysterious ice cream cones. Finally, at a ppv with 2 jobber wrestlers going at it, the lights go out followed by a little bell going off. Suddenly, an ice cream bike emerges and Chris Benoit is driving it down the ramp. The announcers and the wrestlers are in a total state of "WTF". Benoit goes in the ring and offers the wrestlers ice cream treats from his bike. When the wrestlers refuse and try to tell Benoit that they are trying to have a match, Benoit snaps and beats the holy fuck out of both of them. Then he shoves ice cream in their face. In the following weeks, Benoit is seen backstage with his bike and his ice-cream man outfit trying to offer ice-cream to various superstars. He beats the fuck out of anyone that refuses.




Ok, so that will never happen but I have a fucked up imagination.

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You have this veteran who is looking for a protege, a guy who will be the next big thing in wrestling. This could very well be Triple H, he brought us Orton and Batista. HHH says he's going to scout the entire world for "the one". He eventually finds him (I shall call him The One). The One demands his manager will be signed as well. The One has a succesfull debut and he shows a lot of potential. Then he faces let's say Kane and oddly enough The One can't manage to beat the Big Red Monster. They continue to feud and when Kane beats The One again The One's manager, who has always been in the background, nobody ever noticed him, he challenges Kane to a match. Everybody expects a squash but the manager beats Kane and a week later he beats Kane again. The One says the manager was just lucky but HHH forces The One to be The Manager's manager and The Manager becomes the "next big thing". Get it?

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It would be hard to do this in real life. This kind of fits a guy like Steve Austing. Let's say there is a heel that starts a faction and starts brainwashing people. First it's a couple lower card guys and then main eventers (heels and faces). Then there is one guy left in the entire roster (against the world) and slowly he beats the hell out of everyone till he reaches the top of the food chain and beats the leader (who is probably the champion, if he controls everything.) When the leader is beaten, everything goes back to normal


How about turning Simon Dean into a shooter.smart mark. He goes out on RAW, complains about his gimmick, management, and gets fired. We want Nova!

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It would be hard to do this in real life. This kind of fits a guy like Steve Austing. Let's say there is a heel that starts a faction and starts brainwashing people. First it's a couple lower card guys and then main eventers (heels and faces). Then there is one guy left in the entire roster (against the world) and slowly he beats the hell out of everyone till he reaches the top of the food chain and beats the leader (who is probably the champion, if he controls everything.) When the leader is beaten, everything goes back to normal


How about turning Simon Dean into a shooter.smart mark. He goes out on RAW, complains about his gimmick, management, and gets fired. We want Nova!

Sounds alot like Raven and his Flock, but to a bigger extent (also sounds like takers ministry)

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