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Who Should Be Built Up for WWE Championship Shots?

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Benoit, obviously is first choice, but he has to start beating people clean with the crossface, for maybe 4 or 5 weeks in a row before he can be up to that level again.


Rhyno-Lesner would be an awesome match, especially with Heyman in Rhyno's corner. They could drag the ECW World Title out of Heymans trophy cabinet and say that Rhyno is the real World Champ. Maybe Taz(z) could get involved too.


Eddie is another, but until he is finished with this Tag Team crap he's not going near Brock.


Rey Rey needs to win the CW belt from Matt, because then Matt can start to build himself up. If he trained and added a few more moves to his arsenal, maybe a submission move or two, then he could be marketed as a significant threat.


As for O'Haire, well, he could be a Tag Champ. Until he displays charisma of some sort then he won't go far.


Finally, Jones. As an Australian guy I don't really want to admit we are the same nationallity, but oh well. I have a better chance of making it, and Im not even a Hoss.

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Guest JMA

Rhyno needs a better signature move before he can take on Lesnar. The Gore is believable on smaller guys, but not on someone as big as Brock. I wish WWE would lift the ban on the piledriver (Rhyno has an awesome piledriver). I'd like to see Rhyno use a Gore/Piledriver combo like he did in ECW.

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Guest Austin3164life
I'm still thinking Angle should come back as the Face and do something with Cena because Angle is high on Cena, and he can't be rushed back to the main event and run the risk of a crowd turn on Angle...So if you occupy Angle with Cena (whom can draw GREAT HEAT) and give Lesnar either Benoit, Taker, or Rhyno.


Best suggestion right there. I've had this idea as soon as I started seeing the Angle packages, especially the Coldplay one. They can do an angle where Cena basically can't stand Kurt Angle and the sympathy he's getting (a la Bret/Austin 96), and Cena cheats to win~! at Vengeance, but Angle regains his edge and makes Cena tap at Summerslam. Benoit and Brock have their summer program feud, and Rhyno and Eddy Guerrero can mix it up as well to see who gets a shot at the belt.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Bit of a wildcard here, but hell, why not give Tajiri a shot on Smackdown or something? The guy has been in Velocity hell forever and he STILL gets a great reaction. And I will note that you can attribute a lot of that to his moveset. Think about it, it's so completely different from anyone else's in the WWE, it interests the fans because he does different things, not spinebusters and chinlocks. He also just has some really unusual charisma about him that also makes him just fun as hell to watch. Give him a shot, fuck it couldn't hurt.


If Eddy is in dick heel mode, just let him and Lesnar go, you'll at the very least get a very hot crowd.


Nathan Jones. 15 second squash. Send that bitch back to Australia and call it a g'day with that experiment.


Al Wilson. Just for for the fuck of it.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Remember, good matches are secondary to drawing power. If Nathan Jones could draw big as a heel, then i'd use him. O'Haire could be there later on, but they need to build him up in a fashion where people would care & take him seriously, which they didn't do with Cena. They're BEGGING for Eddy to turn on Tajiri later on, so after that feud i'd use eddy.


Rhyno is the best choice, they just need to make it seem important when he goes for it. Give Rhyno a feud with Angle for a few months, then by Survivor Series have Rhyno/Lesnar. & if they felt adventurous, they could TRY to build REy, Ultimo, Matt-the cruisers. By the end of the year Matt will be ready to crack the main event slightly, al la Michaels in '92

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