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Guest wwF1587

possible SD! spoilers for tonight

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Guest wwF1587

With Kurt Angle very likely to return as a face, there are a lot of talks about how WWE will book the top card of Smackdown for the rest of 2003.


Recent reports have that Angle and Lesnar will form an on-air alliance. Chris Benoit and Rhyno would be turned heel, possibly with the backing of Team Angle and/or Paul Heyman, and feud with the super-team of Angle and Lesnar.


Then, closer to Wrestlemania XX, the pair would split and begin a build towards a World title rematch for the big show.


credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


if it means a push for beniot/rhyno HELL yeah.... go for it... angle/lesner dont have to like each other... just have a "watch your back" thing for a while

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Guest Downhome

I just knew that they were just "saving" Benoit/Rhyno for a huge f'n program with Lesnar/Angle, it explains a lot.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Am I the only guy who thinks an Angle/Lesnar tag team is bad?




Well, besides Anglesault?

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
Then, closer to Wrestlemania XX, the pair would split and begin a build towards a World title rematch for the big show.

when i read this i thaught they meant The Big Show the wrestler, not The big show-Wrestlemania. Phew...almost died there for a sec

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Guest Vyce
Am I the only guy who thinks an Angle/Lesnar tag team is bad?




Well, besides Anglesault?

The alternative plan they were thinking about going with would have had Angle vs. Lesnar again, immediately.


This plan prominently features Benoit & Rhyno - a good thing - and provides for a ready-made storyline several months from now when Angle & Lesnar break up.


Thus, the Angle / Lesnar tag team = MUCH MORE GOODER than pretty much anything else they've come up with.

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What so special about Rhyno?


Also, if Benoit and Rhyno get together against Angle and Lesnar, who's doing the talking for Benoit & Rhyno? None of them can go toe to toe with Angle on the mic, and IMO Lesnar is better that the both of them on the mic, and that's saying a lot.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
What so special about Rhyno?


Also, if Benoit and Rhyno get together against Angle and Lesnar, who's doing the talking for Benoit & Rhyno? None of them can go toe to toe with Angle on the mic, and IMO Lesnar is better that the both of them on the mic, and that's saying a lot.

Rhynos a very good worker. Especially for someone his size.


Although i agree that they both lack mic skills, if u put them with Heyman, u can deal with them having little mic time. Rhyno and Benoit are both very intense and could deliver decent promos every now and then when Heyman's not talking for them.

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Guest ViciousFish

Rhyno isn't horrible on the mic depending on the style. I've seen some of his ranting, screaming promos and he comes off very heelish and psychotic which is how I think they have to book him. How big of a heel would Rhyno be if they redid the Rhyno/Sandman feud from ECW where Rhyno went after Sandman's family? Most WWE fans haven't seen it and Rhyno stalking Kurt's family would get him over pretty big I think

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Guest Anglesault
I just knew that they were just "saving" Benoit/Rhyno for a huge f'n program with Lesnar/Angle, it explains a lot.



Benoit and Rhyno were doing nothing because the writers are fuckheads.


You can't HONESTLY think that jobbing them out to everyone on earth is a good way to set this up and part of some well thought out plan.


Some people really do go to all lengths to justify asshole WWF moves.

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Guest Downhome
I just knew that they were just "saving" Benoit/Rhyno for a huge f'n program with Lesnar/Angle, it explains a lot.



Benoit and Rhyno were doing nothing because the writers are fuckheads.


You can't HONESTLY think that jobbing them out to everyone on earth is a good way to set this up and part of some well thought out plan.


Some people really do go to all lengths to justify asshole WWF moves.

I didn't say that the writers weren't fuckups, that's obvious as day. I'm just saying that the reaon they haven't done anything worthwhile with them, is because they were just not wanting to basicly, and then when Angle returns they'll really put them in a great program.


It's obvious stupid as heel for them to do Benoit/Angle as they have, but I can see why. I don't see why they kept jobbing Benoit out though, lazy ass writers. They were obviously not even trying to do anything with Benoit/Rhyno, and weren't going to do so untill Angle came back. I hate that, but it's what they were doing, and just exactly what I thought they were doing.


I just hope the program is going to be as great as it could be.


Add the more than likely Benoit/Rhyno vs Angle/Lesner program with the Mysterio/Ultimo deal, and the SD six just might be back up and running!

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Guest Downhome
So, what happens to Team Angle?

Lose the belts to Angle/Lesnar at some point?

Team Wolverine! :D

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Guest Choken One

Eh...I still want Angle/Cena first before we get any Lesnar/Angle/Rhyno/Benoit angle...


So I guess we'll get a Angle/Rhyno and Lesnar/Benoit Vengence show?


I don't think ANGLE should get the title right away...


That's why I wanted Angle to do a Summer program with Cena and Lesnar to combate Benoit...


Benoit goes over at Slam and jobs back to angle at Series and they build to a Lesnar/Angle WMXX rematch...


I still don't like rhyno enough to justify heyman's desire blow him...


Oh well...At least it will kill Lesnar/FBI....

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Bad Idea (Didn't we already have this discussion).


Benoit Heel = Bad.

Brock Face = Bad.


Rhyno Heel = Good.

Kurt Face = Good.


Benoit + Kurt = Good.

Rhyno + Brock = Good.


Benoit/Rhyno vs. Kurt/Brock = Bad.

Benoit/Kurt vs. Brock/Rhyno = Good.


I must re-state... Benoit Heel = BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD.


They didn't have anything for Benoit and Rhyno because they don't like Benoit and Rhyno...especially Benoit...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Benoit Heel = Bad.

Brock Face = Bad.


Rhyno Heel = Good.

Kurt Face = Good.


Benoit + Kurt = Good.

Rhyno + Brock = Good.


Benoit/Rhyno vs. Kurt/Brock = Bad.

Benoit/Kurt vs. Brock/Rhyno = Good.



I suppose we should just be happy for Benoit doing ANYTHING at this point though.

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Guest ViciousFish

Benoit could remain the SmackDown bitch and continue to job to everyone who's getting ready to face Lesnar

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Has Benoit been anything more than Talent Enhancement (or enhancement talent)?


Uh, no.


He's always been the bitch in one way or another.

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Guest Anglesault
Eh...I still want Angle/Cena

Ik. Backlash showed that Cena's not ready yet.

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Guest Choken One

I wanted Angle/Cena because it's fresher and has not been done before.


Cena can draw major heat and that's what Angle needs as a Face...


By throwing him into another rehashed angle with Benoit...it just makes it appear as if nothing has changed.


Angle appears to be HARD for Cena and Cena constantly praises Angle...So these two would work for eachother tremendously...

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Guest Anglesault
I wanted Angle/Cena because it's fresher and has not been done before.


Cena can draw major heat and that's what Angle needs as a Face...


By throwing him into another rehashed angle with Benoit...it just makes it appear as if nothing has changed.


Angle appears to be HARD for Cena and Cena constantly praises Angle...So these two would work for eachother tremendously...



Or it could bomb and Angle gets dragged down with Cena

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I don't want this to happen for 2 reasons:


1. Benoit shouldn't turn heel again.


2. Heyman should be kept off my TV at all times.


Why not just have Lesnar, Angle, and Benoit all as faces/tweeners feuding for the title? It worked well when they did it with Rock/Angle/Undertaker. It's not exactly the same because Angle was a heel and the other two were faces, but it's close.

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I can't see Brock holding the title until WM, and I definitely can't see Benoit ever beating him for it, especially with how they're treating him now. So what else can they do? Why not have Angle/Brock for summerslam?


They can both be face. The storyline practically writes itself, they both want to see who is the better wrestler; however at WM because Angle had neck problems, it didn't tell us anything. We know they respect each other from the ending to that match, so a team at the same time wouldn't be too far-fetched. And WM is still fresh on everybody's minds.


It would let Angle hold the belt until WM next year, giving him his first real respectable title run. Hey, they sound like they're serious about him with the videos. Maybe he would lose it to Benoit even, but that's probably hoping for too much. How long can they have a show with just two main eventers though, both on the same side?


Of course this will all be for nothing when he comes back tonight and tries to run over Brock with a car.

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Guest Choken One
I wanted Angle/Cena because it's fresher and has not been done before.


Cena can draw major heat and that's what Angle needs as a Face...


By throwing him into another rehashed angle with Benoit...it just makes it appear as if nothing has changed.


Angle appears to be HARD for Cena and Cena constantly praises Angle...So these two would work for eachother tremendously...



Or it could bomb and Angle gets dragged down with Cena

Or yeah your completely right AS...



Let's avoid doing something fresh and exciting to bring in the Uber-Baby that Angle will be along with elevating someone whom has A LOT of promise...


and just do the tired and recycled Benoit/Angle fued...Again.

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2. Heyman should be kept off my TV at all times.

What is wrong with you?

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Guest Anglesault
I wanted Angle/Cena because it's fresher and has not been done before.


Cena can draw major heat and that's what Angle needs as a Face...


By throwing him into another rehashed angle with Benoit...it just makes it appear as if nothing has changed.


Angle appears to be HARD for Cena and Cena constantly praises Angle...So these two would work for eachother tremendously...



Or it could bomb and Angle gets dragged down with Cena

Or yeah your completely right AS...



Let's avoid doing something fresh and exciting to bring in the Uber-Baby that Angle will be along with elevating someone whom has A LOT of promise...

And what if Angle/Cena goes as badly-or worse- than Brock/Cena?


That hurts Angle and REALLY hurts Cena

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm all for having Angle be a face...


but having him join sides with the guy who beat him...and not go after the title...


kind of makes Angle seem...


you know...scared.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

Frankly, i dont know why everyone is so high on cena. Honestly, i WOULD rather see another Angle/Benoit feud then Cena/Angle. Although fresh matchups are good, i just dont like Cena main eventing at the point hes at now.


Cena's only "decent" in the ring. Hes got good charisma but only when hes rapping. Which, i think they should get away from if you are going to push him as a legitimate main eventer. Which begs the question, how entertaining would he still be without the gimmick.


I think they should maybe keep him that same "hardcore/from thestreets" style, but have him cut serious promos that dont rhyme.

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