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Guest Mole

TNA is turning into...

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Guest Mole

This is from 411, which got it from PWTorch


The general consensus backstage in NWA:TNA is that the main bookers are playing favorites.


Vince Russo supporters Raven, Glen Gilberti and Mike Sanders have been dubbed “The Atlanta Clique”. The Atlanta Clique has drawn comparisons to the power the NWO had backstage in WCW during the peak of WCW’s prosperity. Some point to the pushes of Perry Saturn, Julio Dinero and Erik Watts as examples of how the Atlanta Clique uses its influence.


Jeff Jarrett is also said to have favorites, such as America’s Most Wanted and the Harris Brothers.


It’s becoming a situation where many wrestlers believe it’s all about who you know in TNA to get a push.

Politics happen everywhere.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Well, first of all, I wouldn't hold the PWTorch up as a bastion of insider information in the world of Pro Wrestling and anyway, it's all an angle!


It's JJJ like HHH, geddit ?



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Guest Mole

Damn bro, I am just reporting what a website said. Don't kill the messanger.

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Guest eirejmcmahon
Damn bro, I am just reporting what a website said. Don't kill the messanger.

I could see how you misread my comments.


Apologies, I was actually taking the piss out of NWATNA's wrong headed decisions as of late.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

This shit has obviously been going on since day one, since the Harris Brothers seem to have been on tv since day one, but you can tell things are starting to get worse. Disco seems like a politician, JJ is the champ, booker, and owner's son, russo is his normal dick self. They could be headed for trouble.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Eh, it's Russo working the internet again to further the "Holding Down" storyline. He fooled us twice already with a) Russo's "firing" and "rehiring" and b) Raven's contract "expiring" and "unreasonable bargaining" and then showing up on the same show....this is just another in the long line of works.

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Guest Mole
Damn bro, I am just reporting what a website said. Don't kill the messanger.

I could see how you misread my comments.


Apologies, I was actually taking the piss out of NWATNA's wrong headed decisions as of late.

Oh okay, my bad bro. It's alright.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Bonus marks to Russo if he can work in references to Raven's friendship with the Panda Bosses daughter into this weeks show.

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Guest Vyce

I don't know if it's fair to label the company with the "WCW backstage politics" machine. Backstage politics occurs EVERYWHERE, in ANY promotion that has more than 2 people working for it.


It just goes hand in hand with the business.

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Bonus marks to Russo if he can work in references to Raven's friendship with the Panda Bosses daughter into this weeks show.

Um, I think you mean Jarrett.


Anyway... Saturn and Julio are getting pushes? Nobody informed me of this. Julio just interferes in Raven's matches and gets his ass kicked all the time and Saturn is just kinda there. Watts is getting a push but he's actually gotten over so that's all right.


Gilbertti, on the other hand...

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Disco seems like a politician, JJ is the champ, booker, and owner's son, russo is his normal dick self. They could be headed for trouble.


TYPO~! this is something everyone in this forum should know, JEFF JARRETT OWNS TNA! he is the person who paid the roster from the first show out of his own pocket. he is the one who calls all of the shots and the last minute decisions. and amazing no one complained when jarrett was champ back in december or january, or when jarrett was chasing the belt from day one. no one mentioned how he was going after the belt then, why bitch now?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I wonder if Jarrett has lost site of the goal.


99% of the political BS that we read about always seemed to me to break down to a philosophical debate about what is the best way to run the company.


This is clearly not that. This is stupid.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I never had a problem with JJ as champ. As long as he shares and gives others the chance to hold it. I think AJ and Raven deserve to hold the belt.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

There was the one report in some other thread on how Jarrett vetoed the storyline that would have given Raven the belt last week.


This, again seems like a debate over how Russo and the two Jarrett's think the company should be run.


My question is...who does Jarrett want to put the title on? At this point in time it seems like D-Lo has a better chance than either Styles or Raven.

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Guest bob_barron
Disco seems like a politician, JJ is the champ, booker, and owner's son, russo is his normal dick self. They could be headed for trouble.


TYPO~! this is something everyone in this forum should know, JEFF JARRETT OWNS TNA! he is the person who paid the roster from the first show out of his own pocket. he is the one who calls all of the shots and the last minute decisions. and amazing no one complained when jarrett was champ back in december or january, or when jarrett was chasing the belt from day one. no one mentioned how he was going after the belt then, why bitch now?

Because back then Jarrett wasn't being the asshole he was today. People bitch for a reason.

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Guest eirejmcmahon
TYPO~! this is something everyone in this forum should know, JEFF JARRETT OWNS TNA!

What about Jeff's dad and the Panda people ?

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Guest Slapnuts00

There's definitely political favors going on, but its not nearly as bad as current WWE. But there is no doubt that Russo is catoring to his friends, which is why wastes of space like Mike Sanders and Harrises get TV time...

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Guest RedJed
Disco seems like a politician, JJ is the champ, booker, and owner's son, russo is his normal dick self. They could be headed for trouble.


TYPO~! this is something everyone in this forum should know, JEFF JARRETT OWNS TNA! he is the person who paid the roster from the first show out of his own pocket. he is the one who calls all of the shots and the last minute decisions. and amazing no one complained when jarrett was champ back in december or january, or when jarrett was chasing the belt from day one. no one mentioned how he was going after the belt then, why bitch now?

Because back then Jarrett wasn't being the asshole he was today. People bitch for a reason.

I'm missing where he's become a huge asshole

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Guest bob_barron

Well he's held the title for more then 6 months, made Raven look like a bitch in their match and rarely ever wrestles

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Guest Slapnuts00

Gee, maybe because he's busy running a company? And he's been champion for so long because maybe he can only trust himself not to skip out or hold out for more money...I don't think that makes him an asshole....misguided and overworked maybe.

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Guest nikowwf

Vince focuses on himself and Stephanie a lot cause they can't run out. Same justification, same negative results.


Well, raven is signed now, right? I'd like him to get the belt. To me, a show focused on raven would get my $9.95 easily.



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Guest nikowwf

Vince focuses on himself and Stephanie a lot cause they can't run out. Same justification, same negative results.


Well, raven is signed now, right? I'd like him to get the belt. To me, a show focused on raven would get my $9.95 easily.



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Guest RedJed
Well he's held the title for more then 6 months, made Raven look like a bitch in their match and rarely ever wrestles

If Raven truly looked like a bitch in that match, the fans would have stopped giving a shit behind them. If anything its been the polar opposite since then. Him not getting the belt right off the bat has made things what it is, he's now a face in a heavy ass chase for the title that fans are STILL behind.


He's held the belt more than 6 months, but as you said he'd defended it roughly about once a month, and wrestled maybe 2-3 times a month max or something. I really dont see the big deal since they only have 4 shows a month for one thing. Plus I'd rather him not be all over every show anyway since he's a major part of the company in creative and otherwise, he's got other things to do also. He hasnt oversaturated himself on TV, yet people bitch he's an asshole because of that? Huh?


And I think I've said this before, but I just think its funny that having long title reigns nowadays is reason to throw that around as a negative. Maybe its just because I've been a fan for 20 plus years, but I always like to see long title reigns myself.

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Guest RedJed
Vince focuses on himself and Stephanie a lot cause they can't run out. Same justification, same negative results.


Well, raven is signed now, right? I'd like him to get the belt. To me, a show focused on raven would get my $9.95 easily.



The past two weeks have been just that for the most part.

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Guest TheGame2705

This is just all so stupid. It's obvious anything Jarrett related is it period. If Raven had pull he wouldn't have jobbed in the match he was built up to win. He, Disqo, and Sanders might be friends with Russo but obviously all that will get you is a main event job to Jarrett. The only reason Sanders likes Russo is because he's green and was pushed almost to the top in WCW. If you've read the interviews before Sanders says he doesn't even care if he's not wrestling, he'll just find something else to do. If Jarrett didn't play favorites you think he would have beat Raven and the Harris Bros. would have jobs?

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

NWA Title = Held by JJ, long title reign, defended on special occasions = Nice, strong belt.


X Title = Held by everyone, shit title reigns, defended every show almost = Worthless.


JJ should keep the title until someone is proven, without a doubt, to be a draw. Then, the belt should be given to that person for an extensive amount of time.

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the panda people are investors, not owners. they invest money in tna and hope to make it back when tna gets bigger. and jerry is just an advisor. "dad, should i rush this or not?" type of stuff.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well actually, Panda is now the majority owners of the company, Jeff and Jerry hold the minority share of the company (thought to be around 15%) but now a days Jeff actually runs the day to day operations while Jerry is more of an advisor and works the guerilla position during the shows.

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