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Guest nWoScorpion

Hulk hogan

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<Like him or not, Hogan and Vinnie Mac changed wrestling. Without Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff would be selling meat out of the back of a truck in Minneapolis.>>>



Isn't that what he's doing now anyway?



<<<Without Hulk Hogan, all these Johnny Comelatelys would be flipping burgers.>>>



Wow, Hogan just shafted the heck out of McDonald's, didn't he?



<<<He made the WWF rich.>>>



WWF wasn't exactly poor before he got there.



<<<He did everythin for the charities, everything for the kids, and the reception he gets in here, you fans can stick it, brother.>>>



Nobody's saying Hogan is evil. Just that he's crap in the ring, a cancer in the locker room, and horrible on the mic.



<<<All that and all the money he made for the WWF, bringing wrestling to the mainstream, All his contributions to make a wish, the fact that the wwf would probably not exist today so your chris jerichos and your chris benoits can be seen by you every week means nothing to smarks because he allegedly "held down ricky steamboat" or some other internet rumor.>>>



Can we at least admit that the WWF was doing fine WITHOUT Hogan? It's not like the WWF drew nobody before Hulk's appearance.



<<<The people in Japan honor their legends, they don't try and tear them down, so why can't we?>>>



Because Inoki is, at least, decent in the ring. Baba SHOULD have been torn down.



<<<Are we that cynical, that we have to tear down everyone that busted their ass night in and night out so we can watch the best damn show on earth?>>>



No, just the crap performers.


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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<Where did i say Hogan made wrestling? He certainly made it what it is today.>>>



No, he very much did not.



<<<Without Hogan, Vince taking the WWF mainstream would not have done well, they didn't have a monster babyface that the crowd liked nearly as much as Hogan and they didn't have the funds to run a national wrestling promotion for an extended period of time before Hogan came along.>>>



Again, Slaughter could have easily fit the role.


And, just to blow your mind, Hogan didn't REALLY take off until Roddy Piper came to the WWF. So, arguably, Piper did more than Hogan.



<<<He made the WWF, those who don't see that are blinded by their own cynicism.>>>



Or we know the truth.


One of those two.


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Guest TheMikeSC




not many men can almost single handely keep a company going.





Wait, what about Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, and Goldberg?


They saved their ship a good amount of times too.>>>



When did GB save WCW?


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Guest bsrizpac

To Mighty Damammamaamamamammamamu,


What's wrong with the leg drop? Why is it so stupid? It's not lamer than the "Walls of Jericho" (aka boston crab aka the biggest bullshit submission in a long line of them) or the "Flying Headbutt" (a move so stupid in a realistic setting, one doesn't even know where to begin).


Get off your high horse.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
To Mighty Damammamaamamamammamamu,


What's wrong with the leg drop? Why is it so stupid? It's not lamer than the "Walls of Jericho" (aka boston crab aka the biggest bullshit submission in a long line of them) or the "Flying Headbutt" (a move so stupid in a realistic setting, one doesn't even know where to begin).


Get off your high horse.

A shot in the dark here, but maybe because it's not seen as a legit finish anymore? If Rikishi can't get a pin off of a leg drop, then why can Hogan?

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Guest nWoScorpion

For those dont know the "Hulk up" , it would be the energy of his hulkamnaics running through him that made him superman. On the superman topic, Austin can beat up 25 guys on his own and not get roasted for being a showoff? Anyway, I dont recall Hogan ever fighting a 1 on 6 or 7 batle and whoopin them like hell. Back then when that happend, your kissin the mat in about 2 seconds. As for Hogans friends, Beefcake was set for a IC title reign before he smashed in his face, Duggan was 1 of the most opoular face sin WWF, Nasty Boys were former Tag Champs who had alot of heel heat, and honkytonk Man was the greatest IC Champ ever. And none of this was Hogans doing.

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Guest nWoScorpion

BTW, what were the worst years the WWF had? Of course 1995-1997. Wow, i want to watch  a bunch of racist bikers fight a gang of niggers fighting puerto rican theives fighting south african dumbells. Mantaur? aldo Montoya? "diesel? "razor"? Issac Yankem? Flash Funk? The list goes on with the terrible drawing names the WWF was using in that time frame.

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<For those dont know the "Hulk up" , it would be the energy of his hulkamnaics running through him that made him superman.>>>



Or, in layman's terms, it's quite lame.



<<<On the superman topic, Austin can beat up 25 guys on his own and not get roasted for being a showoff?>>>



Yup---but a lot of people when the WWF has him do things like that.



<<<Anyway, I dont recall Hogan ever fighting a 1 on 6 or 7 batle and whoopin them like hell.>>>



Ah, you missed the WWF of the 80's then.



<<Back then when that happend, your kissin the mat in about 2 seconds.>>>



Unless, of course, you're Hulk Hogan who could whup up on the entire Heenan family without much of a problem.



<<<As for Hogans friends, Beefcake was set for a IC title reign before he smashed in his face, Duggan was 1 of the most opoular face sin WWF, Nasty Boys were former Tag Champs who had alot of heel heat, and honkytonk Man was the greatest IC Champ ever. And none of this was Hogans doing. >>



Duggan doesn't draw. Never has. Was given the U.S Title in WCW when he had no business being close to it. Hogan's fault.


Yes, Beefcake was going to win the I-C Title. He wouldn't have been the first terrible I-C Champ. Hogan's fault.


The Nasty Boys had tons of heel heat? I don't know which shows you were watching because it wasn't of their work from the AWA, NWA/WCW, or WWF.


And HTM had a great I-C Title gimmick---but he was hardly a great champ and his matches seldom were good.


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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<For those dont know the "Hulk up" , it would be the energy of his hulkamnaics running through him that made him superman.>>>



Or, in layman's terms, it's quite lame.



<<<On the superman topic, Austin can beat up 25 guys on his own and not get roasted for being a showoff?>>>



Yup---but a lot of people hate it when the WWF has him do things like that.



<<<Anyway, I dont recall Hogan ever fighting a 1 on 6 or 7 batle and whoopin them like hell.>>>



Ah, you missed the WWF of the 80's then.



<<Back then when that happend, your kissin the mat in about 2 seconds.>>>



Unless, of course, you're Hulk Hogan who could whup up on the entire Heenan family without much of a problem.



<<<As for Hogans friends, Beefcake was set for a IC title reign before he smashed in his face, Duggan was 1 of the most opoular face sin WWF, Nasty Boys were former Tag Champs who had alot of heel heat, and honkytonk Man was the greatest IC Champ ever. And none of this was Hogans doing. >>



Duggan doesn't draw. Hasn't since his Mid-South/UWF days. Was given the U.S Title in WCW when he had no business being close to it. Hogan's fault.


Yes, Beefcake was going to win the I-C Title. He wouldn't have been the first terrible I-C Champ. Hogan's fault.


The Nasty Boys had tons of heel heat? I don't know which shows you were watching because it wasn't of their work from the AWA, NWA/WCW, or WWF. BUT, they were given mega pushes in the WWF and WCW---both Hogan's fault.


And HTM had a great I-C Title gimmick---but he was hardly a great champ and his matches seldom were good.


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Guest nWoScorpion

Grill Ultimate warrior why dont ya? that guy was just totally...............well, can't think of anything to describe him. Maybe Warriors the guy your thinkin of. If I recall, most of the time hogans big fueds started by having his ass kicked by Bundy, Mruaco, Orndorff, Quake, Boss Man, Slaughter etc etc. I DONT GIVE A FUCK about WCW, WCW used him the wrong way. Im talkin WWF. Look at the title of this page. World wrestling Federation.

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<BTW, what were the worst years the WWF had? Of course 1995-1997.>>>



Actually, the downfall started around WM9.



<<<Wow, i want to watch  a bunch of racist bikers fight a gang of niggers fighting puerto rican theives fighting south african dumbells.>>>



Ah, the DOA were racists---but yet we see what you called the Nation. Cute.



<<<Mantaur? aldo Montoya? "diesel? "razor"? Issac Yankem? Flash Funk? The list goes on with the terrible drawing names the WWF was using in that time frame.>>>



And this means what? WCW was LADEN with crap gimmicks in that same era. One Man Gang was U.S Champ. Do I need to mention the ME of Uncensored '96? How 'bout Blacktop Bully? Loch Ness? Renegade? The Booty Man?


Oh, and Hogan killed Vader's legitimacy as a monster and turned Flair into a joke in that stretch. What a guy.



...Who still says Jacobs was a better Diesel than Nash.

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I find it amazing that its 2002 and people still like Hulk Hogan.

Why would people like him over kurt angle or even the rock? Did you see him face to face with the rock? He looked like he was 80 years old and the rock looked like a teenager compared to him. I think him getting the loud pop at WM was a canadian thing because Rock got louder pops on raw. I was a hulkamaniac but i was 9 and i didnt know any better. I didnt know he "allegedly" held back my 2nd favorite wrestler Ricky Steamboat.

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Guest KTA

Goldberg made people chant and mark out at EVERY victory.


That's all really.


He was most OVER, most LIKED, most CHEERED, and still the fan's favorite when he was champ or not.


When Nash sent the show to kliq levels of gayity Bill was still a monster that everybody loved. Marks, that is.


He kept interests in wcw when marks thought that russo made no shred of sense. He stayed most over, thus giving the illusion that the company still had their ICON intact and their viewers watching


Cold Stone Steve did the same the last year when H and Rock were out, and he helped the company look good. Without them and the Underman, who is there for marks to think is important?


Bill did that also with being most over and looking like he still had hid fan appeal and rep intact


Russo and Erick spent all of ted's money killing the fed just so that they can have an ecw belt on their show and still not succeed at that or any damn thing.


Goldberg would still be over today if he walked into a WWF/FLAIR ring and he was their one true success. He saved their no clue having asses

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

You realize the fans didn't chant Goldberg until WCW prompted them? They were piped until the fans started chanting it on their own.

Oh yeah and brizpac or whatever....if you're going to insult my name.....at least be clever about it. Anglesault was funny with his Mighty Dormroom thing...yours is just stupid.


"Quesiton: How long have you jackass hogan haters been wrestling fans? 2-3 years?"


Umm...about 12 years now sir. Is that good enough for you? I liked Hogan until he went to WCW. Being the extreme WWF mark I was I turned on him and was like "Fine if he doesn't need the WWF then I don't need him...asshole." And I never looked back. Nowadays he's throwing himself in front of me.


And people. What is the f'n deal with us liking Hogan? Ok I understand you like Hogan guys. But does that mean I have to like him? Do I have to go "Wow guys despite the fact he's a backstage cancer, annoys the hell out of me on the mic, and just bores the hell out of me in the ring I like him because he's a legend!" Well no. I'm not going to do that. I dislike Hogan. Get over it. These people you're argueing with dislike Hogan. Get over it. You aren't going to change our minds.

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Guest KTA

Yeah, of course MAYNE!


They piped it in,they succeeded and made him look great despite th fact that he is VERY limited in the ring. And he still stayed the most over and made the company look like their PHENOM and ICON is still afloat and super.


He STAYED THE MOST OVER pal@@!@!@##!# at thier russo time etc.


And the piped in chants have nothing to do with anything else I said since to the marks, oh boy they loved him regardless pal!!!!!!!

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Quesiton: How long have you jackass hogan haters been wrestling fans? 2-3 years?


Ah yes.. the old "how have u been watchin' wresting since u hat Huk Hogen?" argument... How sad is it when some people can't handle personal opinions? It's like Angleslut and his paranoia about people who like Test. Hey, people are going to like who they want and if some people just don't want to see Hogan stink up the ring despite the whole "you have to respect what he's done" garbage, then let it be.


I find it so funny that so many on the net used to hate Hogan so much, but since he's been getting a good reaction, they can't seem to get on their knees fast enough for him and if you happen to be one of the poor few who say they actually don't like the Orange Jackoff and don't want to see him, you get slagged as being a "bitter smark bastard who just can't sit back and enjoy it."


I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you enjoy watching Hogan, good for you. Just don't expect everybody else to share the same views as you do and try to make them out to be non-fans or whatever just because they didn't find Hogan and Rock milking almost 25 to 35 minutes of a wrestling PPV time to be good use of their 40(soon to be 45) bucks.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Yeah, of course MAYNE!


They piped it in,they succeeded and made him look great despite th fact that he is VERY limited in the ring. And he still stayed the most over and made the company look like their PHENOM and ICON is still afloat and super.


He STAYED THE MOST OVER pal@@!@!@##!# at thier russo time etc.


And the piped in chants have nothing to do with anything else I said since to the marks, oh boy they loved him regardless pal!!!!!!!

yes he was over in wcw but he'd never be as over in the wwf, because vince would never let him demolish the majority of his talent. that was the problem wcw encountered with goldberg they had him destroy everything that moved so there was no believeable oppenents for him.


i think he only stayed over because for the last year or so he was only on wcw rarely due to injures/contract disputes

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Guest KTA

Yeah yea because of this, because of that, he still is and was untarnished in the fans' eyes despite a dumb heel turning


That's my point here.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

alright i agree that he's untarnished in mark's eyes. i'd be all for bringing himin if it weren't for the fact he'd be horribly mismanaged, amd of course HHH hates him so he'd be doomed to fail.

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Guest Some Guy

"Quesiton: How long have you jackass hogan haters been wrestling fans? 2-3 years?"


I've been a fan for 13 years out of the 20 I've lived.  I grew up loving the guy, he made me a fan in 1989 and got me back into wrestling after 2 years of barely watching in 95.  I still like him based on all the entertainment he gave me as a kid and for grabbing my attention back, it quickly shifted to HBK, Flair, and others, but thats another point.


I'm not a "jackass Hogan hater", but I realize his time has come and gone.  He is over now based mostly on nostalgia.  I was cheering him on at Mania, I felt like a little kid agian and it was great.  But I don't think Hogan can pull it off again.  I was sitting on the couch watching the match completely amazed at the crowd reaction and 1/2 through I realized that somewhere I still loved the guy.  On his following matches I realized he should retire soon while he is still loved by the mainstream fans.


A little bit of advice:  Don't insult people and write things like, "HULKMANIA WILL LIVE FOREVER BROTHER".  If you want people to read what you write and reply kindly write in a civil manner.  And furthermore an attack on Hulk Hogan is not an attack on you personally, so don't take it as such.

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Guest mastermind

I really wasn't going to get into this because it comes down to if you like the guy or not plain and simple. However, I found some stuff truly amazing with some posts. Hey, people can hate on Hogan and there are reasons, but spitting on the guy's legacy is really uncalled for. I'm just going to point out what Hogan has done for wrestling. First of all Hogan WAS OVER big time in the AWA. He was on Rocky 3 and people talked. It was Verne Gagne's stupidity of not getting with the times and doing something to appeal to fans. Nick Bockwinkle should have jobbed the belt plain and simple. Hogan was talking about the Hulkamania society in the AWA. Hogan went to Japan and was OVER IN JAPAN. That most account for something. If people saw the night when the crowd thought Hogan won the AWA heavyweight title you would see almost a riot. Hogan was over before the wwf stuff. The AWA and NWA was ABOVE the wwf in terms of the NWA board.


Hogan was also a hot free agent in late 1983 with the Rocky 3 movie. The NWA and WWF were both in hot pursuit of Hogan. Ric Flair was in the NWA, but Hogan was still the hotter commodity. You see I read about Meltzer's piece that Flair would have brought a different viewpoint of the business to fans if he was in the wwf, but I disagree and you will see why.


I started watching in 1986, but around 1989 I did research on this stuff because I was so into it. You see how some are talking about Brock Lesnar imagine Hogan in that vien in the 80's. Big muscle guy who could move for a bigger guy especially with people with the speed of Hawk or King Kong Bundy. People are saying Lesnar should be pushed and that's what Vince saw when Gagne flopped in this decision to push Hogan. There was a WrestleMania book that came out in 1985 which was pretty much shoot done by the wwf. I don't know if anyone has seen it, but it actually admits to a script and that feuds are manufactured by the promoters. I know the wwf would never do a book like that again, but probably did it back then because the company probably didn't feel it would have got so big in scope.


Anyways, in that book(it has the Mania cartoon poster of Hogan and T) it said that other promoters knew Hogan was the hottest thing, but were concerned about how much championship material he was. This was in the days when championships were taken much more serious. It was said that people within the wwf didn't want the strap on Hogan, but Vince thought other wise. You see the wwf wasn't actually burning up the wrestling world contrary to revisionist history. Sammartino was brought up and it was pretty honest in that Sammartino was the wwf's biggest and best draw in its infancy stage, but was seen as lower than the NWA champion because he was more a regional champion (fighting in the northeast predominately). Vince was also planning the expansion.


Hogan came in and won the title and yes it did make the old school groan. However, the fans were behind him, so the wwf didn't care. Honestly, this changing of old ways started to get bigger stars on the championship level. I mean they wouldn't even take a chance on freaking Andre the Giant. Say what you want about Andre, but in 1985 Hogan was light years faster than Andre in the ring. Just for the record Hulkamania was before WrestleMania. IF the Howard Finkle myth is true that he named the show this I don't think Hulkamania was far from his mind when it came up. Beatlemania? I wonder.


Now Ric Flair is in the NWA and actually was doing good, but more fans wanted to see Hogan. This is what I'm referring to about what Meltzer said. If Hogan had jumped to the NWA and headlined Starcade the focus would still have been on Hogan. Although it might have been harder for the committee to put Hogan as champion since they were old school and Vince was more new school. For those who think Hogan and the wwf only got hot when Piper came on board think again. Go read the Sports Illustrated (with Hogan on the cover)article where the promoters were banding together to stop WrestleMania and the wwf juggernaut from previous months. You see sure Vince could have expanded, but would he be able to sell out all the extra bookings and recover his money without Hogan. It is a moot point as no one else was given the chance, but for the landscape at the time it would have been helluva harder.


Meltzer speaks about the wwf's cartoon atmosphere. Yes, the wwf had its share of kiddie gimmicks like JYD on his fours headbutting people and Hillbilly Jim, but I think some are confusing the show with the actual cartoon. The wwf wasn't that cartoony until they broke kayfabe in 1989 because they knew they weren't going for realism and sticking with the kid market. Hogan was billed as the greatest professional athlete in the world today. What would have been the difference if Flair was there to make fans take notice of the actual wrestling? Hogan was promoted as a real sports guy by the wwf. These were the days when many people were marks and before the wwf went to "family entertainment". Those days came at the beginning of the 90's when the fans would start taking notice of the better wrestlers through years of watching the product. Flair was rumoured to jump in 1988 and partake in the WM 4 tourney, but didn't. It was said that Vince wanted Flair to work his way up, so Flair balked at that stupid statement and stayed. Dibase probably got the push Flair was suppose to get. Notice how he lived the life of the Nature Boy except without all the women? Coincident? The fans still were backing Hogan.


Hogan was the boss until that night in 1990 in Skydome. He should have call it quits right there, BUT the wwf was slagging in ratings with Hogan gone. Not too mention this era the wwf WAS REALLY becoming a cartoon. The wwf had also peaked and I think this is the wwf most fans remember Hogan from and that's why he gets labelled as the cartoon wwf era of the 80's which really was just 1989-1992. Flair came on board when the wwf really needed him. This was basically to show what Hogan was and did for the business which I think is really ridiculous how it gets spit upon because he might have "kept Steamboat down". At the time I think if you had to choose Hogan or Steamboat the choice would be easy. Steamboat went to the NWA and was their champion against the WWF'S champion Hogan and Hogan was still seen as the top world champion by fans. The NWA by this time wasn't little compared to the wwf. Fans knew about the NWA.


I think the problem came when in 1990 and 1991 the wwf failed miserably in getting Savage or Warrior to take the crown(by this I mean take the spotlight when Hogan was away). Sgt. Slaugther would have replaced Hogan. That's a funny one. What would happen to Slaughter's heat after his fights with Iron Shiek? I can't see his gimmick having the drawing power of 4 years as champion as Hogan's. As in my post about Triple H this is where Hogan started to be a problem with the politics. Savage was somewhat of a politician as well as rumours flew that in 1990-92 he was pitching to Vince that he should be the champion because guys like Warrior and Flair couldn't draw as he did in 1988. The fanbase got much smarter by 1992, but since everyone had looked so below Hogan the roster was hurt. The wwf was trying to find the 90's wrestler to replace Hogan from 1990 and it took until 1997 for the wwf to market Austin for the throne in 1998's WrestleMania.


Within that time the wwf was pretty much crap with the exception of guys like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels who in Hogan's hey day would look like Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy to Steve Austin or Rock. I won't get into Hogan's wcw days as honestly Bischoff was played by Hogan and company(plus this is long as it is). The thing is though that wcw was already seen as second rate by that time anyways through the wwf's rise in the 80's.


This is no way stating that Hogan should go on some monster push right now. I have stated before that Hogan should leave at SummerSlam against Kurt Angle. Anything past SummerSlam is asking for trouble.

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Hogan is older than my dad, and my dad is OLD. In that tag match on raw everyone was moving soooooo slooooooow until hogan tagged in the Rock, and he was the only one that you know was actually RUNNING! See? that means something to me when i see wrestlers get in the ring and they dont run (like hogan,nash,UT) then i walk outside to have a cigarette. That's why i give some credit to the Big show. He runs in the ring as fast as a 7 foot 450 pound giant can. But once you are irish whipped into the ropes and you  dont run but you kinda moisey along like hulk does than that means a few things

1. your lasy

2. you suck

3. your lasy

4. your old


5. your lasy

I could never cheer for someone who when they get whipped in the ropes they dont run but they kinda walk like its a sunday afternoon in the park. I dont care how many times they hulk up.

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Guest Some Guy

I'm don't think it's lazieness, it's just Hogan being old and having a bad back and knee.  Which should keep him out of the ring as much as possible.

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Guest mastermind
Yeah some guy your right but hogans been doing that since Reagan was president

That was a funny one!


Yeah, I admit Hogan does look real slow in there, but all the injuries and taking his "vitamins" have taken their toll. I still say keep him around in a limited capacity and at SummerSlam his farewell match happens or this could GET UGLY. I keep stating SummerSlam is the last match of Hogan to convince myself the wwf won't be so dumb to have a 50 year old man headlining their shows for 2-3 years.

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Guest TheMikeSC

Goldberg made people chant and mark out at EVERY victory.>>>



And if he didn't, WCW had that helpful piped-in chant to work wonders.


I still want to know why the toughest, baddest guy in WCW needed protection to leave the locker room when nobody else in WCW needed it.



<<<That's all really.


He was most OVER, most LIKED, most CHEERED, and still the fan's favorite when he was champ or not.>>>



But did fans pay to see him?



<<<When Nash sent the show to kliq levels of gayity Bill was still a monster that everybody loved. Marks, that is.


He kept interests in wcw when marks thought that russo made no shred of sense. He stayed most over, thus giving the illusion that the company still had their ICON intact and their viewers watching>>>



He also griped about wrestling incessantly, made a joke of himself repeatedly, never learned to actually work...


I don't blame him for burying talent, though. That was the fault of horrible booking.



<<<Cold Stone Steve did the same the last year when H and Rock were out, and he helped the company look good. Without them and the Underman, who is there for marks to think is important?


Bill did that also with being most over and looking like he still had hid fan appeal and rep intact


Russo and Erick spent all of ted's money killing the fed just so that they can have an ecw belt on their show and still not succeed at that or any damn thing.


Goldberg would still be over today if he walked into a WWF/FLAIR ring and he was their one true success. He saved their no clue having asses >>>



Would GB be over? Maybe a little.


Would he DRAW? No.


Woud he be a headache backstage? All signs point to yes.


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Goldberg is the biggest jerk in wrestling.

1. He criticized the wwf  about 9/11 when they already donated a million dollars

2. He picks fights with jericho and hhh

3. He didnt even show up on the last episode after wcw made him millions


Talk about hhh,michaels,nash all you want Goldberg is the biggest jerk there is and has no class.

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Guest KTA

You are crazy.


First off, why don't you just read what I have and respond in a clear manner by making paragraphs instead of doing little one liners after everything?


You know, like when a poster will say something, then all you do is reply with a liner, and call it a day. And all we have is opinions, but all you can do is refute them by saying the opposite without proof, yet it is supposed to look like that has 'countered' what I have. Then you move on. Brilliant pal.


It's the most annoying thing in the world and it looks more hackish than KTA writing about HHH hiding from the Underman. Taker. Whatever




Goldberg made people chant and mark out at EVERY victory.>>>



And if he didn't, WCW had that helpful piped-in chant to work wonders.


I still want to know why the toughest, baddest guy in WCW needed protection to leave the locker room when nobody else in WCW needed it.




I addressed how he still maintained a healthy glow throughtout the majority of his work for the marks and you re-write a previously answered question. He had them piped. And stayed over, period.




<<<That's all really.


He was most OVER, most LIKED, most CHEERED, and still the fan's favorite when he was champ or not.>>>



But did fans pay to see him?


He wasn't killing the company by doing a disappearing Hogan ALL of the time. And he was still more over and VERY credible to the marks.  And yes, there still are more sales to be had by the loyal marks than whiney smarts. look at how smarts got mad at Bill and his shit, or even Konan while arenas had mark that were screaming ORALE and popping for Sting and Goldberg. Even 'stupid' trailer park things like the Nitro girls were enjoyed by marks and not booed off their sets.


They actually respected the kiddie/silly aspects of WcW. That helped the company. Marks love Goldberg. When Goldberg was looking his worst, sales for pay per view fell since the heel turn sucked. Who was going BOOOOOOO posterboy Goldberg, you suck.


He still rocked thier worlds and when he was rising (not Hogan) and won belts. Why were there no bigger WcW stars getting pops like that? HE was over and was a good cash cow for them at one point. He carried them at one point


Man you sound wacked. Goldberg never carried his company. He may have lost some fans (you smarks) but he's still wanted in the WWF by fans, believe me and the marks who liked him.


I don't like him or really respect his dumb horse azz, so don't turn it into, oh, 'you're a Goldberg mark' like a context stealing sentence-rider would


<<<When Nash sent the show to kliq levels of gayity Bill was still a monster that everybody loved. Marks, that is.


He kept interests in wcw when marks thought that russo made no shred of sense. He stayed most over, thus giving the illusion that the company still had their ICON intact and their viewers watching>>>


He also griped about wrestling incessantly, made a joke of himself repeatedly, never learned to actually work...


I don't blame him for burying talent, though. That was the fault of horrible booking.


I really don't understand where you get some a this shit. You grab a sentance, reply in a nonrelated manner, and then what?


He never sold tickets when he was winning belts and quickly rising? You flipped out?


Does that have ANY relevence to what I said. He buried, blah blah, he whined




That wasn't what I was saying. Don't read between the lines or you'll assume too much. Does whining stop him being over? Or from being a star? What the heck son?


Would GB be over? Maybe a little.


Would he DRAW? No.


Woud he be a headache backstage? All signs point to yes


Haa! This is the worst part.


You just throw questions at yourself and then answer them. WTF?!!


Hey KTA, do think Goldberg licks his toenails, and if he would he'd taste Bret's grey matter? Yes


Would it taste good? No


Would he still lick at it again? Yes


Is that how you argue with other people?




. . . yes


Look, you THINK that Goldberg isn't intact in wit his rep with the fans, he NEVER sold anything (now I can take that out of your context Quote-But did fans pay to see him?), and because he whined about Jericho he'll never be wanted on the WWF shows. Jus like Nash


Yeah? Sure


He won't draw, only the Orange Vagina Brock could do that in the WWF. And also Edge an his weak bodied spear wil get over with the crowd. An Rhyno and his gore right? Yet here the wwf will have no interest in him and his gimmick and will NEVER even dream of making pale imitations of a character that wouldn't draw a dime.


They wouldn't? Wait-They already have. And vince has talked to him cuz he likes his possiblity for being a star. That proves me wrong right? No




The rest of you are like this


He killed Bret, he kicked the cockfighters (heh) he said that, so now he never DREW?? MONEY?? You're all bitter and hopeless if you think he NEVER sold a dime. Craze bret fans eh?

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