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Guest Redhawk

Who has the most vanilla moveset?

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Guest Redhawk

Maven -- He's never done anything in the ring that made me so much as raise an eyebrow. And does he even have a finisher? The most impressive thing about Maven's in-ring work is his selling and the height he gets on his dropkick.


Who else has a bland moveset?

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Guest DawnBTVS

Crash Holly...has never impressed me much in terms of ring work though I LOVE his character so meh

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Guest Will Scarlet

Chris Nowinski. I am a big fan of his, but I can't even think of one move he does.

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Guest Dangerous A

I might get heat from AustinHHH4Life for this, but John Cena's moveset is quite vanilla. His character and charisma are the only thing keeping him from being a total washout.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I'll nominate Bautista...however, if I nominate him, should'nt I nominate Triple H as well, as they use alot of the same moves...intense stare, and main event spinebuster.

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Guest razazteca

Kane has 3 moves: top rope lariat, side slam, chokeslam and that is it.



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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Maven uses the missile dropkick as his finisher.


And I'd like to throw Batista and his moveset in this conversation.

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Guest Ghettoman

Crash actually has a pretty entertaining moveset, try and catch him on Velocity when he's there, and unlike AJ he actually builds to the "Styles Crash" with some nifty reverse powerbombs and such.


I'd have to say Big Show, I think he'd be a lot more accepted if he had one move aside from the Chokeslam that he used on a regular basis. I mean when you list a constant moveset for him, there's headbutt, knee, chokeslam, so the only move he has going for him is the chokeslam.


I'll agree too Cena could use something else, I think he should work the backdrop-frontslam move he had going for a while back into his moveset.

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Guest the 1inch punch

any of the recent OVW grads are all taught the same crap

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Guest myburninghammer

Isn't everyone using the same four power moves (backdrop suplex, reverse neckbreaker, powerslam, spinebuster) anyway? It's hard to pick out whose vanilla when 90% of the roster is indistinguishable in their wrestling style.

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Guest Dangerous A

It's a combination of things. There's the guys being told to tone down their styles because of the injury rate. Then there is the OVW connection in that whatever a guy was taught or thought how wrestling went, he is deprogrammed from doing anything except the WWE punch-kick-powermove-finisher style. Only a handful of those workers leave the parameters set by Vince and his awful farm system, OVW.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Steiner: Chop, club, chop, club, chop, club...belly to belly, push up...stupid new finisher of the week.

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Guest myburninghammer

While I'm inclined to say Steiner or Trips, I have to go with Benoit...only because his moveset has been totally emasculated by the wwe style; his major move these days is laying down for the smackdown shits and selling for like 8 people at one time. That depresses me more than anything, even Eddie's pussy verticals.

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Guest CanadianChick

Randy Orton is pretty vanilla. Actually, alot of OVW guys are vanilla. Practically none of them have a very unique moveset.

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Guest ChikoDemono

It seems like everyone in the WWE has a vanilla moveset due to their new injury-saving idea to limit the moves to about 3 or 4, and have them performed at Kevin Nash's speed.

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Guest Kid Kablam
While I'm inclined to say Steiner or Trips, I have to go with Benoit...only because his moveset has been totally emasculated by the wwe style; his major move these days is laying down for the smackdown shits and selling for like 8 people at one time. That depresses me more than anything, even Eddie's pussy verticals.

Nah, true Benoit's moveset has been limited, but he still has the snap suplex (which no body does quite like him), and the diving headbut. Plus Benoit busts out his best moves during PPV stuff. In PPV matches he'll bring out the hamerlock suplexes, shoulderbreakers, and knee crushers. The move I would like to see him bring back is his power bomb. It's probably my favorite powerbomb.

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Guest wwF1587

big slow... its always the same boring slow routine.. HHH comes close as does Nash

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Guest Steviekick

I guess I'll join the OVW hating. Most of the guys who came out of that are really bland. The Basham Brothers are reminiscent of "Superstars" jobbers.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Goldberg. Spear, jackhammer, end of moveset.


All the OVW grads, but it's not their fault. It's how they were trained.


All the older guys except Flair. Hogan has two moves (big boot, legdrop), but Nash is giving him a run for his money (big boot, sideslam, powerbomb)

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Guest Austin3164life
I might get heat from AustinHHH4Life for this, but John Cena's moveset is quite vanilla. His character and charisma are the only thing keeping him from being a total washout.

I somewhat agree with you. The only thing that bothers me about Cena's skills are that he has not expanded his moveset. He's improved in terms of selling and pacing, and he looks more confident, but he needs to expand his moveset. He works a body part on his opponent well, but he sometimes runs out of moves.

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Guest Smark-Raving Mad

Kinda sad how many nominees there are. Damn you, WWE Main Event Style!


I guess I'd have to go with Big Show.

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