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Guest edge007

I wanna see Bad Blood

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Guest croweater

Does anyone else think that bringing Foley in will just be a way for HHH to lose the title but not JOB.

I mean..... Mick's career has been "ended" by HHH twice a little revenge attack would go a long way in getting the belt on Nash.

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Guest bob_barron
Triple H Vs. Kevin Nash won't be that bad because they can rely on the gimmick of the match to help get through the 12-18 minute match. Both men will bleed. Both men will stall by using the cage, etc. It won't be pretty, but Hunter usually blades pretty good, so that will be entertaining. I'm actually rooting for HHH. Kindof a "lesser of two evils" type thing. I'd rather HHH keep the belt than have to watch Nash as champ. Seeing Foley again will be cool, and will most likely make the match memorable.


I'm sure some people thought the Cell would be able to save Taker v. Bossman- it didn't. I'm also rooting for HHH because at least the guy can run to the ring. I still don't see how Foley will make the match memorable. He can't bump anymore- He's just going to be a referee. Triple H tapping a gusher won't really do it for me. He's done big bladejobs in awesome matches before (RR v. Foley, SummSlam v. HBK) so I could go back and watch those.


I still don't see what Mick Foley adds to the match besides a little bit of crowd heat that will die off shortly (ie HHH v. Angle)

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Guest Lord of The Curry
I like threads like these becuase you always see the apologizing and justifying excuses.


"Well, Nash/Crips won't be THAT bad."


"Well, Steiner/Test could be funny"



You know there's a problem when you've got to add the catchphrases like "not that bad", "sure it won't be Benoit vs. Angle" and "I am looking at this like a mark".


I really don't see how anyone would honestly want to buy a ppv for reasons like that. I wonder how many people that say stuff like "I'm looking forward to it because it might not be that bad" are telling the truth and how many are just trying to come up with excuses to support the ppv just because it's a WWE ppv and they will buy anything Vince sells?

Fucking A. You don't shell out 30 bucks for a "decent" show. Go buy a sack of weed, go get drunk, go rent porn, go to a strip club, go buy some BETTER wrestling tapes. Just don't try and justify purchasing this PPV.

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Guest AndrewTS

We go through this every month it seems. It probably will be better than expected but not a "good" PPV.


I won't be ordering it anyway, but it will be interesting what the buyrates turn out to be.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

...or everyone could watch the PrideFC PPV and actually get their moneys worth.


But hey, some people here like watching pure shit and then calling it "not as bad as you think", so a good, satisfying PPV would be too much to handle.

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Guest Coffey
Go buy a sack of weed, go get drunk, go rent porn, go to a strip club

What a fucking loser...

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