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Guest Ash Ketchum

The Redneck Triathalon...

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Once again, it's time for Stone Cold to try to make a fool out of Eric Bischoff, this time with the Redneck Triathalon.


I'm all for it, as long as it doesn't take up too much time. And I think that somehow, Eric Bischoff will not only end up cheating to win, he'll avoid getting stunnered.




Because it's WWE logic. We expect either a) Stone Cold to win, stunner Eric as a consolation prize, and then go drink a bunch of beers in the ring, or b) Eric wins by cheating, Stone Cold stunners him, and then goes off to drink a bunch of beers in the ring. But not the WWE, because for some reason, they'll remember the Eric-Austin barfing incident from Judgement Day.






Aw, who am I kidding. Eric's gonna cheat to win, but get stunnered to hell, and then Austin's gonna drink a bunch of beers. It's what the fans in the arena want to see. And they're the ones who paid to be there, who will buy t-shirts, etc. They're the only fans Vince really seems to care about. Oh, and it'll run for a half hour, right before the epic 90-minute Nash/HHH "They Fell In The Cell" match and right after the two minute squashes of Jericho by Goldberg and Kane/RVD by La Resistance.

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Guest BifEverchad
Skits belong on heat, not PPV's.

I agree.


Why not use this time to put off another match?


I'd rather see a match instead of Bischoff and Austin eating blueberry pie.

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Guest notJames

I'd rather have old-school backstage interviews of the competitors before each match. Skiznits are shiznit.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

This is a PPV - only 1% of it should be 'filler' and that's only to allow the crowd to take a piss break. As long as they are going to charge $30+ for PPV's they should be delivering something WAY above their regular raw programming.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How can you people not be in favor of the redneck triathalon?


Did you not watch RAW last night?


They announced that for round 1 Austin and Bischoff were going to...let me get this right...eat pussy live on ppv!


One can only imagine the next two events!


You people are just too negative.

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They announced that for round 1 Austin and Bischoff were going to...let me get this right...eat pussy live on ppv!

I'll take a guess that I'll be right on this that Stone Cold will bring out Mae Young for Bischoff to "eat" and he'll refuse and be disqualified. HILARIOUS~ :huh:

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Guest razazteca

Oh boy its time for WWE Jackass, let's all be in awe of Austin and Bischoff attempting crazy stunts. Will Eric eat that cow pie or get yet another hangover. Can Austin crush beer cans on his head like the Sandman did in E-C-Dub?


Will WWE bring in a special guest ref like Johnny Knoxville or Tom Green or Joe Regan?

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Oh boy its time for WWE Jackass, let's all be in awe of Austin and Bischoff attempting crazy stunts. Will Eric eat that cow pie or get yet another hangover. Can Austin crush beer cans on his head like the Sandman did in E-C-Dub?


Will WWE bring in a special guest ref like Johnny Knoxville or Tom Green or Joe Regan?

<Vince McMahon>...who's Tome Green? What's Jackass?

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Guest Dangerous A

The redneck triathalon is happening because the Gewirtz doensn't know how to write anything but bad comedy.


Plus we wouldn't want to break that nasty habit of pushing non workers as major programs.

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