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Guest Trivia247

Goldberg and WWE Creative team got probs

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Guest Trivia247

There was some very tense moments backstage at RAW yesterday between Bill Goldberg and the writing team. They apparently came up with an original plan that called for Chris Jericho to do something more severe to Goldberg on the show last night. When Bill saw the script, he demanded that it be changed.


Several weeks ago when Jericho speared Goldberg, those who were watching carefully probably noticed that he did not sell the move the way he should have.


Also, last week on RAW they had Goldberg spear the referee in place of Jericho, just another sign of Goldberg still not wanting to work with or 'sell' a move to younger talent.


To update the Goldberg incident from Monday's RAW, he did go up to several of the writers and asked to have his segment with Chris Jericho changed to make him look more 'legit' for their PPV match this Sunday.


In addition to that, he also had his match with Rosey edited to his liking to make him look like more of a 'whipping boy'. From the people that we have talked to, many feel that Goldberg was right in doing what he did because up until this point, he has been portrayed as someone who has been getting 'beat' or 'screwed' for the past three weeks.


This all comes to an end Sunday as current plans call for Goldberg to get the clean win over Jericho.


Posted by PWS Journalist Ryan Clark on 06/10/2003


so take it for what its worth, When my other sites confirm it through the Torch or Observer i'll add the credentials to it. for now this is whats there.


interesting stuff hmm

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Guest Anglesault
Several weeks ago when Jericho speared Goldberg, those who were watching carefully probably noticed that he did not sell the move the way he should have.

Read: Not at all.

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Guest Downhome

I don't see what the problem is. It's true he has been made to look weaker than he should have been and there is no need for anymore of it. Hell, just about everyone that I've heard from that have anything to do with Pro. Wrestling (meaning guys like Meltzer, Scherer, Percy Pringle, and others) have all said that Goldberg needed to look powerfull once again.

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Guest Sakura

Then he can't feud with people like Jericho. If he wants to be a monster and squash guys like Jamal and then have big matches every now and then that's fine but he can't squash Jericho every single week then squash him at ppvs.

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Guest Anglesault
I don't see what the problem is. It's true he has been made to look weaker than he should have been and there is no need for anymore of it.

Like the time Jericho was revealed as the mastermind and he laughed?


Or when Jericho mased him and he didn't sell?


Or when Jericho speared him and he didn't sell?


Or when Jericho ran away from him for an entire show?


Or when Jericho hit him with a chair and he didn't sell?

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Guest Downhome
Then he can't feud with people like Jericho. If he wants to be a monster and squash guys like Jamal and then have big matches every now and then that's fine but he can't squash Jericho every single week then squash him at ppvs.

Goldberg can face Jericho and everyone could come out shinning, but they've done it TOTALLY wrong so far. They have treated both Goldberg and Jericho in ways which will not really help either guy. It's been a mess of a feud on both sides since the begining.


Personally, I hope it ends in a double DQ so they can then have time to give this feud the buildup it deserves.

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Guest Anglesault
Then he can't feud with people like Jericho. If he wants to be a monster and squash guys like Jamal and then have big matches every now and then that's fine but he can't squash Jericho every single week then squash him at ppvs.

Goldberg can face Jericho and everyone could come out shinning, but they've done it TOTALLY wrong so far. They have treated both Goldberg and Jericho in ways which will not really help either guy. It's been a mess of a feud on both sides since the begining.


Read: They haven't allowed FGB to manhandle Jericho at every turn, and FGB's zero selling percentage in this feud is WAY too high.

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If they focused on the stuff that is on WWE.com a little more and had a sit down TV interview with Goldberg-Jericho ala Rock-Austin before WM X7, this could be alot better.

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Guest Downhome
Then he can't feud with people like Jericho. If he wants to be a monster and squash guys like Jamal and then have big matches every now and then that's fine but he can't squash Jericho every single week then squash him at ppvs.

Goldberg can face Jericho and everyone could come out shinning, but they've done it TOTALLY wrong so far. They have treated both Goldberg and Jericho in ways which will not really help either guy. It's been a mess of a feud on both sides since the begining.


Read: They haven't allowed FGB to manhandle Jericho at every turn, and FGB's zero selling percentage in this feud is WAY too high.

Don't put words into my mouth, I don't think that at fucking all.


If it was me, I wouldn't have had the two guys touch each other at ALL untill the PPV. Leading up to it, I would have kept having Jericho do things every so offten to drive Goldberg crazy. Maybe toss in a count out loss for Goldberg by means of Jericho distracting him, and whatnot.


There is tons of shit that could go down, which would still make for both guys to look like they should for their respective characters.

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Posted by PWS Journalist Ryan Clark on 06/10/2003



Seriously Ryan Clark and Matt Boone (who might be the same person) have the least amount of credibility of any internet wrestling "jounalist". They are famous for taking stories from more legit sites and rewriting them in their own words. In this case they took the rumor from 1wrestling, who don't exactly have that much credibility themselves but at least they typically come up with their own stories.

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Guest Anglesault
There is tons of shit that could go down, which would still make for both guys to look like they should for their respective characters.



How has treating Jericho like a TOTAL non threat (Always laughing at him) and selling NOTHING made FGB look weak?

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Goldberg is a no-seller, he didn't sell the 187 chairshots that Rock gave him, so he's not going to sell one by Jericho. This feud has a whole lot of history, and could be built up a lot better. They had the interview on WWE.com, why couldn't they have the same one on RAW?

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Guest Downhome

There is tons of shit that could go down, which would still make for both guys to look like they should for their respective characters.



How has treating Jericho like a TOTAL non threat (Always laughing at him) and selling NOTHING made FGB look weak?

I know what you are saying, but Jericho has got the upper hand on Goldberg almost every week so far. Maybe not in the best ways (as I said, this angle has sucked for everyone so far), but he has. He "tricked" Goldberg into the ring that time and got him with the spray that put Goldberg on the mat which he DID sell. He ruined his car with paint (fucking weak, but he still did it), he hired someone to try to kill him, he tricked him into spearing the ref taking him out, etc...


That is NOT the way Goldberg should be treated if they want him to be of use, nor is this the way that JERICHO should be treated if they want HIM to be of use either. It's been horrible for both guys, and it's the writers fault.


Like I said, this could have been a huge feud, but they just didn't seem to understand how to make it happen.


As of right now, I'd almost bet on a Double DQ finish, it would just seem more "right" than any other finish at this point.

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Guest Trivia247

There is tons of shit that could go down, which would still make for both guys to look like they should for their respective characters.



How has treating Jericho like a TOTAL non threat (Always laughing at him) and selling NOTHING made FGB look weak?

I agree there, Goldberg's "Boy" and "bitch" comments was bad enough, but Jericho's arguement was almost a straight SHOOT of what happen in WCW and Goldberg didn't even acknowledge it. as if to him he didn't need to Defend the fact he didn't want to face him. At least Jericho went to a Super J Cup, and was the first contender of that tournament to hold the WWE Championship. But I suppose to Goldberg he is still boy and Bitch. What a bitch who totally neutralize Goldy with a Headlock! lol

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Guest Anglesault
He "tricked" Goldberg into the ring that time and got him with the spray that put Goldberg on the mat which he DID sell

He said "ow" and got back up.


I know what you are saying, but Jericho has got the upper hand on Goldberg almost every week so far. Maybe not in the best ways (as I said, this angle has sucked for everyone so far), but he has. He "tricked" Goldberg into the ring that time and got him with the spray that put Goldberg on the mat which he DID sell. He ruined his car with paint (fucking weak, but he still did it), he hired someone to try to kill him, he tricked him into spearing the ref taking him out, etc...


And Jericho has been running the whole time.

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Guest Downhome
He "tricked" Goldberg into the ring that time and got him with the spray that put Goldberg on the mat which he DID sell

He said "ow" and got back up.


I know what you are saying, but Jericho has got the upper hand on Goldberg almost every week so far. Maybe not in the best ways (as I said, this angle has sucked for everyone so far), but he has. He "tricked" Goldberg into the ring that time and got him with the spray that put Goldberg on the mat which he DID sell. He ruined his car with paint (fucking weak, but he still did it), he hired someone to try to kill him, he tricked him into spearing the ref taking him out, etc...


And Jericho has been running the whole time.

Do you not understand this? I agree with you that the angle has sucked, it's been done totally the wrong way. As is however, it's apparent to everyone except for a few of you here that Jericho has had the upper hand almost every week. Albeit it hasn't been a very way of doing so, but that's the way it is.


This is why I want to see a double DQ, this feud could be great if they worked with it.


They need to rewatch some old WCW tapes, and realize why the fans wanted to see this match to begin with so much.

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Guest Anglesault

But Jericho's "getting the upperhand" hasn't made FGB the jobber that he's claiming it has.


And Jericho should win on Sunday, no bullshit DQ.


There's no reason to cater to FGB's every whim, because, as Backlash showed, fans don't care about him enough to justify building the company around him.

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Guest sean pyro
Posted by PWS Journalist Ryan Clark on 06/10/2003



Seriously Ryan Clark and Matt Boone (who might be the same person) have the least amount of credibility of any internet wrestling "jounalist". They are famous for taking stories from more legit sites and rewriting them in their own words. In this case they took the rumor from 1wrestling, who don't exactly have that much credibility themselves but at least they typically come up with their own stories.

This is true.

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Guest Downhome
But Jericho's "getting the upperhand" hasn't made FGB the jobber that he's claiming it has.


And Jericho should win on Sunday, no bullshit DQ.


There's no reason to cater to FGB's every whim, because, as Backlash showed, fans don't care about him enough to justify building the company around him.

1) It's your opinion, but it's obvious that Goldberg has been made out to look weak. I know you hate him, and I know you want to see him job out over and over untill he's released, but it's not going to happen. I'm trying to look at things from the standpoint of what WWE wants to see him become, and that is a star, like it or not.


2) If Jericho beat Goldberg, it would be one of the biggest mistakes of booking that I've ever seen. It would be stupid for business, for WWE as a whole, and from just about every other stance. I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho beat Goldberg eventually, but not right now. Hell, I don't even want to see Goldberg beat Jericho just yet, it doesn't feel right yet.


3) They are totally re-building Goldberg up, starting over if you will. Once again, this is fairly obvious also. As each week passes, more and more fans are jumping on the bandwagon at the live shows. To have him loose to Jericho, a heel, at this point would not be a wise decision at all.



Remember, WWE DOES have the intentions of putting the strap on this guy. I know a lot of you here don't like it, and that's fine, but it's the way it is. If their heart is totally set on doing this eventually, then I want to see it at least be done professionally and the right way. The guy needs to look super strong, it's the only way that he'll be of any use to them and their plans.


The Goldberg/Jericho deal should NOT end this Sunday, this is a feud that they should allow to be extended for at least another month or so.

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Guest MixxMaster

Very well said, Downhome.

This could be such a better feud so easily. I agree that they should'nt even be toughing each other, hell they shouldn't have even been anywhere near each other.

IF they just showed some of the old clips from that vast WCW library of the old Jericho-Greenberg stuff, and have Jericho expand on those things, having matches with Goldberg when Goldberg isn't even at the arena, and having a countout continuing the Jericho-Greenberg win-loss numbers, etc...And make Jericho even more heelish, which seems to be the McMahon way(they're never ones for being too deceptive).

They COULD still salvage things, even with a "clean" victory. Jericho could still do the above things, and it would make this fued much better.

With the longer breaks between PPV's they should be EXPANDING fueds, right?

This is the perfect fued to last, there's many ways to keep it fresh, while expanding the history.

Don't worry, Downhome. Not everyone is as biased around here as some.

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Guest Anglesault
1) It's your opinion, but it's obvious that Goldberg has been made out to look weak.

Then every feud ever where the face didn't dominate the whole thing makes the face look weak.




If Jericho beat Goldberg, it would be one of the biggest mistakes of booking that I've ever seen. It would be stupid for business, for WWE as a whole, and from just about every other stance


GOLDBERG is bad for business. Backlash, a show based totally on his return, was ordered by next to no one. Hogan did better two months earlier.


To have him loose to Jericho, a heel, at this point would not be a wise decision at all.




It puts heat on a rematch


Are you trying to admit that FGB ca't get over ulesshe's squashing the entire roster?


Which brings us back to the first point


Backlash, a show based totally on his return, was ordered by next to no one.


Why job the entire roster out to a guy who can't pop a buyrate?


And don't give me stats from five years ago. That just makes you look stupid.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Jericho is already dead and buried, so who cares what Goldberg does to him?

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Guest Trivia247
Posted by PWS Journalist Ryan Clark on 06/10/2003



Seriously Ryan Clark and Matt Boone (who might be the same person) have the least amount of credibility of any internet wrestling "jounalist". They are famous for taking stories from more legit sites and rewriting them in their own words. In this case they took the rumor from 1wrestling, who don't exactly have that much credibility themselves but at least they typically come up with their own stories.

This is true.

Like I said Originally until I got the more confirming sources...and here they are along with the story


# Apparently, there was some chaos backstage at Monday's RAW involving Goldberg's segment with Chris Jericho. The original plan was for Jericho to "take out" Goldberg yet again in order to make Jericho look more like he had a legit chance to defeat Goldberg at Bad Blood.


He also had his match with Rosie changed to his liking by making himself look more dominant by basically squashing him in record time. Many felt Goldberg was right in doing this as the company has portrayed him as being very vulnerable the past few weeks.


At this point, it appears that this will all come to and end at Bad Blood as the plan is for Goldberg to get a clean pinfall victory over Jericho.


(Thanks to 1wrestling.com & The Pro Wrestling Torch)


so there!

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Guest Anglesault
The original plan was for Jericho to "take out" Goldberg yet again in order to make Jericho look more like he had a legit chance to defeat Goldberg at Bad Blood.


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Guest Austin3164life

Jericho is young enough and over enough where if one semi-smart booker has Jericho (GASP~!) go over in a feud, then he'll look legit again. The Goldberg/Jericho feud only has the shoot aspect going for it. Other than that it's totally uninteresting. When Goldberg no-sold the chair shot last night, the fans didn't give a shit. They "ooohed" when Jericho hit him though.

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Trivia247 I wasn't trying to say there was nothing to the story but by posting stories from a site like wrestlezone, who directly steal stories from other sites and then don't credit them, you give credibility to those who have none. Just stick to 1wrestling (although be careful with that too), the Torch, and da Meltz.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

No. Jericho is dead and buried. That loss to HBK at WM did it. Credibility..Gone. Goodnight. Get the fuck outta here.

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