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Guest Mole

Taking wrestling off...

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Guest Mole

This Friday I am leaving to go to a camp that I work at for the whole summer. Last summer I had my parents record Raw and Smackdown each week.


Since wrestling has been horrible lately, I am going to be taking the biggest break from watching wrestling since I started watching it in 1991. The first event I saw was SummerSlam, so the first event I will see after the summer will be SummerSlam. SummerSlam is usually always good, so I will start watching wrestling on a good note, I hope.


I'll still read SK's rants and catch up on news, but no watching of wrestling of any kind.


Has anyone done something like this before?

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Guest BoboBrazil

I missed 4 months of wrestling from August until December in 1999. I was cut off from the internet, tv, magazines, and all outside contact so I had no idea what was happening.

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Guest Downhome

No, I've never missed a show (Nitro, RAW, SD, Thunder, WCW Main Event) since I begain watching religiously in 1993.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I haven't seen a show since the week before Austin came back, does that count?


Also I boycotted Nitro for 3 years. Ha!


Came back just in time for Russo. :bonk:

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Guest Vitamin X

I didn't watch wrestling during the Smackdown Six era, sadly..Not on purpose though, but because of other things going on and sometimes Smackdown comes on at a weird time for me, whereas RAW is programmed into my mind. Except recently, I haven't seen RAW for a couple months since I've had to work every Monday night.

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Guest Steviekick

Most I've ever missed wrestling was three weeks. I don't know if I could do it. I've been watching hardcore since about 1990

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Guest Downhome

I know that no one believes me, but I could NEVER stop watching Pro. Wrestling, it's just a part of me and my life now.

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Guest BifEverchad
I know that no one believes me, but I could NEVER stop watching Pro. Wrestling, it's just a part of me and my life now.

Yeah, I hear ya DH. I've never intentionally missed wrestling for any possible reason.


If I miss RAW or SD or TNA or whatver, its because I had something REALLY important to do, and even then I probably taped it.



Been Watching Since: 1986

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I did that a few times.


I missed all of 1992 and 1999 for whatever reason

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Guest Banky

I am missing it now.


But I do still follow the recaps and watch it if it looks interesting....somethign which has yet to happen.


mole, by stop watching, you may be able to kick this evil habit (wrestling).

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The WWE is Pro Wrestling? Shit, Pride and UFC are more closer to pro wrestling.

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Guest Banky
The WWE is Pro Wrestling? Shit, Pride and UFC are more closer to pro wrestling.

Where would we be without you?

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Guest Banky
I dare not think about it.

It would be scary...my WWE folder experience would not be the same without you

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I do what I can. I do it for you... The posters of TheSmartMarks Forum.

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Guest Banky
I do what I can. I do it for you... The posters of TheSmartMarks Forum.

And we (I) thank you.

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Guest BifEverchad
I do what I can.  I do it for you... The posters of TheSmartMarks Forum.

And we (I) thank you.

I do as well.



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

*bites lip*


I think we've all, in our own special way, grown here today...


*wipes tear from eye*

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Guest Mole
I am missing it now.


But I do still follow the recaps and watch it if it looks interesting....somethign which has yet to happen.


mole, by stop watching, you may be able to kick this evil habit (wrestling).

Nah, I'll always continue to watch wrestling.

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Guest Banky
*bites lip*


I think we've all, in our own special way, grown here today...


*wipes tear from eye*



I agree



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Where I come from we don't have truces... we have hugs.




We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.


Luciano de Crescenzo

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Guest art_vandelay

I stopped watching after Bret took a hiatus after losing to Shawn at WM12 in 1996. I didn't start watching again until late 1999.

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The only time I really stopped watching was shortly after Royal Rumble 1996-mid 1996.


Course, I was being punished at the time, so that explains why THAT happened.

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Guest ShamRock

I didn't watch wrestling for three weeks because I was in the Balkan countries for vacation. I still had access to the 'net though.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I usually miss everything from Unforgiven until Royal Rumble time. I did in 99 because I didn't like HHH looking so indestructible (yeah, I know, ha ha silly me.) I did in 2000 because I didn't care for the Austin runover bit. I did in 2001 because DirecTV took away my pay per view and there's no reason to watch the show if you never get to see the blowoff.


I didn't last year and was very, VERY sorry. I'd reccomend watching over the summer but then giving up for the winter.

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Guest Mole
I usually miss everything from Unforgiven until Royal Rumble time. I did in 99 because I didn't like HHH looking so indestructible (yeah, I know, ha ha silly me.) I did in 2000 because I didn't care for the Austin runover bit. I did in 2001 because DirecTV took away my pay per view and there's no reason to watch the show if you never get to see the blowoff.


I didn't last year and was very, VERY sorry. I'd reccomend watching over the summer but then giving up for the winter.

So that means you must order ever PPV now? Or never watch the shows anymore.

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Well started watching wrestling in late 1999, because that is the first itme I got cable. Ive missed about 3 RAWs in the past 4 years, and they have been out of my control. Ive seen countless PPVs, videos, DVDs, and Im a absolute freak for it now. I choreograph matches in my head, create new moves, write my own storylines when I feel like it, and I write a column for a respected website, 2 columns a week, at least 1200 words a column. So I can't miss RAW, no matter how much it sucks right now.

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Guest mach7

Dude, it gets easy, trust me. I haven't watched a Raw or Smackdown since August of last year. I caught the Rumble and a few video clips of Raw & SD here and there, but that's about it. ..and this is coming from a guy who hadn't really missed a WWF program since 1982-3 [i was 5 or 6].

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This is an amusing anecdote.


I started watching wrestling back in 1984 at the humble age of 4. Even then, I wasn't a Hulkamaniac.


Fast forward to a few years later....WM 6, The Ultimate Challenge. The Ultimate Warrior won the title. I stopped watching wrestling.


Not because of Warrior, mind you, but because I was just told that wrestling was fake and it was cool to bash back then.


Eventually, I said "fuck it" and I went back to watch it again. The event? Royal Rumble '91. Warrior lost the title.


I missed Warrior's entire Championship run.



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