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DrVenkman PhD

Small Mick Foley tidbit

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Apparently it was Mick who called WWE and not vice versa. Basically he just wanted some exposure before his book came out.


I figured the deal was made due to the book, but I just figured WWE had called him to ref the match (since it's somehow become about 100x more interesting than it had any right to be).

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I saw the show but wasn't paying much attention. Did he even shill the book?

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Huh...Foley called WWE...interesting.


...though I would rather see Foley in NWA somehow...maybe replace that guy that's with Tenay (I can never remember his name) as an announcer.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
I saw the show but wasn't paying much attention.  Did he even shill the book?

What does the survey SAY?



Does X=Y or N?

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I saw the show but wasn't paying much attention.  Did he even shill the book?

What does the survey SAY?



Does X=Y or N?

X = N


If you watched Family Feud, you'd know this stuff.

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Who doesn't watch Family Feud? It's so fun to laugh at the people on there.


"Name a weapon soldiers might use other than a gun."


"... Uh, bow and arrow?"

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Who doesn't watch Family Feud? It's so fun to laugh at the people on there.


"Name a weapon soldiers might use other than a gun."


"... Uh, bow and arrow?"

For me, the funniest Family Feuds are when Wrestlers are on their.


Either WCW vs. GLOW, Faces vs. Heels (WWF), or WWF vs. WBF.


Especially since most of the time, the wrestlers are wearing their ring attire on the show...

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I actually watched the feud as a kid growing up in the 70's back when Richard Dawson was a young buck.

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I actually watched the feud as a kid growing up in the 70's back when Richard Dawson was a young buck.

Ah, OK. My fault for not knowing then.


*Has Richard Dawson kiss you*

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Guest nikowwf

im sure foley would love to fly to nwa/tna for $1,000 and the right to shill his book to the same 10,000 people every week and the 1,000 people sitting there, half of which don't even pay to do so.



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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Remember when they had the WCW stars on? I think they might have battled the GLOW girls or someone like that.

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Guest TheGame2705

But Foley's a hero dammit, WWE doesn't know how to book that's why he left ^_^ :rolleyes:


Crow must be the new food fad. Austin, LOD, Foley. Wow they all like it.

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Guest BorneAgain

To be fair, Foley only said he didn't like the direction of the company, not that he would never come back. In fact I don't recall him critizising the company as much as LOD or Sable did.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Waitaminute, does this mean we were right and Foley's a hypocrite?

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I remember when Brian Knobs or JErry Saggs only scored like 3 points so Hennan jokingly walked away. That was funny.


Foley backed out of a planned Byte This interview because of the necrophilia and (I don't know what the Insider version of the story is, just what Booker T said on TV) didn't show up at Raw X. However, those were all months ago and nothing terribly offensive (content wise) has happened since he started watching regularly again (I believe a Make a Wish kid got him interested again).


It was a bit of a groan moment to hear Foley say "When I was watching Raw last week AS I ALWAYS DO..."

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Guest the 1inch punch

Just for the Record, its Knobs/Bagwell/Hart/Fuggan/DeMott?


Man that is so ghey

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Guest BifEverchad
Just for the Record, its Knobs/Bagwell/Hart/Fuggan/DeMott?


Man that is so ghey

I thought it was Knobs/RIGGS/Jimmy Hart/Duggan/DeMott?

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Guest Markme123
Just for the Record, its Knobs/Bagwell/Hart/Fuggan/DeMott?


Man that is so ghey

I thought it was Knobs/RIGGS/Jimmy Hart/Duggan/DeMott?

Either way the sadest collection of wrestlers ever...

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