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Guest Jobber of the Week

Say bye to video packages that kick ass

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Guest Jobber of the Week



David Sahadi, a key member of WWE's production team, has resigned from the company to pursue other options. Sahadi is one of the top production members, behind WWE head producer Kevin Dunn.


Sahadi has been credited by many as coming up with many of the innovative production techniques that WWE has been acclaimed for over the past few years. Sahadi has also won many awards for his production work.


Most are considering this a huge loss and one that WWE will have a hard time replacing.


Well, there goes one more reason for me to watch the show. The two Austin/Rock video packages (the one at 17 and it's sequel at 19) combined with the Kurt Angle music video completely blew my socks off.


Remember how in the Angle thread I mentioned that whoever's doing these could get a job for Nike if they wanted? Well, there you go.

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Guest Bannable Offense

Wasn't Sahadi the one behind the Legends video package with Fred Blassie, Ernie Ladd, Gorilla Monsoon, et al.? That was one of the most moving pieces I've ever seen.


Sad to see him go, but I can see why he'd take his talent elsewhere and away from a floundering product.

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...no more...good videos...











(...just HAD to do the Chucky from Child's Play 2 drug out no)

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Guest ShooterJay

Dammit, the video packages were my favorite part of the show, often the only part I enjoyed.

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Guest BifEverchad

Well, didnt someone say....'the product sucks but at least we still have great video packages'?


.......oh well, just when you thought it couldnt get any worse.

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Guest JRE

Ya know...It'll just make the rest of the production team work harder, I doubt it was ever a one man army anyways.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Goodbye Video Packages that Kick Ass, I'll sure miss you.

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Guest HartFan86



Hopefully they can find some new talent because Sadahi did an excellent job.

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Guest Steviekick

I guess things must be pretty bad when the production crew wants to start jumping ship...

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Guest evilhomer

Sahadi could carry a Nash/Hunter match to a **** video package. I sure hope they got someone in line with at least some of his talent.

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Sure, this guy is good but what about Adam Penucci, who did the Kurt Angle "Clocks" video(and I'm assuming the HHH "Beautiful Day" Video). That was the best video the company ever did(the angle one).


Like another poster said, it may hurt short term but it just means someone else will have to set up(or get fired by Kevin Dunn and Vince McMahon).

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Guest Razor Roman

Where can I send Vince my resume?


Maybe I can get a job that puts my Television production degree to good use!

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Serously, I would love having a job making those video packages. Thats the reason why I'm taking a Medi Production class right now.

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Guest TheArchiteck

How do you guys know exactly who produced what videos?


Considering there's no credits and all....

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Maybe this will force that clueless muppet Kevin Dunn to stick to the production side of things now.

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Guest Zero_Cool

We're internet smartmarks, we know everything. ;)


Sucks that this dude is leaving...he must've have been integral, since they're talking about it in news updates and what have you.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
How do you guys know exactly who produced what videos?


Considering there's no credits and all....

Well, it's pretty obvious Kevin Dunn isn't the guy making those videos. Maybe I'm wrong, but his fingerprints were all over Tough Enough, which was pretty unimpressive production wise. Also, hasn't he been there forever? I remember WWF video packages used to be kinda lame ("But if he loses, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE BOY?!") I'd also have to call into question the creative vision of the guy who suggested the Katie Vick angle to Vince, but anyway.....


Also, if this guy's winning awards for his work, it's obvious he has some influence in at least some of these great packages. Glad to hear the guy responsible for the Coldplay video is still there though.

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Guest Retro Rob

Doesn't Cole also work on the videos.


Sahadi did all of the commercials for sure.

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Guest Austin3164life

The WWE cannot seem to keep their good employees, yet attract the worst of them.

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Guest crandamaniac
Doesn't Cole also work on the videos.

I believe he was the Desire videos.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

According to the latest Torch, the Kurt Angle Coldplay video was produced by a guy called Adam Penucci. It also says Angle was so impressed with the video, that he called Adam up personally to thank him for the video.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

The one thing the WWE hadn't fucked up is about to get fucked up. Lets hope this Adam Penucci is the one behind most of the video packages otherwise things could get a lot worse. Think about it, how many times have you been 50/50 about ordering a PPV only to end up buying it after seeing a kick ass video package. This could cost the WWE some big money in the long run

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Guest art_vandelay

Is Sahadi the director of the old Raw opening that was a behind the scenes feature on Confidential? Was he the guy that did the Unforgiven Halloween dress up ad too?


Anyway, the Clocks video was good, but nothing will top the Kid Rock History video, IMO.

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