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Guest notJames

WW_ Conference Call for 4th Quarter

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Guest notJames

(Liberally stolen from 411mania)


[bold emphasis mine]


WWE held their fourth quarter conference call today and lots of news came from it. Below are the highlights from 1wrestling.com:


- They went over the numbers for the quarter.


- Linda felt that they ended the year on a good note with Wrestlemania, and that it was a success. She said they will reveal the new Wrestlemania XX logo on June 23rd at Raw at Madison Square Garden, since the event will also be held there at the Garden.


- She said that they are 14 months into the brand extension and that ratings have "stabilized". She said the brand extension has allowed them to develop a deeper talent pool, and has allowed them to have two touring groups. She put over the success of the international tours, saying they are the result of the brand extension and their ability to run more tours.


- Linda said that their focus for 2004 is live events, and that live events make everything else possible.


- She said they want to work on having simultaneous merchandise releases around the world, so that when a character appears on television in a country, their merchandise is readily available. She said that right now there is a lag time in getting merchandise to some markets.


- Linda said retail sales were down, and blamed it on market wide problems.


- The Steve Austin biography will be available in time for Christmas this year.


- WWE took an 8.9 million dollar hit due to the shutdown of the World in New York.


- They talked about giving away forty percent of their "free cash flow" in a stock dividend of four cents per share. Of course, they also just bought back a large portion of stock from Viacom, so I guess those dividends comes right back to them.


- A question was asked regarding when WWE will get their creative house in order. The caller asked why WWE is bringing in more "retreads" and turning into WCW. Linda asked if this was the same caller that asked the question last quarter, and the caller said he asks this question every quarter because he sees no movement in creative. Linda said that Bill Goldberg's run has been "disappointing". She stressed that they are bringing in new talent, pointing out the Basham Brothers and Linda Miles are being brought into Smackdown. She said they are working on the creative end, and pointed out last night's Smackdown had a dramatic ending. Linda also said that Vince McMahon would be appearing at some live events this summer, as a special attraction. Before the caller could follow-up, they had him disconnected, and never addressed his question regarding the creative problems in the company.


- They blamed the war in Iraq for lower PPV buys.


- They expect it will be a year before they have a tenant in the space in Times Square they used for The World.


- Linda said that WWE is looking to continue Tough Enough, saying that it was the one WWE series that had a larger female than male viewership.


- Linda put over La Resistance, Linda Miles, John Cena, Spanky, and the FBI. She praised Zach Gowen, saying he would be interviewed by ESPN, and that he is an incredible athlete.


- They are in negotiations to purchase several wrestling tape libraries, but did not want to reveal which companies, since the deals have not been finalized.


- WWE are planning more international tours for next year, 31 tours in the planning stages (although not confirmed) at this point.


- WWE is not involved in the production of Rock's films, but do receive an executive producer credit (and a two million dollar fee) for his films, since "The Rock" is their intellectual property.


- They are continuing to work on an animated series. Their film department, WWE Films, is working on a feature film starring Steve Austin, which will most likely go direct to video/DVD/cable.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Man......they can't even own up to the fact that they suck.

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Guest Steviekick

I don't see how "WWE: The Animated Series" is going to help anything.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
I don't see how "WWE: The Animated Series" is going to help anything.

If it's got Autin in it they should make it for adults and get in on Adult Swim, that could be funny.

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Guest OnlyMe

- They blamed the war in Iraq for lower PPV buys.


They should make the PPVs more enticing than sitting in front of Fox News for 3 hours. Seriously, I don't buy this excuse for a moment.

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Guest Human Fly

- Linda put over La Resistance, Linda Miles, John Cena, Spanky, and the FBI.


La Resistance are the only ones getting a decent push right now, and they are the worst. Cena is treading water, Spanky and FBI don't win matches. Linda Miles is a manager, she seems okay so far, but how are you going to turn ratings around with her?

Edited by Human Fly

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

- Linda felt that they ended the year on a good note with Wrestlemania, and that it was a success. She said they will reveal the new Wrestlemania XX logo on June 23rd at Raw at Madison Square Garden, since the event will also be held there at the Garden.


The buyrate for WM was a big disappointment, wasn't it? It was a good show, but most of the booking choices were just awful (where's Jericho's rematch, assholes?)


- She said that they are 14 months into the brand extension and that ratings have "stabilized". She said the brand extension has allowed them to develop a deeper talent pool, and has allowed them to have two touring groups. She put over the success of the international tours, saying they are the result of the brand extension and their ability to run more tours.


for years they didn't do dick for their international fans. Now they at least half-ass a tour from time to time, so of course the international numbers went up.


- Linda said that their focus for 2004 is live events, and that live events make everything else possible.


So that's why they continue to sign/push guys who don't do house shows?


- She said they want to work on having simultaneous merchandise releases around the world, so that when a character appears on television in a country, their merchandise is readily available. She said that right now there is a lag time in getting merchandise to some markets.


YEEEHAW! Gotta get me that Hardy Boyz Pendant right now!


- Linda said retail sales were down, and blamed it on market wide problems.


of course, it has nothing to do with the horrible looking merchandise they are putting out. WTF is that Brock Lesnar throw blanket?


- The Steve Austin biography will be available in time for Christmas this year.


this could be good


- A question was asked regarding when WWE will get their creative house in order. The caller asked why WWE is bringing in more "retreads" and turning into WCW. Linda asked if this was the same caller that asked the question last quarter, and the caller said he asks this question every quarter because he sees no movement in creative. Linda said that Bill Goldberg's run has been "disappointing". She stressed that they are bringing in new talent, pointing out the Basham Brothers and Linda Miles are being brought into Smackdown. She said they are working on the creative end, and pointed out last night's Smackdown had a dramatic ending. Linda also said that Vince McMahon would be appearing at some live events this summer, as a special attraction. Before the caller could follow-up, they had him disconnected, and never addressed his question regarding the creative problems in the company.


The usual stuff here


- They blamed the war in Iraq for lower PPV buys.


The only thing in WWE that can be blamed on the war in Iraq is the horrible La Resistance/Steiner/Nowinski storyline, with the "Great Debate" being the dumbest segment I have seen all year.


- Linda put over La Resistance, Linda Miles, John Cena, Spanky, and the FBI. She praised Zach Gowen, saying he would be interviewed by ESPN, and that he is an incredible athlete.


No one of them is going anywhere right now. Only La Resistance is actually pushed, and they are BORING AS FUCK.


- They are continuing to work on an animated series. Their film department, WWE Films, is working on a feature film starring Steve Austin, which will most likely go direct to video/DVD/cable.



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Guest Austin3164life
- The Steve Austin biography will be available in time for Christmas this year.


This should be a good read. Perhaps not comparable to Foley's books, but interesting nonetheless.


- WWE took an 8.9 million dollar hit due to the shutdown of the World in New York.


My parents own a restaurant, and we're a busy place, but damn I didn't know shutting one down would cost the WWE almost 9 million. Times Square space must be expensive as all hell.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

"Linda put over La Resistance, Linda Miles, John Cena, Spanky, and the FBI. She praised Zach Gowen, saying he would be interviewed by ESPN, and that he is an incredible athlete".


Hmmmmmmm. Let's see here.....


La Resistance- Sucks it hard

Linda Miles- Sucks

John Cena- Vanilla, though showing signs of improvement

Spanky- Charasmatic as fuck but is getting wasted

FBI- Sucks.

Tenacious Z- Sucks really bad. Make him a manager or commentator or interviewer. Keep him the fuck out of the ring.

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Guest JRE

Isn't the point of a conference call to make up excuses to keep advertisers?


...Well done!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I want to know who that person is who keeps calling and refusing to take the spin answers. I want to buy him a drink.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Im not sure if its the "OFFICIAL" wrestlemania logo, but there is a Wrestlemania Logo (kinda small to actually make out the text) on the bottom of the Bad Blood Page. Small Circle with 2 connected X's, and the words "The Celebration you can't miss" over it and "Sunday March 14th, 2004" on the bottom.



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Guest Super Pissed Smark
They talked about giving away forty percent of their "free cash flow" in a stock dividend of four cents per share. Of course, they also just bought back a large portion of stock from Viacom, so I guess those dividends comes right back to them.


Hah! So the McMahons aren't as stupid as one might believe. Looking at Yahoo, seems Vince and family own roughly 80% of the outstanding shares (probably not including the new ones purchased from Viacom), so they'll be getting a nice little raise (and tax-free now) off of this even as their core business continues to decline. Smart.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Wow, they're only starting to address the house show issue NOW? (and they aren't even addressing it)

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Guest INXS

Does this mean Goldberg will confront Linda over this and try to kick her ass like Triple H and Jericho?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Net revenues from continuing operations were $105.9 million as compared to $131.6 million in the prior year quarter. Operating income from continuing operations for the quarter was $11.8 million versus $27.0 million in the prior year quarter. Income from continuing operations was $6.3 million, or $0.09 per common share, as compared to $18.4 million, or $0.25 per common share, in the prior year quarter.


EBITDA of $15.6 million in the current quarter was in line with management's outlook provided in February 2003. Included in the $15.6 million was $2.3 million of cost related to legal settlements. EBITDA in the prior year quarter was $31.4 million.


In February 2003, the Company closed the restaurant operations of its entertainment complex, The World, and in April 2003 closed the retail operation. As a result, the operations of The World as well as the estimated costs to shut down this business have been reflected in discontinued operations. The Company recorded an after-tax charge of $8.9 million in the fourth quarter related to the estimated costs to shut down this facility. This amount includes, in addition to other costs, rental payments required under the lease, net of management's current estimate of potential sub-rental income. This lease expires on October 31, 2017. Loss from





discontinued operations was $10.4 million, or $0.15 per common share, as compared to $2.4 million, or $0.03 per common share, in the prior year quarter.

After the impact of discontinued operations, the Company reported a net loss in the quarter of $4.1 million or $0.06 per common share as compared to net income of $16.0 million or $0.22 per common share in the prior year quarter.


"In fiscal year 2003, we took a bold move by working to create two distinct television brands - Raw and SmackDown! - with their own storylines and talent. This allowed us to create two touring companies, increase our live events globally and clear the way for us to increase our share of the entertainment business," said Linda McMahon, WWE CEO.


"The results for fiscal year 2003 were partially a reflection of the transition from who we were to who we intend to be, compounded by a weak economy and the abundance of reality-based programming which we believe has drawn away some of our audience. We believe that this strategy makes sense and is beginning to take hold. Our business outside of North America has increased significantly. Like anything worth undertaking, our strategy needs time to be put into effect. We are committed in fiscal year 2004 to display that positive feeling through improved financial performance," concluded Mrs. McMahon.




NET REVENUES for the quarter were $105.9 million versus $131.6 million in the prior year quarter.




Revenues from our Live and Televised businesses were $85.9 million as compared to $105.0 million in the prior year quarter.


- LIVE EVENT REVENUES were $19.0 million as compared to $27.9 million in the fourth quarter of last year.


- There were 74 events, including 5 international events, during the quarter as compared to 78 events, including 3 international events, during the same period last year.


- The average attendance at our events was approximately 6,600 as compared to approximately 8,900 in the prior year quarter.


- The average ticket price decreased $0.53 to $37.37 for the quarter.


- PAY-PER-VIEW REVENUES were $31.8 million versus $40.6 million in the prior year quarter.


- Total domestic pay-per-view buys for the quarter were 1.8 million as compared to 2.4 million in the prior year quarter.





- Buys for each of the three pay-per-view programs that aired in the quarter were lower than those recorded in the prior year quarter.

- The decline in buys was partially offset by a 17% increase in the retail price of our domestic pay-per-views from $29.95 to $34.95 effective April 2002.


- TELEVISION RIGHTS FEES REVENUES increased $1.4 million to $15.6 million due primarily to increased international rights fees.


- TELEVISION ADVERTISING REVENUES were $19.0 million as compared to $21.9 million in the prior year quarter. This decline was principally due to the impact of lower television ratings and a decrease in sponsorship revenues. Average household ratings for the quarter for our Raw program, according to Nielsen Media Research, was 3.8 as compared to 4.7 for the prior year quarter. Average household ratings for the quarter for our SmackDown! program, according to Nielsen Media Research, was 3.2 as compared to 3.9 for the prior year quarter.




Revenues from our Branded Merchandise businesses were $20.0 million versus $26.6 million in the prior year quarter.


- LICENSING REVENUES decreased $1.3 million to $5.0 million due to a decrease in toy sales.


- MERCHANDISE REVENUES were $5.8 million as compared to $8.8 million in the prior year quarter due to a 50% decrease in revenues from WWEShopzone.com and catalog sales and a 27% reduction in revenues derived at our live events, which was due to lower attendance in the quarter.


- PUBLISHING REVENUES decreased $1.1 million to $4.2 million due to a decrease in net newsstand units sold, which was due in part to the issuance of one less special magazine in the quarter as compared to the prior year quarter.


- HOME VIDEO REVENUES decreased $1.9 million to $3.1 million in the quarter.


- 0.2 million units sold in the quarter as compared to 0.6 million units sold in the prior year quarter.






Profit contribution for the quarter was $44.1 million as compared to $58.1 million in the prior year quarter. Total profit contribution margin was 42% as compared to 44% in the prior year quarter.


The profit contribution margin for the Live and Televised businesses was approximately 41% versus 44% in the fourth quarter last year reflecting in part the fixed nature of TV production costs.


The profit contribution margin for the Branded Merchandise businesses remained flat at 46%.




SG&A expenses for the quarter were $28.5 million as compared to $26.7 million in the prior year quarter. Excluding the $2.3 million of cost related to legal settlements, SG&A expenses were relatively flat year over year. Reflected in the quarter was a reduction in advertising and promotion expenses and incentive compensation offset by an increase in bad debt reserves related to a pay-per-view service and a cable system that distribute our pay-per-view events.




Interest income and other, net decreased by $1.9 million to ($0.3) million due primarily to a higher overall rate of return earned on investments in the prior year quarter.




Net revenues from continuing operations were $374.3 million as compared to $409.6 million in the prior year. Operating income from continuing operations for the current year was $27.0 million versus $50.0 million last year. Income from continuing operations was $16.4 million, or $0.23 per common share as compared to $42.5 million, or $0.58 per common share last year.


EBITDA was $37.6 million in the current year as compared to $60.2 million in the prior year. Included in the $37.6 million were $6.1 million of net costs related to legal settlements and a $0.7 million charge related to the early termination of a lease for office space.


Loss from discontinued operations related to the shut down of The World was $35.6 million or $0.50 per common share in fiscal year 2003. Included in this amount was an impairment charge of $32.9 million ($20.4 million, after-tax) and an $8.9 million after-tax charge for estimated costs to shut down the facility. Loss from discontinued operations was $0.3 million, or $0.00 loss per common share in the prior year. Included in the prior year results was a $4.6 million favorable adjustment related to the discontinuance of the XFL.


Net loss for the year was $19.2 million or $0.27 per common share, as compared to net income of $42.2 million, or $0.58 per common share in the prior year.






Total revenues for the Live and Televised businesses were $295.4 million as compared to $323.4 million last year.


- LIVE EVENT REVENUES were $72.2 million as compared to $74.1 million last year.


- There were 327 events, including 19 international events in the current year. This compares to 237 events last year, including 5 international events.


- The average attendance at our events was approximately 5,600 as compared to approximately 8,600 in the prior year.


- The average ticket price increased approximately 9% to $38.82.


- PAY-PER-VIEW REVENUES were $91.1 million as compared to $112.0 million in the prior year.


- Total domestic pay-per-view buys were 5.4 million as compared to 7.1 million in the prior year. Effective April 2002, the retail price of our pay-per-view increased from $29.95 to $34.95.


- TELEVISION RIGHTS FEES REVENUES increased 10% to $58.5 million due to an increased number of television specials that aired in the year coupled with increased international rights fees.


- TELEVISION ADVERTISING REVENUES were $72.9 million as compared to $83.6 million last year. This decrease was principally due to the impact of lower television ratings and decreased sponsorship revenues in the current year. Average household ratings for the year for our Raw program, according to Nielsen Media Research, was 3.7 as compared to 4.6 for the prior year. Average household ratings for the year for our SmackDown! program, according to Nielsen Media Research, was 3.4 as compared to 4.0 for the prior year.




Total revenues for our Branded Merchandise businesses were $78.9 million as compared to $86.2 million last year.


- LICENSING REVENUES were $21.8 million as compared to $24.4 million in the prior year, the decrease due principally to lower toy sales.


- MERCHANDISE REVENUES were $22.4 million as compared to $26.2 million in the prior year, the decrease due primarily to declines in WWEShopzone.com and catalog sales.





- PUBLISHING REVENUES were $15.2 million as compared to $16.3 million in the prior year, the decrease due primarily to lower net newsstand and subscription units sold.

- HOME VIDEO REVENUES were relatively flat at approximately $13.8 million.




Total profit contribution for the current year was $137.0 million as compared to $158.5 million in the prior year. Total profit contribution margin decreased to 37% from 39%.


The profit contribution margin for the Live and Televised businesses was approximately 36% versus 40% in the prior year primarily reflecting the impact of the William Morris Agency, Inc. settlement, the fixed nature of our television production costs and the decline in pay-per-view revenues in the current year.


The profit contribution margin for the Branded Merchandise businesses was 41% versus 34% in the prior year due to the absence of NHRA expenses and lower expenses associated with maintaining our web site in the current year and higher inventory write-offs in the Home Video category in the prior year.




SG&A expenses increased by $1.0 million to $99.3 million in the current year. Included in SG&A for the current year was a $3.8 million offer to settle a legal dispute and $1.1 million of net unfavorable litigation settlements. Excluding these items, SG&A expenses decreased by 4%, due primarily to lower staff related costs and advertising and promotion expenses as well as the absence of costs in the current year associated with our former hotel and casino. The decrease was partially offset by an increase in bad debt reserves related to a pay-per-view service and a cable system that distribute our pay-per-view events.




Interest income and other, net decreased by $17.1 million to $0.3 million. Included in the prior year was $9.3 million related to the exercise and sale of certain warrants from our licensees as well as the revaluation of these warrants. In addition, interest income decreased by $8.5 million due primarily to a higher overall rate of return earned on our investments in the prior year.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The following represents certain key drivers that comprise the fiscal year 2004 outlook:



- Number of Events 320 - 330

- Average Attendance 5,000 - 5,600

- Average Ticket Price $37.00 - $39.00

- Pay-Per-View Buys 4,300,000 - 4,800,000

- Average Weekly Household TV Ratings:

- Raw 3.5 - 4.0

- SmackDown! 3.3 - 3.8

- Capital Expenditures $7.5 - $10.0 million

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Tenacious Z- Sucks really bad. Make him a manager or commentator or interviewer. Keep him the fuck out of the ring.

How does he suck? He is a guy with 1 leg that flies around the ring...




He can run circles around most of the roster....Yes, with 1 Leg.

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Linda also said that Vince McMahon would be appearing at some live events this summer, as a special attraction.

I didn't think it was possible, but Linda FINALLY figured out how to get back the fans' attention. That's right ! More Vince McMahon ! Imagine some of the future discussions.


Mike: Hey Chris, there's a WWE House Show in town tonight. Want to go ?

Chris: No man, that's not cool before. I haven't liked that stuff in years !

Mike: But the guy on the commercial said Vince McMahon would make an appearance there.

Chris: Vince McMahon ?! Mike, get me my nWo shirt ! Finally, it's a good time to watch wrestling again !!

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Guest the 1inch punch
Tenacious Z- Sucks really bad. Make him a manager or commentator or interviewer. Keep him the fuck out of the ring.

How does he suck? He is a guy with 1 leg that flies around the ring...




He can run circles around most of the roster....Yes, with 1 Leg.

I dont want to see him in the WWE in the first place

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Guest Nanks

The only part I don't like about the Steve Austin biography is that it's a biography not an autobiography, or at least a ghost written one. This could have all sorts of WWE spin all over it.

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Guest wrestlingbs
1) She said they want to work on having simultaneous merchandise releases around the world, so that when a character appears on television in a country, their merchandise is readily available. She said that right now there is a lag time in getting merchandise to some markets.


2) The Steve Austin biography will be available in time for Christmas this year.


3)WWE took an 8.9 million dollar hit due to the shutdown of the World in New York.


4)- A question was asked regarding when WWE will get their creative house in order. The caller asked why WWE is bringing in more "retreads" and turning into WCW. Linda asked if this was the same caller that asked the question last quarter, and the caller said he asks this question every quarter because he sees no movement in creative. Linda said that Bill Goldberg's run has been "disappointing". She stressed that they are bringing in new talent, pointing out the Basham Brothers and Linda Miles are being brought into Smackdown. She said they are working on the creative end, and pointed out last night's Smackdown had a dramatic ending. Linda also said that Vince McMahon would be appearing at some live events this summer, as a special attraction. Before the caller could follow-up, they had him disconnected, and never addressed his question regarding the creative problems in the company.


5)- They blamed the war in Iraq for lower PPV buys.


6)- Linda said that WWE is looking to continue Tough Enough, saying that it was the one WWE series that had a larger female than male viewership.


7)- Linda put over La Resistance, Linda Miles, John Cena, Spanky, and the FBI. She praised Zach Gowen, saying he would be interviewed by ESPN, and that he is an incredible athlete.


8)- WWE are planning more international tours for next year, 31 tours in the planning stages (although not confirmed) at this point.


9)- They are continuing to work on an animated series. Their film department, WWE Films, is working on a feature film starring Steve Austin, which will most likely go direct to video/DVD/cable.

Here's what I think:


1) Now, you see, this is a prblem. If the characters were stable and the WWE storylines were longer, I could see this. But they change characters every week. Why make nWo or Un-American shirts when hey disappear so fast.


2) Aside from Foley, the WWE has rarely been sucessful with books.


3) God, The World was just a money hole or the WWE, wasn't it.


4) I always love these guys, because as much as the WWE hates internet fans, they loathe stockholders who actually watch the shows. Poor Goldberg. While he has been disappointing, you know the WWE management isn't so king to people made outside of the company.


5) Bullshit. I didn't buy the past two PPVs because of the war, but because I thought that they were going to suck, which to the best of my knowledge they did.


6) Tough Enough is dead. Mtv wants nothing to do with the WWE right now. And I don't think it would be as good.


7) Zach hasn't even wrestled yet in the WWE, or even given a large promo. I'm not saying that Zach is bad, but why don't WWE officials praise people like Matt Hardy for exceeding expectations?


8) and 9) These ideas are actually interesting. The WWE could benefit from the overseas market.

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Guest Vyce
They are continuing to work on an animated series. Their film department, WWE Films, is working on a feature film starring Steve Austin, which will most likely go direct to video/DVD/cable.


Is anyone else out there as interested as I am with a Steve Austin movie?


Maybe not.


I do think this is a good idea, though. Hell, Hogan & Piper made a nice chunk of change doing straight-to-video B-movies. Why not Austin? He could make a dozen films alone playing the redneck cop type of character that he did on Nash Bridges.


I remember Foley gave an interview once and said that he had been offered a film role to do a buddy pic with - who else? - Al Snow. But he turned it down. Why? I don't think anyone would expect these flicks to be good, but they could wind up being good cable TV fodder.

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