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Rob E Dangerously

Triple H v. Kevin Nash!

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This contest is a cage-no-DQ-no-countout-no-time-limit-Hell in the Cell match scheduled for one fall with managers banned from ringside.


Introducing first...

Hailing from Phoenix, Arizona...

Weighing in at 325 pounds...


"The Hardest Working Man in Wrestling, Big Sexy" Kevin Nash


His opponent...

Hailing from Greewich, Connecticut...

Weighing in at 279 pounds...


"The Game" Triple H


They lock up.

Triple H executes a forearm smash on Kevin Nash.

Triple H hits a clothesline on Kevin Nash.

Triple H nails Kevin Nash with a back suplex.

Triple H uses an inverted atomic drop on Kevin Nash.

Triple H is eliciting a sizable round of boos.

Triple H runs into the ropes.

Triple H hits Kevin Nash with a kick.

Triple H runs into the ropes.

Kevin Nash misses with a kick.

Triple H hits a clothesline on Kevin Nash.

Triple H is going for the pin.

Mick Foley counts: One, two, kickout.

Triple H goes for a kick to the midsection, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash runs into the ropes.

Triple H takes Kevin Nash down with a kick to the midsection.

Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Kevin Nash counters it with a backdrop.

Triple H is knocked to the floor and out the door.

The crowd is giving Kevin Nash a standing ovation.

Kevin Nash meets Triple H on the ramp.

Kevin Nash nails Triple H with a kneelift.

Kevin Nash hits Triple H.

The crowd erupts.

Kevin Nash kicks Triple H.

The crowd is giving Kevin Nash a standing ovation.

Kevin Nash takes Triple H down with a bodyslam.

Kevin Nash hits Triple H with a backbreaker.

Kevin Nash flips the hair out of his eyes.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash executes a vertical suplex on Triple H.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash gives him a slap, but Triple H doesn't budge.

Triple H climbs up the side of the cage.

Triple H hits Kevin Nash with a shoulderblock.

Triple H nails Kevin Nash with a forearm smash.

Triple H goes for a kneelift, but Kevin Nash side-steps and Triple H

only hits air.

Triple H knocks himself senseless with his own knee.

Kevin Nash hits Triple H with a kick to the midsection.

Kevin Nash goes for the Jackknife Power Bomb, but Triple H counters it with

a backdrop.

Triple H climbs to the top of the cage.

Kevin Nash follows him up.

Triple H looks around aimlessly as Nash takes 3 minutes to get up the cage.

Triple H nails Kevin Nash with a dropkick.

Kevin Nash clutches his knees in pain.

Kevin Nash throws Triple H off the top of the cage.

Triple H gets up, dusts himself off and climbs back up the cage.

Triple H comes back and rocks Kevin Nash with a kick to the midsection.

Triple H executes a powerslam on Kevin Nash.

Mick Foley counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Mick Foley is still in the ring and not up there.

Triple H goes for a piledriver, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash nails Triple H with a vertical suplex.

Kevin Nash executes a fist to the midsection on Triple H.

Triple H goes for a bodyslam, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Mick Foley gets on top of the cage with Nash and Triple H.

Kevin Nash hits Triple H with a fist to the midsection.

Kevin Nash hits Triple H.

The crowd erupts.

Triple H chops Kevin Nash.

Triple H chops Kevin Nash.

A fan at ringside badmouths Triple H.

Triple H kicks Kevin Nash.

Triple H is eliciting a sizable round of boos.

Triple H goes for a dropkick, but Kevin Nash side-steps and Triple H hits Mick Foley.

Mick Foley takes the Nestea Plunge off the cage.

Kevin Nash goes for a side suplex, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H rams him into the top of the cage face first.

Kevin Nash smashes the cage and falls through the cage into the ring.

Triple H attempts to place Kevin Nash on the turnbuckle, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Mick Foley hasn't moved since hitting his head on the floor.

Triple H places Kevin Nash on the turnbuckle.

Triple H nails Kevin Nash with a superplex.

The ring explodes, bringing the cage down, the ringposts down and setting several fires.

Triple H further incites the crowd.

Triple H chops Kevin Nash.

Triple H is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

Ric Flair runs down to the ring and hits Kevin Nash with the title belt.

Kevin Nash no-sells.

Kevin Nash hits Triple H.

Triple H hits Kevin Nash.

Triple H further incites the crowd.

Kevin Nash hits Triple H.

The crowd is giving Kevin Nash a standing ovation.

Kevin Nash uses a slap on Triple H.

Kevin Nash nails Triple H with a kneelift.

Kevin Nash hits an elbowsmash on Triple H.

Kevin Nash hits him with the Steel Chair.

Kevin Nash executes the Jackknife Powerbomb on Triple H.

Mick Foley is revived by CPR and thrown into the ring.

Mick Foley counts: One, two, KICKOUT.

Triple H executes a hiptoss on Kevin Nash.

Triple H hits Kevin Nash with a back suplex.

Shawn Michaels runs into the ring.

Shawn Michaels executes the Superkick on Triple H.

Mick Foley counts: One, two, Kickout!

Shawn Michaels trips over the fallen ropes and hits his head on the floor.

Triple H uses a back suplex on Kevin Nash.

Rob Van Dam runs down to the ring.

Rob Van Dam attempts the Five Star Frog Splash, but he falls down since the ring posts are all broken and on fire.

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Kevin Nash.

Triple H further incites the crowd.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Mick Foley counts: One....................

Triple H further incites the crowd.


Triple H further incites the crowd.


Triple H further incites the crowd.


The winner is Triple H. Time of match: 0:05:39


Hell in the Cell No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Cage Match with Managers Banned From Ringside with Special Referee Mick Foley:

Triple H pinned Kevin Nash with the Pedigree in 0:05:39.

Rating: *

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Ahh, yeah. That would be OK, if you took out Kevin Nash and Triple H.

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This is how I would book it:


Tie-up, Nash pushes Triple H into the corner and bails outside to the ring.

Nash comes out to face Triple H, but gets whipped into the stairs.

They go back in the ring and an early pin attempt from Triple H gets a two count from Foley.

Triple H looks up at Foley with suspicion.

Nash is still grounded so Triple H works the leg.

Nash eventually kicks Triple H off, but falls to the ground upon getting up and Triple H applies the figure-of-four.

Nash gets to the ropes and mounts a come-back.

He whips Triple H against the ropes, misses the boot and Triple H comes back with the chop-block.

Triple H applies a leg-lock, but when Nash gets to the ropes, Triple H refuses to let go and Foley kicks him off.

Triple H squares up to Foley and Nash gets to his feet.

Nash gets up, turns Triple H around and nails the sidewalk slam.

Foley gets down for a two count.

Nash stumbles across the ring and clotheslines Triple H over the top.

Foley talks to Nash and Triple H finds the hammer under the ring and nails Nash with it when he turns around.

Nash blades and Triple H nails Nash with the hammer on to the leg.

Foley gets in Triple H's way and he gets the hammer too.

Triple H takes the steps and drops them on Nash's legs.

Foley is still down.

Triple H drags Nash into the ring and throws a chair in to.

Triple H low blows Nash and pedigrees him on the chair, but Foley is still down on the outside.

Flair comes down to ringside with Earl Hebner, but a bloody Nash kicks out.

Flair is pissed at Hebner and puts him in the figure-of-four. Foley comes back in the ring, breaks up the hold and kicks Flair out.

Meanwhile Nash nails Triple out of no-where with the powerbom, but falls at the last minute due to the injured leg.

Foley turns around, but the weak powerbomb only gets a two count.

Nash is angry and goes for another powerbomb, but Triple H backdrops him and clotheslines him over the top.

Triple H finds the slegehammer and goes after Foley again, but Foley nails him with the double-arm DDT on the outside.

Nash tears off the cell door and looks up to the top of the cell.

Nash scales the cage slowly with Triple H and Foley chewing each other out to distract the crowd.

When Triple H looks up he sees Nash on the top of the cell.

Triple H has no choice but to follow Nash up to the top and he gets there on top.

Foley looks up, but doesn't fancy the climb.

Nash and Triple H battle on the cell and Nash nails the big-boot.

Triple H is down and the cell sags dangerously.

Nash signals for the powerbomb and lifts Triple H into the air, certain to bring him down with a force that would break the cell, but Triple H, unbeknownst to Nash has torn off part of the cell and nails Nash square in the head with it. Nash blades again.

Foley decides to climb the cell, and Triple H goes for the cover, but Foley says that he has to win in the ring.

Triple H gets pissed and attempts to toss him off the side of the cell. Triple H low blows Foley and pedigrees him on the cell, which doesn't give way.

All men are physically spent and Shawn Michaels's music hits.

HBK climbs the cell with ease, rolls Foley to safety on the cell and Triple H gets angry at this.

Triple H goes to throw Michaels off the cell, but as Nash recovers and goes over to meet the two men, HBK turns on Nash and nails him with the superkick.

HBK tears off his shirt, revealing a referee shirt and counts the three.

Triple H retains the title and a bloody Nash is left a top the cell, unconcious.

Foley wakes up and realizes what has just happened. He asks HBK why he has done what he has and HBK punches Foley and throws him off the cell.

HBK and Triple H climb down the cell, where they are met by Flair and Orton and the four celebrate.


Carnage is around the cell as a bleeding Nash is still on the cell, his leg damaged and Foley is lying on the broken Spanish Announce Table.

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