KTID 0 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 From Online Onslaught.com: *** I. Championships and Eligibility A. World Heavyweight Championship 1. This title shall be held exclusively by Hunter Hearst Helmsley. 2. Exceptions to rule IA1 shall be made under the following circumstances: a) longtime friends of Hunter Hearst Helmsley, b) any person designated as a member of the Clique, or c) the death of Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Title reigns falling under these provisions shall not exceed one (1) month. Injuries incurred on Helmsley's part shall not result in loss of the title. 3. This title shall be defended at least once per month, against any of the following opponents: a) longtime friends of Hunter Hearst Helmsley, b) any wrestler who qualifies for the cruiserweight division, or c) an upper midcarder with great popularity, such as Booker T. Matches against this type of opponent shall end either in a disqualification, no contest, or a Helmsley win via interference or cheating. B. WWE Championship 1. This title may be held by any of the following competitors: a) Brock Lesnar b) Kurt Angle One(1)-month title reigns shall be allowed to the Big Show for variation in the title picture. 2. Any challengers for this title may not win. C. Intercontinental, U.S., Tag Team, and Cruiserweight Championships 1. These titles shall be allowed brief moments of perceived importance or popularity. 2. At all other times, these titles shall remain meaningless. D. Women's Championship The Women's Title shall always remain meaningless. II. Babyfaces and Heels A. Babyfaces 1. Babyfaces shall not be allowed a) to cheat, unless the babyface is either first provoked by a heel or is named Eddie Guerrero b) to cleanly defeat Triple H. Clean wins over Triple H may only occur in 1) a tag team match, or 2) a non-title match. Exceptions shall be made in circumstances outlined in rules IA3(a), IA3(b), and IA3©. B. Heels 1. Heels shall be allowed to cheat under any circumstances, be it by trickery or through the use of foreign objects. Such objects include, but are not limited to: a) sledgehammers b) steel chairs c) title belts d) trash cans and lids e) 2x4s f) barbed wire g) a combination of (e) and (f) h) forklifts i) zambonis j) steel pipes k) coffee l) fire extinguishers m) street signs n) the ring bell o) brass knuckles p) beer cans or bottles q) tables r) ladders s) prosthetic limbs, or t) bibles. 2. Though it is not a requirement, female heels are encouraged to look as ugly as possible. III. Individual Wrestlers: Requirements and Regulations A. Ric Flair Ric Flair is required to bleed in all confrontations, be it a match, ringside scuffle, or backstage fight. The amount of blood shed shall directly relate to the intensity of the feud. B. Rob Van Dam Rob Van Dam may not participate in an interview/promo without first smoking a significant amount of marijuana. C. Divas All divas, except those falling under the "ugly clause" outlined in rule IIB2, may not wear outfits covering more than thirty-five (35) percent of their bodies. D. Kevin Nash 1. Kevin Nash shall not be allowed on television before first deep-conditioning his hair. 2. Nash may not approach the ring at any pace faster than that of a leisurely stroll. E. Chris Jericho Chris Jericho shall not, under any circumstances, cleanly win a wrestling match. F. Hulk Hogan/Mr. America Hulk Hogan/Mr. America shall not include any phrases in his promos or interviews that were not introduced at least fifteen (15) years ago. New catchphrases and/or wrestling moves are strictly forbidden. Omission of the word "brother" is not allowed. G. Chris Benoit Chris Benoit is required to: 1. display technical mastery in the ring, and 2. never hold a major singles title. H. Eddie Guerrero See "Chris Benoit." I. Vince McMahon In the event that Mr. McMahon should develop a "great idea for a storyline," the past build-up of any wrestler's character and/or gimmick shall become null and void. J. Brock Lesnar Brock Lesnar is allowed to exhibit two (2) facial expressions: 1. "intense stare," and 2. "happy grin." Any other personality traits are strictly forbidden. K. Bill Goldberg See "Brock Lesnar," with omission of stipulation IIIJ2. L. Jerry Lawler Jerry Lawler shall not be allowed to watch a women's wrestling match without the inclusion of the word "puppies." Repeated use is encouraged. IV. Internet Wrestling Columnists Internet wrestling columnists shall be allowed to exhibit the following traits in their work: A. Fanaticism for Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, John Cena, and the cruiserweight division. B. Cynicism. C. Negativity. D. Hatred for Triple H. E. Hatred for any McMahon whose first name is not Shane. F. Overblown egos. G. Advocacy for retiring any wrestler over the age of thirty-five (35), except those listed in rule IVA. H. Hatred of columnists on other wrestling sites. I. References to the author's personal life. J. Inane nicknames for the wrestlers. "Cripple H" and "Big Slow" are encouraged. K. Hatred for any episode of Raw or Smackdown! that does not contain "enough" wrestling, regardless of its entertainment value. Positivity, enjoyment of the WWE product, and "marking out" are strictly forbidden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 'IV. Internet Wrestling Columnists ' I always thought IWC stood for Internet Wrestling Community. Huh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ftwdevils2469 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 A4. The Champion and his Challenger for that Month must not be on TV any less then 20 Minutes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted June 14, 2003 RVDmark4:20 will make a post that attempts to be funny but fails. The WWE shall book on the whims of the McMahons and veteran stars alone. It will remain more fun to mock the WWE than to actually watch it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BifEverchad Report post Posted June 14, 2003 D. Kevin Nash 1. Kevin Nash shall not be allowed on television before first deep-conditioning his hair. 2. Nash may not approach the ring at any pace faster than that of a leisurely stroll. I laughed so hard when I read that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 You know for a minute, I thought someone had found a printed, kafaybe version of a WWE Rule Book... Silly me, I should have known better. ...OK, I was just thinking that from back at WrestleMania 15 (BRING WRESTLEMANIA BACK TO PHILLY, DAMNIT!) when Michaels mentioned that McMahon should have read the WWF Rule Book... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest INXS Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Positivity, enjoyment of the WWE product, and "marking out" are strictly forbidden. What if Nash re-tears their quad tomorrow night and I mark out? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Any TV match lasting more than three minutes has gone too long and will thus cause another three minute match to be cut short. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Section X A. Logic -Any storyline that is clearly logical and will surely create a buzz among internet fans is strictly forbidden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Section VI: "The Birthday Cake Rule" A. Any reward for accomplishment that is NOT a championship belt (including trophies and framed pictures) MUST be destroyed by a heel or a tag team that doesn't get along a) This rule does NOT apply to plaques, for some reason B. Any food that is brought to ringside (or into the ring iteslf) will never be used for eating, unless one wrestler forces it down his/her oppontent's throat. a) Birthday cakes (or any type of cake) must ALWAYS be shoved into a wrestler's face. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TonyJaymzV1 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 what about the Cactus Jack/ Abbdullah The Bucther incident? It was an interview where Cake was eaten but noone was shoved into it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 what about the Cactus Jack/ Abbdullah The Bucther incident? It was an interview where Cake was eaten but noone was shoved into it. Yes, but only Cactus could pull off actally EATING the cake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest undisputedjericho Report post Posted June 15, 2003 D2: Women's matches must always appear on a PPV card between the second most hyped match and main event, killing the crowd dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 M. Booker T. 1. Booker must not be in a match with out doing a Spinnerooni 2. Booker must never beat Triple H for the World Championship 3. Booker must never complete a promo without using the word 'Sucka' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Thou shall not criticize the writing team and especially Stephanie McMahon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 what about the Cactus Jack/ Abbdullah The Bucther incident? It was an interview where Cake was eaten but noone was shoved into it. That was WCW, so it doesn't apply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Thou shall not critisize any member of the writing team, even if you are a part of it* *Does not apply to S. McMahon, V. McMahon, B. Gerwitz, P. Levesque. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Under no circumstances may Tommy Dreamer become respectable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Under no circumstances may Chris Jericho be made to seem anywhere near the level of Goldberg, and under no circumstances may Goldberg sell ANYTHING Jericho does (yes, I am bitter). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest undisputedjericho Report post Posted June 15, 2003 There always must be some sort of "evil" authority figure who gets his in the end. (See McMahon, Vince; Owner; CEO; Commissioner; Chief of Staff; General Manager) Always makes tag matches as TV main events. Whenever there is a face authority figure, he always must book TV main events as tag matches also, and PPV matches that seemingly favor the face. (See Foley, Mick; Austin, Steve; McMahon, Linda) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Torrie Wilson will be required to be implied to be fucking 10 wrestlers per month, as opposed to the 300 she does in real life. Torrie always wins unless the odds are extremely overwhelming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest undisputedjericho Report post Posted June 15, 2003 As time goes by, Kane becomes less and less scarred. Everyone gets his name, likeness, or catchphrase on every piece of crap imaginable for Shopzone.com. (T, Booker: Stuffed dog) ALWAYS exploit something in everyway you can, for as long as you can, in as many ways as you can. (America, Mr; Angle, Kurt: Baldness of) Cheap heat is the best heat. Insult or praise local sports teams or local culture is an absolute must. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Championship contenders who are deemed unworthy by HHH shall be deported to Sunday Night Heat. JR and King shall never consistently call every match that is taking place during a broadcast. Instead they must put over storylines that have nothing to do with what we are ACTUALLY seeing in the ring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Torrie Wilson will be required to be implied to be fucking 10 wrestlers per month, as opposed to the 300 she does in real life. Torrie always wins unless the odds are extremely overwhelming. Bitter much? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest undisputedjericho Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Though shall kick dirt on WCW at every given opportunity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Home grown talent get about 5X more oppertunity than others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Anyone carrying a non US flag in the States will be considered an "Evil Foreigner." Wrestlers with any Asian descent will receive similar music and be announced from "Japan" (no city). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted June 15, 2003 To avoid confusion, all Samoan wrestlers must provide complete and accurate flowcharts that state their relation to other Samoan wrestlers (brother/cousin/uncle/father/etc.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted June 15, 2003 When in Canada, JR must always explain to the viewing public at home why the "heels" are getting cheered and why people we're suppose to care about like Nash is getting booed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheAnvil Report post Posted June 15, 2003 G. Chris Benoit Chris Benoit is required to: 1. display technical mastery in the ring, and 2. never hold a major singles title. I guess if by MAJOR Singles Title you mean WWE Heavyweight Title, because in my book, the InterContinental Title is a MAJOR Singles title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites