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Guest wwF1587

Judgement Day Buyrate

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Guest wwF1587

Early estimates for the buy rate of WWE Judgment Day are between 400,000 and 500,000 buys. Backlash had similar early estimates, but came in lower, around 300,000 buys. If Judgment Day holds up in that range, it would be considered a success.


credit PWTorch.com


sorry if its been done.

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Guest wwF1587
This is SHOCKING~!


Nash/HHH in the ME, and the buyrates are LOW?????

i was just as dumbfounded as you are when i first read it too...

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Too bad that such low numbers will be considered a success if they hold up. Just shows ya how messed up things are over there.

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Guest the pinjockey

I am all for Nash/HHH MEs the rest of the year. Saves me 35 bucks a month.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

so..the buy rate possibly improved when everyone else said it was going to be in the toilet.


And for Bad Blood, I expect the Buyrate to be better. Since the "Austin salutes the troops" thing requires them to order the PPV, and then send in the rebate, they can count them as buys even though in a couple months they'll be out the $35 on all of those orders.

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