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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620


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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

I won't use the tags since it's quite obvious that this is a spoiler thread. I posted this in a thread , but I think it deserves it's own thread.


Triple H is set to leave tonight's HIAC match with the title so that WWE can have the stages ready for the planned Goldberg/HHH match at Summerslam.


On that note, and realize this is just from informal discussion, some backstage actually suggested that Kane make his heel turn during Bad Blood tonight (in a take off his original debut at Bad Blood) and actually get involved in the HIAC match, allowing Triple H to win and setting up a Kane/Nash feud (as WWE wanted to do last year before they got injured). This also seems to back up what was said in WWE Magazine about Kane possibly making a huge impact at Bad Blood. In any event, please do realize that the Kane interference was NOT part of the plan as of early this weekend, but has been brought up backstage and could happen.



Now like I said when I posted this earlier, WZ has never let me down when it comes to PPV spoilers. They have been 100% correct in the past.

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Guest Trivia247

Diesel vs Diesel II OMG think of the Buyrate...


then Maybe they can Rehire Hall and Big Titan to be their tag partners Razor and Razor II

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Guest Choken One

Didn't some one do the EXACT same angle in some sort of Fantasy booking?


Unless Kane Chokeslams Foley off the cell...I dont care...but at least it keeps the title off Nash...sure it says on HHH but he is the lesser of two evils.

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Guest Choken One
Diesel vs Diesel II OMG think of the Buyrate...


then Maybe they can Rehire Hall and Big Titan to be their tag partners Razor and Razor II

Or just get CHUCK PALUMBO...slap some chest hair on him and give him a shot of Jack...



No one will tell the difference...

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Guest Trivia247

heh Not even HHH's friends can pry the Title off him with Battery acid. Only one man can save the title before it Merges at a Bio chemical level to HHH's Shoulder.....and thats the Piece of Shit thats been Whining and complaining that he's not being used right...




and who will beat him without the use of a tazer this time???


Probably Nash again heh.



it never ends

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Guest Nunzio Cardozo

Kane and Kevin Nash in a match.


I think I died and went to heaven.


All they have to do is make it in an Elimination Chamber and I will be there.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Diesel vs Diesel II OMG think of the Buyrate...


then Maybe they can Rehire Hall and Big Titan to be their tag partners Razor and Razor II

The WWE will never be cool enough to pull that one off. But it would be great!

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Guest Steviekick
Diesel vs Diesel II OMG think of the Buyrate...


then Maybe they can Rehire Hall and Big Titan to be their tag partners Razor and Razor II

Or just get CHUCK PALUMBO...slap some chest hair on him and give him a shot of Jack...



No one will tell the difference...


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Guest Downhome

Kane's going to help HHH keep the title (after turning on RVD leading to their loosing the tag titles), and become his "enforcer" type deal, replacing Batista.


I love the idea personally, I'm all for this and I hope it happens!

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Guest bob_barron

Kane turning heel because he's a monster.


Nope- never seen that before.


How can you love something that has happened about 800 times before?

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Guest Downhome
Kane turning heel because he's a monster.


Nope- never seen that before.


How can you love something that has happened about 800 times before?

Well technically, almost everything is something we've seen many times before. Besides, Kane is at his best (in my eyes) when he is the monster hell. He needs SOMETHING to do, and there is no way he is going to be released or anything like that anytime soon, so they might as well go back to what has worked in the past.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

This is bullshit.


http://www.wrestlezone.com/articles/57705489.php (popup alert!)


Matthew Boone is the king of the bullshit write-up, and he's got a few friends which do it too. Over many newsboards you can find his posts speculating that so and so has signed a contract or whatever. Usually at the bottom there's a link that says something like "***STEPHANIE NAKED*** BREAKING NEWS Hulk Hogan sent to hospital for heart failure! CLICK HERE ---_>>>>>"


Basically, he gives IWC news sites a bad name and gives JR a reason to bitch and bemoan the IWC as a giant rumor mill.

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Guest Choken One

Wouldn't interfering in the Flair/HBK make equal sense? Ya know...sure the sides change a little thou...this time he attacks SHAWN!

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Guest Kingpk

Actually, now that you mention that JOTW, it does seem like that "it's not set in stone, but don't be surprised if it happens" bit at the end looks like a "covering my ass" statement.


Oh, and the *Exclusive* pictures of Kane's "heel mask" kind of hurts the credibility.

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Guest Choken One

Nah...HHH promised all the tortured racoons you can shake a tail at for Kane...

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This is bullshit.


http://www.wrestlezone.com/articles/57705489.php (popup alert!)


Matthew Boone is the king of the bullshit write-up, and he's got a few friends which do it too. Over many newsboards you can find his posts speculating that so and so has signed a contract or whatever. Usually at the bottom there's a link that says something like "***STEPHANIE NAKED*** BREAKING NEWS Hulk Hogan sent to hospital for heart failure! CLICK HERE ---_>>>>>"


Basically, he gives IWC news sites a bad name and gives JR a reason to bitch and bemoan the IWC as a giant rumor mill.

Yes I'd really prefer people stop posting shit from them or any other site they are associated with. Everything he and Ryan Clarke post is either complete bullshit or plagiarism.

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Guest wwF1587
So no hard feelings over the Katie Vick thing?

this is why i rather have kane the monster than the enforcer of hhh.... if someone called me a murderer and then said i humped dead people, id be pretty upset....

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Guest Choken One
So no hard feelings over the Katie Vick thing?

this is why i rather have kane the monster than the enforcer of hhh.... if someone called me a murderer and then said i humped dead people, id be pretty upset....

Acuseing someone of Murder and Necrophila isn't ANYTHING compared to SPILLING COFFEE ya know...

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Guest NoCalMike

not to add to this or anything, but if Kane did indeed turn heel tonight, wouldn't that mean it would start during the tag match by screwing over RVD? So then when Kane would come out to interfere, would RVD not try to attack Kane for some redemption? Oh man, my head hurts.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Kane: You know, someone who tries to frame me for murder, ruin my life and reputation, and bury me down the card is someone I want on my team.

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Kane: You know, someone who tries to frame me for murder, ruin my life and reputation, and bury me down the card is someone I want on my team.

It worked with Austin trying to explain why he sided with trip the first time.

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Guest jester

The only way I could see HHH losing the belt tonight is if they were going to hotshot it to someone else on Raw.


That would bury Nash good and deep though, which I don't think would happen.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It suuuuure did!


JR: Bah Gawd, Kane and HHH! TOGETHER AT LAST! The Two Man Power Blip is here to destroy us aaaaalll!

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